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Cathie, The Love of My Life.
[Sad] Were Very Sorry for your loss Royall.

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
We are so sorry.

I empathize with that big open empty space that is there.

Our prayers and yes a margarita for Cathie and your family.



My deepest condolences for you and the loss of your wonderful wife. Thank you for sharing your final moments with us all, I for one have a large lump in my throat, a tear in my eye, and an ache in my heart for you both. Her saving grace was having you with your arms around her guiding her to a better place. I will celebrate her life tonight at sunset with a drink.

Tom Lackey

Like others here have already said, our hearts go out to you and your family. Your love story is precious down to her last breath. Bless you for all you have been through and for the days to come which may be difficult without Cathie. Loss is never easy. As Mella said, you brought her here to live her Hawaiian Dream and that is a gift that is ever so special.

Hospice is a wonderful thing and any of you reading this story might want to make a small contribution of time or $$ to our Big Island Hospice. They do so much for people in need.

Hugs to you.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

we didn't have the pleasure of knowing your beloved, cathie, and don't know you as well. however, we were talking about you both at the international cooking venue and were wondering if hospice had been involved. we couldn't have dealt with the recent loss of our mom without their incredible help.

our pain is still fresh and your story brought us to tears; brought back a lot of memories of our own experiences.

we praise you for your devotion, love and friendship as a caregiver and partner for cathie. know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during these difficult times.

aloha, francine and renee

"finding our way isn't always easy. life's direction can feel like a maze. the gift of true friendship is that it takes us by the hand and reminds us that we are not alone in the journey."---flavia


"chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent and reboot.
order shall return."

microsoft error message with haiku poetry
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

To Royall: your post choked me up. Yours is a heart warming love story.
What a wonderful gift to have been able to hold her when she passed on.

To Kathy: your sweet smile always made everyone feel at home. Glad to have metcha. See you on the other side.

The Tide recedes but leaves behind
Bright seashells on the sand,

The sun goes down but gentle
Warmth still lingers on the land.

The music stops and yet it echoes on
In sweet refrains.....

For every joy that passes,
Something beautiful remains.

-- M.D.Hughes

You are both in my thoughts,
Dear Royall,

I've come out of the lurking mode to wish you well. I lost my husband to congestive heart failure, diabetes, and amputation when he was only 55 and I was 47. Your beloved Cathie was so very lucky to have you in her life, and I am sure that she was aware of your presence with her as you held her in your arms when she passed.

When my husband died I felt the words "this too shall pass" could not possibly begin to address the grief I felt over the loss of my precious husband. But I am now 52 and and have come to believe deeply that the love you have for Cathie, combined with the love she will always have for you, will give you the courage to live a "new normal" one day.

This in no way minimizes your grief, Royall. I have been where you are, and I feel so very deeply for you. I have deep respect for your feelings for your beloved Cathie.

It is five years later, I am remarried to a loving, sensitive man who treats me very tenderly and watches over me. I have moved to Hawaii from the mainland, and have met many great friends here. I still love, and will always love my spouse who passed away. He was a great man! Actually in his last months he always told me that he wanted me to be happy. Sometimes I feel that he had a part in how my new life has unfolded. I know that your wonderful wife Cathie has always, and will always, hold this same wish for you. She is a wife who always wants the best for her husband.

-- our family's thoughts go with you, Royall.

As part of that “group of 05” we have a special bond. We helped each other when and where we could on our pilgrimage to Hawaii. The way I see it we were very fortunate to have met and befriended yous guys no matter how short of time God willed it to be, for that we will ever be grateful.
You have my number and when you’re ready please call us we would love to spend some time together with you.
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Dear Royall we have enjoyed our friendship with both you and Cathie.
We can't begin to understand how you must feel. Thank you for coming by last week.
We didn't know what you and Kathie were going through.
Blessings that Kathie's suffering has ceased.

As part of the "group of 05" I must say that the value of this site and the friends
it has created has been brought to light with your post. May we all value each other friendship here.

We at Punaweb will truly miss Kathie
Our thoughts and prayer are with you and your family.

We will have a Margarita for Kathie.

Richard and Mark

"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen
"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen
HI Royall,
While I never met you in the physical sense, I feel I know you in the cyber sense, through reading your posts over the past few years. I'm tearing up as well, and sorry to see a shining light has left the Puna web. Her presence is missed and she too is so very lucky to have had such a wonderful partner to join her on this Hawaiian adventure. My condolences. Angela

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