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Tenant Trouble
Originally posted by DTisme

I think Mr. Nice Guy's offer was a very interesting solution. It'd make a great movie.

Reality TV! I bet a film crew would get these deadbeats out fast.
you're bound to get some jerks.

Make up a little scrapbook with news clippings of Big Island murders, missing people, and unsolved mysteries. Add comments in the margins insinuating they weren't accidents:

"Man Lost On Lava Flow" then add I bet I'd know where to start looking!
"Woman Washed Over Waterfall" with the notation, whenever I've been around when something like that happened, it looked like the person was pushed.

When a bad renter shows up, place this book prominently on the coffee table for them to... stumble upon. Then call to see how they're settling in and to offer a guided tour of unique, remote areas around the island. Tell them you know places no one else ever goes. Places they wouldn't want to visit without you, or they might not find their way back.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Or, "I know a great cliff area you can look down into the bay and count sharks. Wanna go with sometime?" Craaa Zeee!

Community begins with Aloha
This topic is getting hijacked. Cut it out.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
" He said it worked every time. $500 cash in the hands of a deadbeat was attractive."

$500 is a bargain. A friend of mine had a tenant in Minnesota (similar rental laws to here) who not only refused to leave but filed a bunch of bogus lawsuits against him. She told him she wasn't going to leave unless the court cases were adjudicated on television (Judge Judy). While the courts were busy not doing their thing she was continuing to destroy his rental.

In the end he wrote her a check for $10k to get rid of her. After he cleaned up her mess and got the place repaired he immediately put it on the market and sold it at a break-even price so he'd never have to experience that hell again.

AK, this is what a friend said that she has done in similar situations. Assuming you have already given your eviction notification, send a 24 hour notice informing the now squatter, that you will be at the residence for property maintenance. Be detailed with the maintenance i.e. "I will be doing demolition on such and such wall so have all of your possessions removed from the room". Or, "I have plumbing maintenance under the kitchen sink (maybe bathroom as well) have everything removed from the Kitchen". Obviously you need to find work that you would like to do or should do and then leave such a mess in the room/rooms that they give up.

If plumbing needs to be done, for example, that could be days or weeks the water would need to be shut off. Use your imagination.

Bring over a work crew like relatives or friends like Mr. Nice Guy.
is there a way to write off a "payoff" expense like what has been mentioned ... on the taxes? ..Im curious.

Okay Google... Who are these people and why ain't they working?
All you need is a receipt.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
So what's up AKpilot? I also think, Mr.Niceguy's offer sounds like the best choice unless he charges more than $500
I assume that you have started with the official eviction process, then pay them to move.
I have heard of a disgruntled tenant who, as he left. took a chainsaw and punched it through the wall and walked around the house with it.
Tread carefully.

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