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What do we do?
In this instance... I'm saying he is a better driver when stoned, simply because of the fact that when he is not stoned.... he can't control his right foot which controls both the gas pedal and the brakes.

They make hand controls = safe sober driver.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
I was a police dispatcher in Nevada back in the 70’s and still like to keep up with what’s going on in my little corner of the world by having the scanner on 24/7. I hear many, many calls about impaired drivers every day. Most seem to be on 130 between Kea’au and Pahoa, and they sound like they are taken seriously and dispatched promptly. The patrol cars do actively look for the vehicles, talking back and forth about location, speed, sightings, etc. I rarely hear them actually locate the vehicle in question, however, and they are often pulled off for an “active domestic” or “burg in progress,” which seem to be pretty prevalent in this area as well. So, while I can’t speak for what happens if and when they do pull over the suspect vehicle, I know that they do pay attention when you call in a dangerous driver so I would call each and every time -- eventually somebody’s got to get caught and even one less inebriated driver (to whatever degree from whatever agent) benefits everyone else on the road. And, I don’t worry so much about the one in front of me as the one coming towards me -- that’s where my attention is when I’m on that highway. Just my two cents, for what that’s worth in today’s economy.

too soon old, too late smart
I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.
I would agree completely with the sentiment that you call 911 each and everytime you see obvious impaired driving, or even extremely dangerous driving. Don't call the police, call 911. There seems to be a difference here as 911 HAS to respond and the police do not. We were told this by the police themselves.

I will say that we had a situation a few months ago where we had a person who appeared to be a in "road rage" drving behind us on the highway between Ocean View and Kona. I say appeared to be in a road rage because he was tailing us so closely and dangerously around curves that we could see his very angry face in our rear view mirrors. I have no idea what was up this guy's butt...maybe we weren't driving enough over the speed limit for him. I have no idea, however I do know we felt the situation was very dangerous. We couldn't pull to the side to let him pass, and were unwilling to completely stop anywhere for fear of another "rock nut" situation. So my girlfriend called 911 and reported a dangerous driver behind us. She gave the mile marker on the highway and the guy's license plate number. Within a few miles we saw a police car parked in a wide spot on the road. He pulled behind our "tailer" and pulled the car over. We have no idea what transpired after that. The point I'm making is if you call 911, the police will respond if it's possible for them to do so.
oink, I checked it out and it was the "S" word.

"...what can we do to keep these stoner/drunks from taking someone's life....".

No worries though and good point, btw. Stoned or stoner, it's all context, I guess.

mgeary, I know it's counterintuitive, but the research does show that low to moderate level of the cannabis high do improve reflexes & motor coordination. Some impairment at high levels has been documented.

I try and just follow the research and keep an open mind.

Also, I know exactly what you mean in your post about the grief impaired drivers inflict on our society. Had a good friend who lost his entire family to a drunk driver. He survived, but paid a horrendous price for his encounter with the drunk, but at least he lived.

On a happier note:

Here's a long, but eye opening article by Robert Melamede.

I think this places the relationship between humans and cannabis in it's proper perspective. It ends with a letter to fellow stoner (Ooops, I used the "S" word!)**lol**, Nobel Prize Winner Karry Mullis.

Karry's book, "Dancing In The Mind Fields" is a fun and inspirational read!

Dr. Robert Melamede, Ph.D.

Dr. Robert J. Melamede Ph.D. Chairman of the Biology Department of the University of Colorado:
Conducting Scientific research on Cannabinoids
Phone: 719-262-3135
University of Colorado
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Room 232
PO Box 7150
Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7150

The Cannabinoid System has been around for over 600 million years. Before the Dinosaurs. The Cannabinoid System is continuously evolutioning and has been retained by all new species. Food and feeding is at the heart of the Cannabinoid System.

1. Cannabinoids are in every living animal on the planet above Hydra and Mollusks, with the exception of insects. Bodies are homeostatically maintained by the Cannabinoid System.

2. Mothers give their babies a booster shot of cannabinoids in mothers milk to give them the munchies because they have to learn to eat. (they've been fed thru the umbilical cord and did not have to know how to eat.)

3. Mice lacking the CB1 receptors don't like any changes. If they are moved to another part of the cage they act upset and when they are put back to the original spot in the cage they relax, but if then put into another part of the cage they get upset again. Comment: I wonder if people, especially drug warriors, had their CB1 receptors blocked then they would resist change and the ones of us that have unblocked CB1 receptors enjoy the benefits of cannabinoids are a lot more relaxed and not paranoid about or over change. Interesting thought. It turns out that that thought is absolutely correct. Many people' brains are not capable of a good connection to the CB1 CB2 receptors.

