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Bathrooms in Pahoa Town
Rob, I often agree with you, but I loathe tour buses, and even when I was a visitor I loathed having the bad luck to arrive somewhere at the same time as a bus.

"tour bus goes there" drives away independent travelers, who also spend money.

I got stuck behind one last night in the Waiakea Center parking lot. The bastard just stopped dead in the aisle that I was traversing going towards Ross. Just stopped, and idled and disgorged a stream of people who headed off towards the Food Court. I thought it was very rude ... not even having the courtesy to park it ...

of course I was stuck and had to wait it out, because there were other cars stuck behind me. You might think, it couldn't have been that long, but the people got off in dribs and drabs ... so 6 or 7 would come off, and I'd think, that's it, right, but no, and this repeated several times ... for way too long. It was just rude and hoggish of the bus IMHO
[Sad!] (it was a Roberts bus)

not the mentality I would associate with what you guys need in Pahoa.
Patience and friendliness please, it's still a tourism based economy. You may be retired but many aren't. Happy tourists can positively effect jobs in this time of depressed world economys. So what, if you have to wait a few minutes behind the bus at the store. It's Hawaii, relax and enjoy.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Good points all!

Regarding public restrooms at state beaches on the Red Road;
The only state park on the Red Road is Makenzie, and the rest rooms are "slit trenches" with no water.

Tour buses would be good for Pahoa business, and I'm sure they could find a place to unload passengers that didn't hinder traffic.

I used to wonder why the cruise ship buses stopped at Walmart, but was told that it's a great place for cruisers to replenish sundries that are much more expensive than on the ship.

I've always favored a more diverse economy, but feel obligated to show aloha and be greatful for the contributions that visitors make.
Slit trenches? I thought they just added new facilities... ? I have not gone in them, but the look nicer than trenches! And before that there are restrooms at the warm pond.

I agree that a lunch stop in Pahoa would be good... if the restaurants were all open for lunch. I don't think that there is enough variety open at lunch time to accomidate one bus, let alone more. If there is, then that is great.

Meanwhile, I too find it both odd and sad that crusie ship visitors to Hilo seek out the Walmart instead of the many natural wonders (amazing to many) and great restaurants in Hilo/Pahoa. When we drove down by the docks a week ago, we saw MANY people walking. These people got the "Ugly Tour" in my book. Because they were too cheap to take a tour or because they wanted to "do Hilo" on their own, all they saw were the docks and then what is left of Banyan Drive... no real commerce or Hawaiian Culure, yet Hilo is the most Hawaiian town of all of the ports they go to. WHY do they want to see WALMART??? GAG me with a spoon!!!! Something is very wrong with that. Hilo is a wonderful Hawaiian Town. It is so sad that some visitors see nothing more than the port or what they see from a bus to and from the volcano. Something needs to be done about this.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters

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