07-25-2019, 06:15 PM
Target in store will also match the online price if it's lower, if you show it to the cashier.
Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP
Hilo Target Obstacle course
07-25-2019, 06:15 PM
Target in store will also match the online price if it's lower, if you show it to the cashier.
Allen Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP
07-26-2019, 06:41 AM
Imes dogfood price went from 29.99 to 36$ in the last couple of months, but if you use online prices and price match, it’s still 29.00. Worth the time to sort through your shopping list and use your Target App when shopping, as much as it’s a pain (for me) to constantly have to go online when I shop.
After my last foray into Target, I think I’ll take Terricore’s route and use Shipt. I’m too old to push the darned cart hither and yon trying to navigate the box filled narrow isles while looking for things that have been moved who knows where. Correcting punctuation again..
07-26-2019, 07:45 AM
I went in there the other day, it was all pretty confusing. I will wait a few months before I return again.
07-27-2019, 12:32 PM
Its called “merchandising” and if you want help, ask the person who is helping somebody after the person who is helping somebody helps somebody else while you wonder if it is easier ordering stuff online.
Everybody loves the idea of farming until they realize they are being farmed.
07-29-2019, 04:45 PM
The description reminds me of trying to navagate an Ikea. Perhaps this is the trend for all big box stores to design them like roach motels where hapless customers enter and never find what they want for and never leave.
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