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dengue fever could be here to stay
If never seeing a doctor or never visiting a hospital were the primary factor in Okinawa having an unusually high amount of 100+ year olds, wouldn't we see a similar high rate of long-lived individuals among populations with little or no access to modern medicine?
Okinawa Centenarian Study:

Looks like genetics, diet, exercise are the leading candidates. Didn't spot any mention of avoiding doctors and hospitals leading to a higher rate of longevity.


Back to dengue. Three new cases reported as confirmed today. Bummer.
I read it in a study somewhere. I've also read the purple sweet potato, same as the one that grows in abundance here is a daily staple of their diet. It has recently been found to have the highest concentration of natural DHEA of any food.

DHEA is the precursor to hormone formation for men and women and it's inclusion in the diet is linked to longevity.

I heard an interesting conversation the other day, tourists were saying the Dengue is on a decline now and will be gone soon. I asked where they got the info as was told it came from Kalani Retreat Ctr. mgmnt, it's what they are telling the guests and employees. I got a little excited until I heard it wasn't coming from the health dept. Oh well, but I'm still hopeful.
Originally posted by kalakoa

some people who live here have NEVER been to a doctor

Can't afford it...

Hawaii has one of the most liberal qualifications for Medicaid.
"Oh well, but I'm still hopeful."

Likewise. Disappointed to hear of the new confirmed cases, finding some encouragement that at least it appears there has been no acceleration.
I thought there was a shortage of primary care docs on the Big Island. Hard to see a doc if you can't get an appt!

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
a shortage of primary care docs on the Big Island

Nor will any "specialists" see you without a referral, because they don't want to become your implicit PCP.

Kalani Retreat Ctr. mgmnt, it's what they are telling the guests and employees

In the absence of an official position from the State, communicated directly to the public, people can make up whatever self-serving rumor they like.

Some people can and do make up any rumor they like, self serving or otherwise, regardless of what the State or anyone else may or may not say. In fact, for certain folks it appears to be a favorite compulsive pastime conducted conveniently online.

As of 1 p.m., the Department of Health had reported a total of 215 confirmed cases of the mosquito-borne disease since Hawaii Island residents first reported the illness, beginning on Sept. 11. The Wednesday update included two additional cases since Tuesday.


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