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Decline in Real Estate
... Stayed there long enough to hate the country, their laws, and their people for the most part! Yes, that's right, I learned to hate these people...Every Mexican and his cousin wanted to "beef" with me...! Why? For every Mexican who ever had a relative who ventured to America has a terrible story of some sort of abuse at the hands of Americans...

like I said, I was minding my own business there. But every Mexican who thought he had balls the size of Cadillac Hub caps got in my face. Now you tell me what I'm suppose to do? Please, don't tell me I should have minded my own business, because that's what I was doing there!

Good example of how "crazy" the people are. I use to go feed these "wild cats",everyday at this condo in PV. Then one day this Mexican Lady starts screaming at me for feeding the cats cans of Tuna! She went on about how her husband is a drunk and doesn't even bring home a can of tuna for his family!! Tuna is really cheap in Mexico, so i feed the "strays". Yet, I'm an a**hole because I feed tuna to stray cats, and this lady's husband wouldn't even bring tuna home for his I'm a jerk for that?!?

I told myself I'd choke out the first Mexican I came across in Hawaii upon my return home. My anger has since turned to pity. Such a vast country loaded with corruption at every turn! It's no wonder this country is so messed up!

I found PV to be a somewhat crazy place also, alot of corruption...., One thing stood out for me, that if you asked for directions to somewhere, the person would inveriably give you directions even if they did'nt have a clue where that place was. The other thing I noticed about PV was the percentage of very beautiful women.

...I told myself I'd choke out the first Mexican I came across in Hawaii upon my return home...

I am sorry your experience has been so poor but I am glad my father and I didnt meet you then (choking)...but we dont in any way need your pity. gross generalizations in any form are usually not a good thing.

The things you mentioned about corruption is here too. BIG TIME... wondering why all those political threads? Because one ethnic group (gross generalization) for many years controlled the legislature, medicine, legal, county government. Times are changing - like her or not, we now have a white woman as govenor. That in itself is a big change. Heck for the first time, we have a Non-local white building inspector (from California no less!!!!)

You just dont see it on the surface here in Hawaii quite as clearly as in some countries. With the Asian influence on saving face, most corruption occurs quietly behind closed doors in this state. We have Mayor Harry Kim because many people were sick of the county level of corruption (yamashiro, et al), and he had proved himself as an responsible civil defense director for many years. He represented (true or not) the voice of the people and only took $5 campaign donations.

I personally believe it is easier to deal with corruption upfront, than pretending it doesnt exist.

And here we have veered very far away from the thread.
...I told myself I'd choke out the first Mexican I came across in Hawaii upon my return home...

I am sorry your experience has been so poor but I am glad my father and I didnt meet you then (choking)...but we dont in any way need your pity. gross generalizations in any form are usually not a good thing.

The things you mentioned about corruption is here too. BIG TIME... wondering why all those political threads? Because one ethnic group (gross generalization) for many years controlled the legislature, medicine, legal, county government. Times are changing - like her or not, we now have a white woman as govenor. That in itself is a big change. Heck for the first time, we have a Non-local white building inspector (from California no less!!!!)

You just dont see it on the surface here in Hawaii quite as clearly as in some countries. With the Asian influence on saving face, most corruption occurs quietly behind closed doors in this state. We have Mayor Harry Kim because many people were sick of the county level of corruption (yamashiro, et al), and he had proved himself as an responsible civil defense director for many years. He represented (true or not) the voice of the people and only took $5 campaign donations.

I personally believe it is easier to deal with corruption upfront, than pretending it doesnt exist.

And here we have veered very far away from the thread.

Cat, I'm not trying to be offensive in any way! Plus my anger towards Mexicans has now died out!

Yes Hawaii has corruption, but it doesn't even come close to the corruption in Mexico, right? I mean look where you are living today, look around isn't Mexico is it?
Cat, I can go on about Linda Dingle, but I have to go teach some surfing lessons right now. Lingle left Maui in an 'economic mesh'. Maui residents didn't vote her into office that's for sure. At the end of the day Lingle is still a GOP member, supports Bush's war in Iraq, and Bush's tax cuts for the upper 2%....I don't need her nonsense. Like I said the accident in Kauai earlier this year with the dam should have cost her her job, and the head of DLNR should have been fired too!

