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Annoying tour helicoptors
Originally posted by Kahunascott

If banning the choppers cost you an extra $2000 a year in the form of increased taxes would you be ok with that? Not me, I say lettem’ fly and bring in the money.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s free

and extra 2k? aint that number just silly (your term kahuna).. though it could be a healthy discussion, if you were to put it in more realistic terms

as to your endless 'wait until you see what it cost when it’s free' can you imagine sitting in a board room filled with suits all figuring ways to provide less care so as to make more profits, can you? would you feel good with your extra dividends knowing some poor guy is being cheated out of some medical procedure so the stock holders get more bang for their buck?

The idea of banning buses sounds ridiculous, as it should. Banning helicopters should also sound ridiculous. I am not saying that noise is never a problem, but these guys are just trying to make a living same as anyone else. They are part of the tourism industry and as such they do their part in bringing in tourism dollars. They do not have death wishes and being trained helicopter pilots they know a whole lot more about the risks than most of the posters do. They don't want to die. Aviation is already a heavily regulated industry. A pilot can have his certificate suspended or revoked and unlike driving almost no one ever flies without a valid certificate because if you get caught there are some real consequences. If you accept these facts then it naturally follows that helicopters raining death from the skies or strafing innocent homeowners for cheap thrills is unlikely.

I believe that the general public, who are overwhelmingly non-pilots, are unjustifiably intolerant of aircraft, while at the same time we (I include myself) are unjustifiably tolerant of motor vehicles. There is ridiculous mayhem on the streets every day. Half the drivers out there shouldn't be, and wouldn't be if there were driver licensing standards similar to those for pilots.
Bullwinkle- maybe I watch too many movies. Still, I am not crazy about buzzing around in a helicopter, maybe I should get over it. I feel really safe and comfy in a plane though, go figure [^]

I don't mind the tour helicopters or the buses, I do mind the pot hunters hovering in one spot near my home. There was a good point about having lots of helicopters around in an emergency however [Wink]
I have a feeling that people who are so tolerant of the tour helicopters are NOT living directly under where they fly multiple times a day and everything comes to a stop until they pass by. There are tourist islands where overflights of the land are not permitted. They still get the tourism.

I like the example of the Cook Islands, which I have visited. First, the inter-island planes do not get to fly over the island. They do, however, still have a noise impact. These planes are necessary to connect the island to the world, so they have to fly. However, when the air carrier tried to add a Sunday route, the islanders said, NO, it's Sunday, a holy day, a day of rest, and it will be a day of rest from aircraft noise too. You can fly the other six days. Even though I don't consider myself a Christian (was raised as something else), I like that people who depend on tourism can still draw a line on the impact to their lives.

Of course on the Big Island it is just one segment ot the population that is impacted, so there's no need to care about those people, as long as you aren't one of them the money is GREAT!
On Oahu they have to fly out over the water, and they should be made to do that here as well.

The tour helicopters go straight over my house every day. On a bad day, as often as every two or three minutes. I started calling the Hilo Tower, the Tour companies, the FAA, the FSDO, my representative, my Senator, a friend in government, all to no avail. They have set up a game, whereby people complaining about helicopter overflights are sent in an endless circle from agency to another. What little regulation is in place, the pilots disregard. Once they leave the airport know one knows where they are, or what they are doing. (It is interesting to read their blogs, and read their opinions of the people on the ground who dare to speak out against the noise and intrusion.)

It is not fair for them to make money while ruining the lives of everyone they fly over. We built here long ago, because it was far from the road, highway, airport, the town, etc. Then, in the past few years, these helicopter tours are ruining our peaceful enjoyment of our property. I work here, as well. It is a constant disruption.

You have to approach the reality of the situation with a meditative, steely resolve, as it is literally like living in a war zone - these are military assault vehicles going overhead.

Hello... you cannot go over the water to the Volcano!

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
Originally posted by Devany

Hello... you cannot go over the water to the Volcano!

You can go over significantly more water if you try. Follow the coast around and over the ocean entry and then to the vent is over uninhabited land. They are not permitted to fly over the Volcano National Park (I have heard).

However, it takes more fuel to go around Kapoho Point than to cut across Hilo and Mountainview, so it is an economic decision to make people miserable.
You are right Kathy. However the cost of fuel and pollution are also a counter point. I would think that Many of those helicopters are trying to make the best "ride" (views) for their customers. Some come from Kohala too. We live en route to the Hamakua Coast/Waipio views and near several waterfalls but even on cruise ship days we only see/hear 3-4 helicopters go over. Most going North follow the coast and we are on it. I cannot imagine having as many as the original poster said happen. And Bob is right, how many have filed complaints? I have been in Waipio several times when planes and helicopters violated the rule of flying into the valley. We have taken down numbers on planes and turned them in before.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
Originally posted by Devany

Hello... you cannot go over the water to the Volcano!

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Boy Dev you sure must be on some powerful drugs! We're surrounded by water! They can fly all around the island without intruding on anyone, and still get their clients all the views they want.
Gee do I have a talent for trolling or what?

I wasn't even trying.

That's enough everyone.

We have a potential disaster knocking at our door named Felicia.

If I lived in Kapoho I'd be really worried right now.

I'm surprised no one has started a new thread about it yet.

We should stop the bickering and start preparing.

complacency can get us into trouble.

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.

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