4. All new species utilize cannabinoids.

5. By being alive and breathing air our bodies produce "free radicals". Cannabinoids help to reverse this action.

6. Cannabinoids do kill brain cells, but the brain cells they kill are called "Glioma" or Cancer of the brain(Tumor). All other brain cells are protected and healed by cannabinoids. (Glioma cells cannot tolerate the action of cannabinoids)

7. Cannabinoids protect against sunburn and skin cancer because of the CB1 receptors in our skin.

8. Cannabinoids slow down the aging process. Mice that their brains respond to cannabinoids live longer and mice that have brains that block the CB1 receptors die younger.

9. Activity in the evolutionary advanced areas of the brain is increased in cannabinoids receptors and promotes higher consciousness levels.

10. Cannabinoids are even found in the white blood cells (CB2 receptors). The CB2 receptors are found predominantly on immunological cells and regulate the shift in the immune system to the anti-inflammatory mode.

11. Cannabinoids protect the heart against Arythmia.

12. The way it works on pain is there is specific nerves that deal with pain. They are called vanilloid-Receptors. Anandamide(sanscript word for "Blissful Amide"), the bodies internally produced marijuana binds with the nerve endings, reducing pain. Anandamides are produced internally by our bodies in response to a whole variety of conditions. As an example, Aspirin prevents the breakdown of Anandamide, the internally produced marijuana to activate & start working at easing pain. How many old lady's say they "WOULD NEVER" use marijuana & are actually using the equivalent of marijuana that their bodies produce as a natural activity, & don't even realize it. And how many politicians and citizens of the US do this also & aren't even aware they are condemning something that their bodies make naturally. Anecdotal evidence is valid because when a person smokes marijuana & it relieves their pain, then they smoke it again & it relieves their pain again it becomes a fact known only to that person, but nonetheless true.

13. In the case of most autoimmune diseases, the bodies immune cells produces free radicals & is destroying it's own body as a foreign object. Cannabis pushes the immune system into anti inflammatory mode & helps slow the progression of that disease, thereby slowing down the aging process.

14. Seizures are controlled by marijuana not only THC, but non-psychoactive cannabidiol.(CBD) The exact mechanism is not known, however HEMP is high in CBD's & can cancel out the psychoactive high of THC & at the same time benefits the user or smoker. Cannabinoids control everything in our bodies including our minds.

15. There are many other things that Cannabinoids do in the body, besides attaching to the CB1 and CB2 receptors, the main cannabinoid receptors in the higher part of our brain. Cannabinoids affect our skin and other parts of our bodies.

16. Pharmaceutical companies are working at sythesizing different cannabinoid components and different types of strains of marijuana. If they can succeed, then there will be more choices for you and I to choose from and we will be able to use what works best for our particular bodies.

17. The natural course for mankind, because of the location of our CB1 CB2 the brains main receptors, is to be more stoned.

18. Drug warriors are not doing what they are doing to us because they are intentionally evil, but because they are more primitive(obtuse comes to mind). They look at the world with fear and hostility not cooperativity and understanding.

19. According to a brain function study of 150 depressed people Cannabis protects the brain against healthy cell death and it also protects Neurons.

20. Cannabinoids dilate our brochial tubes and help asthsma sufferers to breath both in and out. Because of the balance that is maintained in our bodies for good health there are instances where it works backwards, where death is possible, if too much is smoked. This goes back to the effects of cannabinoids on individuals and if it doesn't work for you, you should not use it. There was some old studies that were done back in 1977 where "AEROSOLIZED THC" was used on patients. This is not what the government tells us when they say it's not medicine, but we are all familiar with the 7 government patients that are supplied marijuana to be used as medicine and we know the government is lying.

21. Natural pain eradication by cannabinol used by our receptors.

22. Cannabinoids control how we view the future. If you're loaded with bad experiences you're going to be fearful of the future. Lots of smoking of cannabinoids makes you want to be in the future. Lack of change vs embracing the future and changes. Conservative people might die prematurely, stressed, uptight and fearful (genocide). Open minded people and mice are able to change, whereas; people with defective receptors and knock-out mice (mice that have had their receptors removed) will keep going to the platform after it has been removed. They will be fearful of change.

