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Helco meter reading mistake
It may be time for "Occupy Helco".
Besides my house payment, Helco is my second largest bill,$261.00 for October. I live with a 14watt bulb at night and I am very frugal with my energy use throughout my home.
I feel ripped off every month when the bill is due.
Friend's house, large old refrigerator, 6 energy saving CFL spiral light bulbs and a radio on 24 hours a day. electric bill around $48.00 month.

Helco has a pamphlet Energy Tips and Choices, you can pick up at their office or pull up the pdf.

Under general information, Measuring Electrical Usage, shows how to read the meter
to make electricity with a honda eu2000i - about 40 cents per kilo watt hour

to buy electricity here on the BI about 40 cents kilowatt hour - highest rates in the nation.

When I see helco at work - waste and over staffing generating leading to puc approval of the highest rates - top tier rates not all due to fuel costs.

Their on line bill pay "scout" laughable if it was not so third world ish and sad

highest rates & worst management in the nation if you ask me

their inflated rates and cost incurring management make going back to being off grid ever more logical and cost effective

Kudos for helco in leading the way to electricity self reliance

Got my revised Helo bill after calling customer service. Instead of a $500.00 bill it's a $60.00 bill. I can't believe it's even that high since we turned off the power for the whole month (except for 1 day). I think there is a charge for just having the power available on your property (even if you don't use any of it)
Here's a good article about how our town (Juneau) lowered our collective energy consumption 30% when the rates shot up to .53 cents per kilo watt hour. Mind you when this happened it was April in Alaska and electricity and heating go hand in hand for most of us. My wife's business requires the use of heated water so the effect was probably worse for us than others.

We cut our electricity to the bare minimum- even so far as rationing the light on the fish aquarium and unplugging unused devices to eliminate consumption of "ghost" power. But, with the business plus having parrots with lighting and heating requirements our bill was still about $1200 FOR ONE MONTH. Fortunately when we were building our indoor aviary we had done so using the most energy efficient method of lighting that was available at the time. Otherwise it would have been much worse.

Yeah that was a nightmare. I'm really at this point assuming we'll be doing solar or some other alternative. I'm not sure we can afford to use helco power.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
Originally posted by uneedawish

It may be time for "Occupy Helco".
Besides my house payment, Helco is my second largest bill,$261.00 for October. I live with a 14watt bulb at night and I am very frugal with my energy use throughout my home.
I feel ripped off every month when the bill is due.

We don't need TIPS AND TRICKS to save on electric bill we need changes to the high cost of Helco rates!!!!
OCCUPY HELCO 2011!!!!!!!!!
There was an article on who pays most for electricity. I am sure it won't be a shock to you but it is Hawaii. I was surprised at how much more we pay. Here is the article:
Thanks, Carol - Good to know - I think we'll do that, too!

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