Have a nice day!!!


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Off Topic Warning!! LOL

I have been to PV many times and always found it beautiful. Always stayed south of the river. Was there in 69, 72, 83,and 89. The first two trips with my husband, the third trip we included our two children ages 7 and 8. Part of the trip in 83 my husband was with us and the second part of our trip the children and I stayed with a girlfriend who rented a house on the hill close to Liz Taylor's old home and the US Embassy. That week was the one time we were not happy. On our last night staying in this huge house, my friend who ran around in diamonds (not a well traveled person!) was robbed, along with my camera and plane tickets. My last trip in 89 was a solitary trip of only one week, a desperately needed R&R. Went to the Camino Real south of town, never left the hotel. Was one of very few gringos there and was treated like a special guest.

My Daughter who visited with us in 83 cried when she learned that not all children were afforded an education, it really broke her little heart that many children were so poor.

We found the people warm and abliging, walking at night to the town square, in the mornings to the beaches or bakeries.

If you are given wrong directions, it is possibly due to the fact that people want to help and perhaps didn't understand what you were asking. People want to be helpful and hate to say no, so perhaps this is what happened.

I love Mexico and if it had a more stable government I would enjoy living there. I've visited Mexico by VW bus, camping on beaches, boat, plane more than 15 trips, only one mishap.

I have a hard time imaging things have changed that much in such a short time, and hope this isn't the case.

Sorry off topic here!

mella l

Edited by - mella l on 11/14/2006 09:05:41
mella l
Art and Science
Beach boy, Lets agree that we have a difference of opinion although actually the only thing we differ on is Mexicans and we are in Hawaii so it doesnt much matter I suppose. My feeling is most politians are corrupt. And they make choices not every one will agree on. Heck they are lucky if 50% agree.

How the politians do in the next 2-4 years will reflect on the decline or incease in property value in the next few years. One of the other factors is how much heritances the baby boomer's parents leave them - the leading edge of the boomers parents are in the 80-85 range or already hit their life expectancy. That generation (boomer's parents) typically had more secure (property, blue chip stocks, etc) assests than the boomers. That BB Parents also probably wont live through their assests life... since they were smokers, butterers, less exercise, less healthy lifestyles in general than the boomers.

Here is my crystal ball predictions to get back on this thread - anything have to do with "old age" in a new age way - so assisted "resort" living - like what Doc Buyers was going to do in Honomu, developements set up with bike paths and care nurses, condos or "town houses" will be back in a big way that have 36" wide wheelchair accessible doors / elevators but look like any condo - even Trump's.

I am a meber of the Council of Certified Real Estate Brokerage Managers and we just had a one day class about understanding today's real estate market. According to those with more brains than I Smile, there shall be a long-term demand such as:
* The family formations will continue grow nationally.
* The number of international buyers purchasing U.S. real estate will continue to increase.
* More immigrants will become home buyers within 10 to 20 years of arriving in the U.S.
* The number of second home and investment purchasers will continue to grow.
Todays market conditions are temporary and the future belongs to those who can understand and adjust to changing market conditions, creating future opportunities and success.

Typically Tropical Properties
75-5870 Walua Road, Suite 101
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

Edited by - John S. Rabi on 11/14/2006 14:54:13
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

I was out in Puna last week to buy property. Well priced lots in HPP in good areas level ground on 8th and 6th sold fast at $50,000 to fast missed them both. Good areas in Leilani, square lots $37,000. That sounds like equilibrium to me for the time being.

Keith, there was just one square lot for $37K in Leilani Estates and it's gone. There is another one for $40K though.

Typically Tropical Properties
75-5870 Walua Road, Suite 101
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

I am a meber of the Council of Certified Real Estate Brokerage Managers and we just had a one day class about understanding today's real estate market.

Whatever the RE people have to say, no matter how smart some people think they are, is biased.


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