23. Cannabinoids prevent and treat certain types of Cancer. Glioma (Brain Cancer) along with pheochromocytoma, skin cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, Lymphoma and Leukemia. Cannabinoids may prevent or cure cancer. Cannabinoids have a way of killing the bad cells and protecting the good ones.

24. Cannabis gives relief to Liver Disease & constant uncontrollable itching. Also, lack of sleep and depression and has been doing so for 600 million years.

25. THC in low doses relieves anxiety, while huge doses promote anxiety. (It's too strong like Marinol) Smoking marijuana relieves anxiety. Marijuana promotes sleeping better and normal persons when they are deprived of marijuana would have difficulty sleeping. (One other thing I'd like to add: When ingested, delta 9 THC, on the first pass thru the liver, changes into delta 11 THC. Five times as psychoactive and much longer lasting. I don't know how many people understand that. Ralph)

26. Cannabis protects nerve cells from dying thus protects against Altzheimers Disease.

27. Our bodies make up marijuana like compounds to make us hungry. (gives us the munchies) Then turn off those compounds & we don't have the munchies anymore when it has had enough food. The cannabinoid system first appeared 600 million years ago. Food & feeding is at the heart of evolution & the development of new species.

28. Head injuries cause the body to produce Endo-cannabinoids to protect itself as well as protecting the body against Nerve Gas. Marijuana turns on the bodies Protective Mode, because when you're hungry the body makes Cannabinoids to turn on your hunger. Cannabinoids turn on the expression of a Particular Gene (at the same time it prevents the expression of other Genes). How the Marijuana Receptors change the Integral Bio-Chemistry. Some of the Molecules that are involved or been studied in a Model Organism. There is a worm that people study alot. They have very simple Nervous Systems so you can define what exactly is going on. It turns out this one Particular Molecule regulates what is known as a Transcription Factor (It turns on the Expression of Genes.) It turns out that when you turn on the Expression of this Particular Gene of the Worm Model it actually promotes Mimicking a condition that actually Promotes Longevity of these worms. This Parallels what we've seen in mice. Because Marijuana exhibits Free Radicals so people who've been using Cannabis, Long Term, tend to Live Longer & Look Younger. Marijuana Promotes your Health by affecting your Nerve Cells, by Balancing your Immune System, by Reducing Fat Deposition in your Cardio-Vascular System. It looks as if it helps Burn the Synthesis of things like Cholesterol.

29. New research shows that the argument over outlawing cannabis because it "Causes Cancer" is no longer valid. There are Nicotine Receptors in your throat. There are no Cannabinoid Receptors in your throat. Cells have a Bio-chemical Program known as "APOPTOSIS". This Bio-chemical Program is activated when cells too damaged to repair themselves commit suicide. There is a Bio-chemical Pathway that controls that. Nicotine activates a path that protects the cells from dying. Smoking anything puts Carcinogens into your Air Passage-ways and Cardio-Vascular system. Cells that get damaged by smoke die and that's what you want to happen. Cells to die before they become Cancer Cells.

