09-25-2019, 05:20 AM
Hawaii Island criteria for speed humps
The current criteria used for approving speed hump installations include:
Residential local road;
Posted speed limit not exceeding 25 mph;
Overall street grade not exceeding 13%;
Average daily traffic (ADT) between 200 and 3,000 vehicles per day;
85th percentile speed over the posted speed limit;
Minimum 67% support of the adjacent property owners and 100% support of the property owners with a speed hump in front of their property;
Support of the installation by the HPD and HFD; and
Traffic study and design performed by the Department of Public Works.
The current criteria used for approving speed hump installations include:
Residential local road;
Posted speed limit not exceeding 25 mph;
Overall street grade not exceeding 13%;
Average daily traffic (ADT) between 200 and 3,000 vehicles per day;
85th percentile speed over the posted speed limit;
Minimum 67% support of the adjacent property owners and 100% support of the property owners with a speed hump in front of their property;
Support of the installation by the HPD and HFD; and
Traffic study and design performed by the Department of Public Works.