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More dangerous driving than ever?
I drive from Pahoa side to Hilo four days a week. two out of the four i am stuck in afternoon traffic. it is really scary out there and there are a lot of bad and unsafe drivers out there. main thing is to watch everyone around you. there have been several times i have had to slam on my brakes or swerve to avoid a collision.

i hope anybody who insist on driving 5 mph under the speed limit, also has the consideration to move to the side and let the stack of cars behind him go on.
Getty I drive at the speed limit and have been chastised for not pulling over. I do it sometimes, but it really gets old driving up the mountain from Hilo pulling over for every tailgater. Why not just wait to pass?
Originally posted by mac nut

I live in HPP and recently moved from LA. I must say the drivers around Puna are the worst i have seen anywhere. My girl friend wanted to by a small scooter to commute to hilo and i told her no way! I have seen too many accidents and i think scooters are just too risky in east hawaii.
Mac nut

I have to agree. I've driven in LA, NYC, Jersey, all over the country, everything from 12 lane highways to one-lane country roads. Nighttime, rush hour, turnpikes, dirt roads, ice roads, mountain roads, the Alcan, you name it. Dense fog, blizzards, midnight sun, hurricane winds, blinding sunsets, aurora mirages, monsoon rains, I even drove a small motorcycle on the autobahn when I was 12 (got on by accident- long story). I've dodged people, deer, bear, owls, ravens, endangered eagles, antelope, carribou, armed gang bangers, and every domestic animal you can think of. But I would never drive a scooter on any main road from Puna to North Hilo. I told my wife the same thing- no way.

Not to say the driver's aren't courteous- most of them drive with Aloha. They are just in too big of a hurry and don't pay very good attention.
if you sre driving the speed limit, there is no reason to have to move to the side. again it is the drivers going under the limit. i can guarantee that if there is a place to pass, i will not be behind them.
I agree that if you're driving the speed limit, you shouldn't need to pull over.
I think it is courteous on a busy highway, the only route, to drive the speed limit when vehicles are behind you.

If you want to dawdle, I think it's nice to move over.
If you're objective is to stay within the law and not get a ticket, driving the limit, that is sensible. So far I am going on a decade here without any kind of traffic violation. Luck I'm sure. I don't want to get a speeding ticket because someone behind me pushed me over the limit.

If one goes slower than most traffic on the road, and one could legally go faster, people are going to start making risky passes. The slow driver and someone unknown will be in the thick of it if the pass goes bad.

My pet peeve right now is people driving without lights at dusk, who don't even wake up when I flash lights at them. When someone flashes you, you should think about why. I made a left turn on the highway the other evening, thinking the lane was empty, only to see (in mid-turn) a dark colored sedan with no lights that was invisible except at short range, coming at me doing 60 mph or so. Arghh.
i hold my own till a line builds up then i pull over. peace
everyone should drive with lights on even during the day. makes every one more visible. there are actually a few states that it is the law.
Smile.... "When someone flashes you, you should think about why"...... grin....gotta admit, that takes me back to a few concerts...ah, the 70's & a different language... grin....
[Smile] Carey ...
in that case, when someone flashed you, you might have been flashing already ... [:p]

My car has those daylight always on headlamps.
Lots of people here drive in near darkness with no lights on, or even in the dark if they think they can ... guessing those cars have expired safeties that wouldn't get renewed.

"And I'm sure it wouldn't interest anybody, outside of a small circle of friends ~ Phil Ochs

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