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cruise ship folks/people on the street
Heck, it would be nice if there WERE more than the couple of bus stops that the county has installed....

at least we are getting some nice new busses....

And for FREE???? who can really complain too much?????
It is just that there is no information for the cruise people, and they don't know where to get on the bus. We need to find a better way to welcome these people to our island.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
The tour companies have made a business of nicely welcoming the cruise people to our island....
The trolley in Kona is paid for by those that profit from it, the businesses in Keauhou...

If the Hilo DBA could really get together & realize that they may actually profit by having a bus that takes people on vacation to the downtown business, then MAYBE they would buy-in, until then, the free transit is funded by the county...

The county gets Fed money for the free buses, but the Feds are not sending the county the transport money to subsidize cruise ship vacationers... it is for worker transport....

So it is up to the cruiselines or the vacationers to find out about the free buses, and the cruiseline probably gets a benefit from the tour companies, so that leaves the vacationers to pay for the easy way, or do the homework on the places they are visiting.... and I think we know that they would rather pay....

& some may just want to take a nice long walk....

There was an effort to bring back the sampans several decades ago, they even got a few of them running again, but then it was shut down by an effort from the cab and taxi drivers. A trolley might be an idea, perhaps someone could see if Enoa (the folks with the trolleys on Oahu)would want to put one in Hilo?

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales."
Kurt Wilson

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson
Richrd Ha owns a Sampan... I would love it if they would come back!

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
>>> It is just that there is no information for the cruise people, and they don't know where to get on the bus.

Agreed it would be nice if there was useful signage for people emerging from the port who are on foot.

But there is plenty of info for cruise people., where cruisers share all the tips. Also tripadvisor, although not cruise centered, per se. In this day and age, people who want to know what's up on cruise stops need to get on the internet and talk to other cruisers. Then they won't have these problems. My dad is 86 and uses the internet. People who take trips without doing any homework are going to maybe find themselves walking down some road not knowing how far a walk it is. Oh well. At least they're not on some road where they'll get jumped on by bandits or shot for being in the wrong place. Uninformed traveling has its risks and it may have its rewards - spontaneity, unexpected meetings and discoveries.
How about a little trailer style kiosk that is positioned at the dock when the ship arrives? It can have tourist information from various attractions, retail shopping information, maps, transportation information, discount coupons, and even the ability to call for special vans to take people to places.

An information bag with a sponsored bottle of water could be handed out, prepackaged with information.

It can be funded through the businesses and local organizations and even the cruise ship company may assist to make sure their passengers get the "best" experience they can versus running the risk of rip-off services.

When there are no cruise ships, it can be stationed along the highway or some other place as a tourist style welcome wagon to the area.

All it takes is someone to get the ball rolling.

I would love to hear from the candidates as to what they would try to do to improve tourism in Puna.
Bob, they already have the cruise ship terminal inside the dock. This is where the aloha ladies meet the cruises, have information on the island, where the tour companies, taxis & such meet with their customers, where the island info brochures are & all (it is much like the airport terminal, but with the added benefit of the aloha ladies...) all sponsored, as you have guessed, by those that want the tourist $$$.... and are paying for a wonderful welcome within the dock area, not outside in a little trailer...

Improve tourism in Puna.... Maybe the first thing to find out is what the residents want.... so far, there has not been an overwhelming desire at any of the public meetings for any of the things that would be 'touristy' to be approved here....

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