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pet rabbits
OK, I won't go away. I was just discouraged and appreciate the "sorry to offends". I have been doing rabbit rescue for 20 years and used to put up with "rabbit humor", but now I try to avoid the remarks or tell others that I am offended. Please don't worry as my rabbits will never to let loose or breed. Thanks.
Bringing rabbits or similar animals to Hawaii should not be allowed, full stop. Yours may be spayed and neutered, but I'm going to bet the HDOA is just taking your word for it. The risk of somebody's rabbits getting loose is far too great. Things are bad enough with just three types of rats.
Well, pets are pets. Maybe we should not allow children to enter the state, in case they turn into criminals. NO, not even serious, but the pet thing has been an obstacle for many who have that special relationship with their animals. Hawaii has suffered the introduction of way too many invaders. If the law allows a particular process to allow pets, than it seems cruel to give someone a hard time about the critters they already have in their life.
Peace and long life
Rabbit's must have a health certificate filled out by their vet. I work with many vets and know they would never jeopardize their license by not being truthful on something as important as a health certificate. I can understand the fear of non-native species being introduced on an island. Is there a feral/domestic rabbit problem on the island? I have worked on many cases of abandoned rabbits. Be angry at the people who dumped them, not those who cherish their animal companions.
Are rabbits potential cariers of rabies? If so, and Hawaii has no rabies YET, then I would suppose that they are subject to not just a health certificate, but also the whole rabies anti-body testing and rabies shots that dogs are. No?

No, rabbits are not required to be vaccinated rabbits.
I should read before I send. No, rabbits do not require a rabies vaccination. Thanks.
Can rabbits get rabies?
If bitten by an infected animal, yes they can. The incident of domestic rabbits being infected or spreading the disease is considered so low that a vacine is not required.

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