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CoronaVirus Humour
As always, opinions vary. I for one enjoy the Aussie humour and can hear some taboo words without getting my knickers in a knot. I even found this PSA has gotten the "flatten the curve" message through to some angsty teens especially a couple weeks back when everything was OMG FML.

Not sure about the political hit job angle, other than saying don't be like Murica, which as we now have the most cases world-wide seems like sound public health advice.

Anywho, here's the bloody legends behind the piece and the other work they've done over the last couple years to support open access and honest dialog. Can support if you like, or piss off if you don't. Wink
'Zounds!* George of course makes the point better than I. CoronaVirus related punch-line: PNEUMONIA! (NSFW - if we have any essential workers reading along)

Side B: (Parental Advisory: Explicit Content)

*Mild expletive, contraction for God's Wounds, which was verboten and censored even from Shakespeare's Othello. See Minced Oaths for other silliness around profane, blasphemous, or taboo language.
I found it very very funny, even with the lack of perspective, and ironyak’s attempt at not hijacking the thread. Wink good links!

Using “a lot of fu$king dead people” as a standard...

96,000,000 × 0.02 =
1,920,000 ÷ 340,000,000 =
0.00564705882 death rate in USA due to 19 (never mind those deaths from the depression or people ignored by the medical industry in favor of 19).

But I don’t understand math. And likely don’t care about deaths, only stats...such a scumbag I am.

Overall death rate in USA last year: 2,813,503

How many people do you know who died in the last 12 months? Double it for the next twelve months and you will likely be wrong, not only because the video uses worse case scenario, but because many of those who die in the coming year would have died anyway. (I know. I’m heartless.)

Sad, yes.

I have asked everyone I know (but not many since I am distancing) and my loved one has too, and she goes to work daily, how many people do you know who have died of the flu in your entire life? Nobody knows anyone (except my loved one who heard of a great uncle who died of the Spanish flu, probably, and that’s kinda cheating).

And keeping it on topic...


I guess as this is the humour thread, we should just laugh off ~2,000,000 deaths in the U.S (about ~40 million deaths world wide given the same percentages).

How about the 16 year old girl who died in France? Clearly, one of those who was going to die anyways, right? So funny!

How about the infant that just died in Illinois today? Hilarious!

Just wait till the real fallout from all this sets in - going to be one hell of a punchline (for those that can feel it).
My point is simply that just posting a link on PW with no description is not cool. I found the video unfunny and frankly quite obnoxious. Others may not, but at least warn your audience beforehand. I believe that's something Rob has requested before as well.

(To click or not to click that is the question,
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous f#cking profanity,
Or to take arms against a sea of Rickrolling,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep Wink

Looking at the link is like looking at the future, until you've tasted it, what do you really know? And then, of course, it's too late.

Too late...
Not that I disagree with the song's message, the song itself is definitely not my style! Wink
How about this song’s message?
SBH - How about this song’s message?

Ow, my freakin ears! Won't somebody please think of the children!!
My children sent that to me [Big Grin]

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