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Giant Centipede in the House
I doubt very much it has "no chemicals" but I'll give it a try.
I might have said this before here, but since I was told by a local, the mythology here is you get centipedes if you harbor jealousy. I love science & facts, however am willing to try anything. So after working on my "envy" issues, very few centipedes in my house. It did correspond to acquiring chickens though [:o)]
"The last time I killed a centipede inside it was about half that size and when I cut it in two, both pieces ran in different directions."

Cutting them in half is the worst thing you can do. Each half grows into a new, extra large centipede. They caught one up in Peepekeo 14 inches long.
They cut the 14" one in half and got two 16" ones. Then they cut those in half and got four 18" ones. Then... well you know where this is going.
Originally posted by PaulW

I doubt very much it has "no chemicals" but I'll give it a try.

Ecosmart contains a derivative of rosemary and it works for only a limited amount of time as do all herbal type insect repellents such as citronella for mosquitos. They last maybe an hour as opposed to Raid lasting a few days.
Lots of great info on this thread. Mahalo to all, very interesting info with several options. I bought giant sticky traps today, and diatomaceous earth. And I also have some spray, if needed. But alas, so far, the huge guy is nowhere to be seen. Hopefully it slithered back outside from where it came, as someone suggested. That may be utterly optimistic. We shall see and hopefully, no bites! Thanks again everyone.
kalakoa: uh, yes? That would be, uh, the point?

Lots of essential oil products are sold for killing or repelling bedbugs that have no effect whatsoever, so yes it has to be asked.
"Cutting them in half is the worst thing you can do. Each half grows into a new, extra large centipede."

Either you're joking or you weren't paying attention in science class.
I'll leave it up to you to guess which.
Chickens are probably the best animal alive for killing centipedes. They don't look it, but chickens are actually ferocious fighters. This is because they subscribe to the Iron Cock style of martial arts. You can see it here

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile

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