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The waaaaaiting is the hardest part...
The boat is getting crowded! Yes we have missed the market here also, but we aren't speculators and what ever the house sells for we will just use that for the house we build. Just need a little shelter as we are doing the downsizing thing, and lightening up the load.

Thanks Cindy for the offer! Some really funny offers have come our way and we appreciate the concern on behalf of our cat family too.

I am on a more positive footing now as there are people on island and in other parts of Hawaii that are supporting, helping and encouraging. We are making sure if slow progress on the feline issues.

Perhaps it is a test of our resolve to be equal to the duty of protecting the beauty, of the aina and the flow of aloha that draws us to Hawaii. Faith, perserverance, and trudging along with love of friends and neighbors can work wonders for each in it's own way.

I've done my share of whinning as my Dearest Husband knows, the the waiting is soooooo loong and my heart goes out to Linda and all making the journey. Mahalo to you all for sharing the good with the real and the testing, the boat is full and this too shall pass. One day at the Punatic Party #7 in a series, we will all get together and laugh and scratch together! Aloha, Mella

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
I have to wonder.... is it possible for any of you to board your cats with friends and must move over...have the cats shipped when their quarantine period is over? That actually aloows you to get here without the pet, find a rental, then work out the pet issue.

Mella, I know your issue is different, but Cindy.... couldn't that work for you??? Just a thought...

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Have you considered just doing the on island quarantine? Might be a more cost effective option.


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Big Mahalos for your ideas and empathy :-)
I'll know for sure this evening, but my answer seems to have arrived. The home it looks like we'll be moving into here in Ashland is beautiful and in a nice location. I've often said I would love to live in Hawaii part of the year and here part of the year. Not to long ago I wrote an article on Home Exchange programs. Had a friend in Hawaii who did this. This rental, unlike the apartments we'd been looking at, is the type of place I can picture someone in Hawaii who wants to visit Ashland would enjoy staying in, unlike where we are now. It's on the edge of town where the woods and Mt. Ashland trail starts, near a lake, but with city amenities like fast Internet. Big deck, atrium, gourmet kitchen, etc. The owners would likely approve this -or subletting for a few months. This way we'd have either swap homes with someone in Hawaii or sublet and have the rent money for short term on the BI (thanks for short term rental tip Carrie) :-)
Thought about finding a foster home for our kitties here until they're ready, but I wouldn't have the budget to move till late Sept, and we have to leave here Aug.31 at the latest. They're way too attached, more like dogs, to handle quarantine. And my son couldn't handle that either. His dark cloud would make me miserable and I promised him we wouldn't do that. They even follow me almost all the way to the store! Had some savings but used up last month when my step mom passed and my older son came out from North Carolina and stayed a week, and then I lost about two weeks worth of work during this time too. So I just can't move to B.I. before we have to be out here. Sooo, I feel this home exchange or subleasing with the new place might be the way for us. At least for now. I'm almost sure I'll be drawn to spend more and more time on the B.I. and then make the permanent move. But I won't know about this place we looked at it till tonight, although the owner said he thinks that the paper messing up with their ad happened for a reason and that the place is to be ours.
Either way, I'm determined to be on the B.I. this December - Jan, if only for a part time move.

Yes Mella, maybe we are resolve to share aloha and care for the aina is being tested.

Thanks again

I haven't posted since I got back from my research trip. But O boy is this post appropriate for where we are at right now. Waiting is really really difficult. We put our house up for sale a little after I became inroduced to this forum. Things are extremely slow here in Jersey. We too put it up for sale by owner originally and than decided to put it up with an agencly. ( I didn't learn my lesson with the first house I sold last year!) We can never get in touch with our agent, we had more showings when it was up by owner, and now we they are giving us the run around to allow us to get out of the contract so we can list with someone else or by owner again! Needless to say our hopes of being on the island before my B-day in Feb are dwindling away! I guess you just have to take it day by day and never lose hope!


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Carloann- Funny you should mention Dr. Wayne Dyer, we just met him for the third or fourth time on Kaanapali Beach last week in Maui. If you ever want to meet him he walks the beach near Black Rock almost daily as he and his family have a home there and live there when not giving lectures on he mainland. Most if not all of his book writing is done on Maui. Aloha
Steve & Regina
Hawaiian Acres / North Lake Tahoe

'If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there' - George Harrison
Wow, that's so wonderful. I've heard him talk about Maui and his wonderful home and the beach he walks on. He says "thank you" to his audience for making it possible for him to live there.


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Cindy B is all works out well for you and the cats aren't ready, there is a very nice kennel in Ainaloa called Bar-King Dog Kennel 966-8733. Gene and I visited this kennel on our first trip over. It is a lovely place, safe, clean, well staffed (BTW women only work there as some animals are afraid of men). We particularly liked the idea of the 8X6 foot rooms, tile floors, with drains, screened in on two sides for air flow, and all 3 cats could share the same kennel. It does have a good reputation and I would use it and recommend it to anyone with a timing problem. Oh there is a chair in the room for you to visit your animal, and there are like book shelves on the walls for kitties to purch on. Neat place the kennels we saw were located around a square of open yard space with a water feature. The prices were not high end like kennels here in No. Cal are. Just an idea, and they do accept animals from the Hilo Airport if you need someone to pick them up!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
I had to board my Molly Girl, at the time you had to board them for at least a month on island,Bar-King Dog Kennel was great. I could go any time without calling to check how they handled the animals and never once was I disappointed. You can let your cat out to visit the others. The others are still in their cages but yours can run down the enclosed hallway and visit.
Mella are your cats fixed? If so they can't reproduce what the heck difference does it make for them to come over? I think you guys should charter a plane and smuggle them over.

nnickle makes a good point. If Mella's cats are fixed, what's the harm? I fear the answer is that we're thinking too logically about the problem. We are, after all, talking about government bureaucrats. Yes...upon reflection, smuggling the cats seems like the most expeditious solution at this juncture. And exciting. Not to mention it would be completely consistent with the punatic philosophy of "sticking it to the man". How about a new thread for Mella: "50 ways for Mella to smuggle her cat into Hilo." Heck, it could be our punatic anthem if we can somehow make it rhyme! (Apologies in advance to Paul Simon). nnickle provided the first line, I'll give you the second.

1) Wanna bring your pet, charter a jet
2) If you want your cats, you must bribe the bureaucrats! (Think Johnnie Cochran when you say it)

Sorry, don't have the imagination to think up 48 more. Any ideas?

Okay, it's been a tough day. I'm back on the mainland for business in beautiful, exotic Columbus, Ohio...and right now, really, really bored.

Seriously, Mella, best of luck with the cats!

Aloha Smile


A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius

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