30. Cannabinoids modulate pain peripherally. In our bodies there are special kinds of pain receptors, known as Vanaloid receptors & they are sensitive to things like heat & excessive pressure & they are responsible for pain. It turns out that a natural regulator of that that down-regulates pain. The endocannabinoid known as Anandamide, the blissful amide, when you combine Sanskrit for ananda & amide for the chemical type. It's clearly known that cannabis can regulate pain, that's been done in numerous studies, but recently , as we learn more about the molecular mechanisms of pain & cannabinoid action what we have now learned is that there is a lot of crosstalk between the cannabinoid system & the morphine, the opioid system. The name of an article that just came out is called Chronic morphine modulates the contents of the endocannabinoid tuorachidonalglycerol in the rat brain. So, tuorachidonalglycerol is another endocannabinoid. We feel pain thru the sensory nerves that are telling us that we're in a painful situation & on the other hand we feel it within our minds because certain areas of our brain subsequently get tickled. What we are seeing now is that the cannabinoid system works both peripherally & centrally & what we are gonna talk about here is this new work that links the cannabinoids more with the opioids in that opioids & cannabinoids are among the most widely consumed drugs of abuse in humans & phenomena of cross-tolerations or mutual potentiation demonstrated between these two drugs. Some of the recent work on pain has come out of England as a result of work done by G.W. Pharmaceuticals which is a company that specializes in producing cannabis plants. They've developed different strains that have different ratios of the cannabinoids & those different plants have different properties. In the past I've mentioned Bi-Polar disorder. Some people who are Bi-Polar & are depressive find Sativa's are good to help elevate them & if they're in an elevated mood & in a manic state they have to be brought down alittle & the Indica's seem to be better for that & likewise they're different ratio's of these cannabinoids that are thought to benefit for example pain, more than others, that are thought to benefit auto-immune diseases. This is being worked out, but what I'd like to go into now is that some of the new links that seem to be occurring in this particular study that I just mentioned, what they are finding is that chronic administration of Opioids is in fact down-regulating the tuorachidonalglycerol which as mentioned, is one of the endo-cannabinoids. Interestingly the Anandamide level seem to be remaining the same, but this other one, tuorachidonalglycerol seems to be down-regulated. In knock-out mice, these are mice where a particular gene is missing, it turns out that you can eliminate alot of the withdrawal systems associated with opium if you have knocked out the receptors. When people go thru withdrawal, they get terribly nauseous & feel horribly sick, well, what we do know cannabinoids control nausea. That's why it's being used by people who are receiving Chemo-therapy or disorders where they are chronically nauseous. Cannabinoids can be very effective for that. So what we are seeing is that morphine turns down the Endogenous cannabinoid Arachidonic acid & that seems to be involved in some of the addictive behavior & this is kind of interesting because we know that cannabinoids themselves other than very twisted circumstances do not show addictive behavior. On the one hand we have the cannabinoid potentiating the morphine, in that people who need morphine for pain can often use 50% of what they normally use by including cannabinoids & on the other hand, we're seeing that the cannabinoid receptor system is involved in addiction & I mentioned a long time ago, that cannabinoids can be beneficial for some people in their attempt to withdraw & now we're seeing support for that in that chronic morphine administration is turning off one of the cannabinoids that's in turn, turning on some of the withdrawal systems.

31. Cannabinoids represent a general class of chemicals, not just cannabis & THC in plants, but rather also cannabinoids that are produced in our bodies. These happen to be Lipid compounds that result from burning & making fats. The thing that is so unique about this system represents how it works so broadly for various health reasons. That is that every single system in our bodies & by system I mean our nervous system or digestive system or reproductive system or immunological system or endocrine system, you name it & the cannabinoids are involved in maintaining what's known as homostasis balance. We need to have the right amount of these components of this system which includes the compounds like THC which is better known as Lygan. They bind to specific receptors & then they are broken down by another enzyme that breaks down these things. So, we have a whole network of bio-chemistry that's influencing everything in our bodies. The question that arises is that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. The system, the cannabinoid system influencing everything in our bodies & the question is what are the nature of the wholes? What are the greater pictures that emerge out of this cannabinoid systems activity. So we see, for example, regulating reproductive system, digestive system, immune system & when they are all working together in a way that is concertedly modulated by the cannabinoid system what can we expect to see, & I would suggest that what's represented by the influences of cannabinoids & cannabis on our mind, in that it opens up our minds to new ways of thinking, it free's us from being stuck in a single track of thinking & that's exactly the kind of thought processes that are required as we move into the future which is generally composed of the unknown. What the cannabinoid system is doing is giving us a way to peacefully & lovingly adapt to change & be open to change. We see in these mice that we can knock-out the cannabinoid system that they are afraid of change. The implications of this are really profound if in fact we have people that are shifted one way or the other in terms of their ability to modulate & accept change that is of profound importance because we see people that are afraid to look forward, happily embracing the future. There are health ramifications for all of this. The cannabinoid system can help us with cardio-vascular disease where it reduces infarctsize with auto-immune diseases where it helps ameliorate & prevent the development of a whole variety of auto-immune diseases including things like arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, crones disease & it's also involved with, as a natural regulator of our pain. So we have this holistic medicine that's influencing so many things & I forgot to mention that it regulates our memories & mental pains & in fact, regulates alot of life/death decisions in our cells, nerve cells in particular, which is why it's so beneficial for neurological disorders often associated with the aging, such as Alzheimer's disease. What we're seeing is a holistic medicine & again it has to be used appropriately, too little is no good, & we may be making enough. Individuals may be making enough, but there could be many many people who are not making enough or their system is not active enough who will be able to benefit from the use of cannabis & other cannabinoids. To regulate all of the things we've mentioned that it regulates. So, we've got a holistic health program. To find the balance that's required for our optimum health is something that's totally built into the cannabinoid system. Therefore, it should be readily available to use wisely.


