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Rob & any one else with ? on our water,
Just got this email on a meeting this Thursday in Hilo (Mokupapapa is right on bayfront, 2 doors west of Cafe Pesto - 1/2 block from the Hilo Farmers Market):
"Kanani Aton from the Department of Water Supply will present information to interested community members on water supply services, programs and projects. Such interesting topics of
discussion will be:
Where does our water come from?
How do we know our water quality?
What does the Water Supply Do?
Don't miss this interesting discussion and share your knowledge too.
Mokupapapa Discovery Center (beside Cafe Pesto)
January 10 Thursday - 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Hilo Bay Watershed Advisory Group"
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Carey, the presentation will only now be pertinent to lots on dedicated ie county roads etc.
But now with wells in the subdivsions a possibility, his geological and (test tech) knowlege would be very helpful.
But don't even consider them hooking us in the subdivisions up.
But a well and spigot at the subdivision entrances would be great!
Gordon J Tilley
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Daniel - I am still conflicted on the well issue.
How are you addressing the subsidence issue? I know it is at this time about AVERAGING 1/2" a year per the studies in Kapoho. But in 12 years at same average it would be 1/2 foot. if global warming continues to raise sea levels how will that affect the well?
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And Pele could nullify it all next week and tsunami is way past average occurance.Not to nullify the threats, can we stop everything on a mabe. Keep striving toward cleaner controls but not bleed over it.
Besides in 12 years we should have desalination wired. Wells could offer a whole new lifestyle comfort. Lack of water has helped keep the district rural. But got to do em right!
Gordon J Tilley
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Daniel, have you seen much on small geothermal? I always thought it must be for the gates and buffet types. Today on the radio, a home fix up discussion. He mentioned a private geothermal set up is the star potential sustained alternative energy. 1 moving part, and an awsum supply of fuel.
Gordon J Tilley
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Kapohokat, a rising sea level simply means a rising water table, which ensures a very long well life. As far as subsidence, the island is sinking and in a few million years will be nothing but a little bump. By the time you start having problems with your well caused by subsidence, you will probably have a nice ocean front property that will have been covered with lava several times. [

Gtill, geothermal units for homes are usally refered to as heat pumps. All they do is take either heat or coolness from the ground and transfer it to your house. Its basically a heater/AC combo. I've never seen one here in hawaii, but I suppose it would work here. Some units use cold ground water to cool the home. As for drilling to harness the volcanic energy for home use, I doubt that would be a safe thing to do. Not to mention the 10,000 feet you would have to drill...
Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond
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Originally posted by Daniel
Kapohokat, a rising sea level simply means a rising water table, which ensures a very long well life. As far as subsidence, the island is sinking and in a few million years will be nothing but a little bump. By the time you start having problems with your well caused by subsidence, you will probably have a nice ocean front property that will have been covered with lava several times. [
Thanks for answering my question. As I understand, the subsidence actually increases well life with the rising water table.
Since I deal with the SMA issues down here, subsidence is not a 10K year problem - it is a current issue. (Kapoho dropped 2-15 ft total in at least 3 separate incidents since 1959. That is in my lifetime - not 10K years).
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Certainly some big plates have dropped(one killed a scoutmaster and horses, by resulting local tsunami). one recently in the new park flow.
Is the entire area dropping that much?
Such a plate, some 40 miles long in alaska caused a tsnami here!
Gordon J Tilley