Letter to Karry Mullis Nobel Prize Laureate
Dear Karry,

Thanks for your endorsement of my senatorial attempt. I got 1% of the vote at a cost of Webster New Collegiate Dictionary religion 1: (2) commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance; 2: a personal or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, or practices; 4: a cause, principle or system of beliefs held to with ardor or faith.

For about 20 years I have devoted much of my mental and spiritual efforts to developing an understanding that provides me and others with a scientific foundation for what I see as the common denominator underlying apparently diverse religious beliefs. The principles of nonequilibrium thermodynamics provides the framework for this effort. This branch of physics deals with the flow of energy in open systems (the biosphere and all life forms) and has been pioneered by Ilyia Prigogine who received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for this work in 1977. Unlike equilibrium thermodynamics (classical) which cannot account for life other than by a miracle, this new branch can be viewed as mandating it. Evolution of complex systems, inclusive of creativity, are intrinsic to my interpretation of nonequibirium thermodynamics as being the prime manifestation of the will of God. From this perspective I would interpret man being made "in the image of God" as meaning that we must embrace God's fundamental characteristic of creativity, which includes cooperatively and evolution.This principle is most elegantly displayed in the evolution of the human brain and the political and social systems that have co-developed with it. Scientifically, it has been demonstrated that the number of THC (active ingredient in marihuana) receptors increases as one looks higher up the evolutionary ladder, and furthermore, these receptors are found in highest numbers in those portions of the brain associated with human intelligence. Therefore I conclude, both logically and religiously from personal revelation, that the stimulation of these receptors is involved in thought processes that are representative of the will of God, i.e. the creative process. Personal exploration of my receptors, in particular by altering their activity levels through the intelligent religious use of natural plant products, is mandated by everything that I know scientifically, and believe religiously. Thermodynamically speaking, for a stable steady state to evolve to a new regime, the fluctuations around the average of the variables of the system must expand and in fact mathematically approach infinity prior to a nonlinear rearrangement that will lead to a new stable steady state. I believe that this process will manifest itself socially and politically as "heaven on earth". Individually this rearrangement will be seen as a jump in man's average lifetime and average level of health and intelligence. Practically speaking this new age should be characterized by peace, harmony and love, all of which are characteristics that are required for the next level of social, individual and molecular cooperativity. I hope your organization can help me defend my constitutional rights against mindless authoritarianism.


Robert Melamede Ph.D. Asst. Prof.
Dept Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
University of Vermont

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
My wife, who hasn't smoked in over 26 years (as far as I know), still swears that pot worked great for menstrual cramps. She said she discovered it by accident while in college. I don't think she has that excuse for smoking now.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.

Extremely interesting post! I have read the study about cannabis shrinking tumors--a Danish study, I believe. But some of the info was new and very interesting! Especially love this idea:

I believe that this process will manifest itself socially and politically as "heaven on earth". Individually this rearrangement will be seen as a jump in man's average lifetime and average level of health and intelligence. Practically speaking this new age should be characterized by peace, harmony and love, all of which are characteristics that are required for the next level of social, individual and molecular cooperativity.

Damon & mgeary & oink,

I think you guys ought to just fire up a big phatty and chill. [:I] Just stay home, no need to drive.

One Love.

LOL and second that emotion!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Has this thread been hijacked[?]

Sorry nortonh but your question has spawned into a beast.
aprild & Mella1,

Mahalo and very glad you found the article by Dr. Melamede interesting and enjoyable!**S** His thoughts about all this really are poetic and inspirational, eh?

His information speaks volumes about both the human condition and our oldest friend in the plant world. I haven't checked youtube, but I wouldn't be suprised if there are some videos of the good doctor posted there.

There are many remarkable people in the legalization movement. Another individual I think you will enjoy is Richard Cowen who runs the fascinating site, He was a close friend of William F. Buckley, was a former president of NORML and now is their senior policy advisor. A great guy and very funny too!

He did a long running series of video news programs for

This very smart, forward thinking site was the first tv network on the web!

They also post shows from Chris Bennett, a biblical scholar and author who has plenty of eye opening information as well, plus hundreds of other super programs.

I tell ya, the more you learn, the more interesting it all becomes.**S**

Thanks again for your kind words & have a great week.**S**


Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
No hijacking here!

A single post and we can all be back on topic.


Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."

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