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Janet, I've heard that the audit was almost completed as of the last months BOD meeting (that almost was). So, I would think it has been completed by now and the Treasurer has it. Good luck in getting financial reports from the Treasurer, I've also leaned that she has canceled this months finance committee meeting due to "scheduling problems". I'm sure it's just a coincidence that she cancels the meeting that the 2 new finance committee members (whom both know the Association finances very well) would have been attending since they were elected to their positions at last months general membership meeting. Oh! And when the annual audit would have been passed out. My hunch is there may be several journal "issues" on the audit that the Treasurer has to resolve before it is made public.
Keep in mind that the Treasurer has never acted alone on any suspected discrepancies that the membership may feel is present. There is another board member that should also be made accountable...the one who is micromanaging HPP's affairs and directing other board members, and while wearing two hats for 8-9 months as interim GM and an officer of the board.

This person was overseeing and also making decisions on our finances since July 2014 and has been on the Finance Committee since July 2015.

Just sayin, the treasurer's not alone on perceived financial issues, and never was.
Mermaid... exactly!
Also, I wonder if the other directors will get their monthly reports that Janet quoted for us from Article IX, Section 5. Treasurer, (e)?
I hope they demand them since the finance committee probably won't get them let alone any members.
Originally posted by janet

Article IX, Section 5. Treasurer, (e) Obtain monthly financial reports from the general manager including an income and expense statement which will be distributed to directors and made available to the members.

Here lies most of the problem IMHO....the interim GM didn't provide this info nor has the current GM. That's her 8-9 mos on the job and his 6-7 mos now. It is their responsibility as stated in our bylaws to provide these reports to the Treasurer AND GM is to distribute to the directors and make available to members.

The GM's job isn't in aligment w/our bylaws as I've pointed out previously. Duties were written out of the job descript. Who is responsible for that? The previous HRC1-2 rewrote the GM job descript. The board didn't task HRC1-2 to do this. This board didn't task this HRC to rewrite job descripts either. Who's the common denominator in all this?

Who was/is responsible for performing those GM duties described in the bylaws? I don't think this was utmost in anyone's mind since July 2014 after wiping the slate clean. They have said publicly they're forward thinking and very smart people, but ironically they've taken us back to the dark ages.

The current HRC are aware of this issue. Until that's fixed, I think we may continue to see things fall through the cracks.
I'm not sure I would trust an audit in any case. The last one posted said that it was based on information given to them by the organization in the first place. Which books are they shown?

We still have not been given info about delinquencies and what is being done about them. There is a huge amount of money involved there.
1 island 2 another
I agree with most of what mermaid and caveat emptor have stated.

However, as the Treasurer was "filling in" for the bookkeeper, it was HER responsibility to give the required information to the acting or actual General Manager, for onward transmission to the Board and members. If either of the persons in the GM position did not do so, according to the Bylaws the Treasurer must do it. In this case, the blame cannot be re-assigned.

"I can verify that the audit did start awhile ago. The Treasurer reported at a board mtg w/in the past couple of months that an audit was in progress using the same auditors as in previous years."

Remember, this is the person who declared at a meeting early in the new Board's tenure in 2014 that "we are in mediation" (note the present tense)...when it has become painfully obvious that there has been NO mediation to date. I will believe it when I see it.
Originally posted by janet

However, as the Treasurer was "filling in" for the bookkeeper, it was HER responsibility to give the required information to the acting or actual General Manager, for onward transmission to the Board and members. If either of the persons in the GM position did not do so, according to the Bylaws the Treasurer must do it. In this case, the blame cannot be re-assigned.

You are correct. During the time the Treasurer was filling in for the bookkeeper, it was her responsibility as well as the interim GM's responsibility. Now as for this current GM's responsibility???? And we have a brand new bookkeeper.

Remember, this is the person who declared at a meeting early in the new Board's tenure in 2014 that "we are in mediation" (note the present tense)...when it has become painfully obvious that there has been NO mediation to date. I will believe it when I see it.

A member did see an auditor in the office so rest assured the audit did happen.
I hear there is (has been) trouble brewing in the finance committee because the Treasurer won't produce any current financial reports (let alone hold a meeting for this month). A couple members have asked her for the current reports (this month's) and previous months that she had promised would be made available. She says she's too busy. But, as we know the new bookkeeper should be producing them and making them available to any member who asks. That's her job, they should be printed right off of her computer, they are all on Quickbooks. However, it seems the Treasurer is keeping the new bookkeeper sequestered from the finance committee, directors and members. I heard that even the President didn't even get financials for last months BOD meeting but the VP did.
I wonder how long it will take for the new BOD directors to figure out they are being kept in the dark and that even the President isn't involved in running the BOD... just the Treasurer and the VP.
Odds are that the directors won't get their financials for next weeks BOD meeting.
Also, the new GM is claiming that the BOD won't allow him the money to fix all of the equipment that is broken... I can testify my road has never been this bad! If that is true, there is so much wrong with that from so many ways that I don't have to the time to respond to it. However, everyone needs to know there has to be a budget for repair and maintenance so why not use it. What's behind this?
Let me remind every one on this as well; where's the audit? The way, way late audit?
Looks like we need a new Treasurer and VP.
If I've miss-stated anything here, please correct.
Originally posted by caveat emptor

I hear there is (has been) trouble brewing in the finance committee because the Treasurer won't produce any current financial reports (let alone hold a meeting for this month). A couple members have asked her for the current reports (this month's) and previous months that she had promised would be made available. She says she's too busy. But, as we know the new bookkeeper should be producing them and making them available to any member who asks. That's her job, they should be printed right off of her computer, they are all on Quickbooks. However, it seems the Treasurer is keeping the new bookkeeper sequestered from the finance committee, directors and members. I heard that even the President didn't even get financials for last months BOD meeting but the VP did.
I wonder how long it will take for the new BOD directors to figure out they are being kept in the dark and that even the President isn't involved in running the BOD... just the Treasurer and the VP.
Odds are that the directors won't get their financials for next weeks BOD meeting.
Also, the new GM is claiming that the BOD won't allow him the money to fix all of the equipment that is broken... I can testify my road has never been this bad! If that is true, there is so much wrong with that from so many ways that I don't have to the time to respond to it. However, everyone needs to know there has to be a budget for repair and maintenance so why not use it. What's behind this?
Let me remind every one on this as well; where's the audit? The way, way late audit?
Looks like we need a new Treasurer and VP.
If I've miss-stated anything hear, please correct.

CE the president wouldn't be able to read them anyway.
And where are the July minutes? June and August is posted. They were approved months ago. The recording secretary has been turning in all her minutes in a timely manner so it's not her. July's mtg show some of the board in a bad light so maybe that's why???? Two were accused of harassment by a cpl members and the RTSC was disbanded in retaliation...approval to move ahead w/chip seal didn't happen as they planned...yet they moved ahead any ways by prepping the roads for it w/out proper permits and contractor's license.

Why are the minutes being manipulated and why is there months of delay in posting them? By the time members get to read them, we can't correct anything. There's things being said by owners that aren't being included in the minutes or things they didn't say that are in the minutes.

Motions that are in the body of the minutes aren't being transferred to the motion log at the end of the minutes so the motion logs are inaccurate. How can you track the motions if they're inaccurate? Where is the motion approving the library AC? Who's responsible for these discrepancies? It's not the new Secretary bc this is stuff that occurred before him. And it's not the one before him bc she resigned in April 2015.

i.e. The VP wasn't the one who informed the board that there was a current road hump policy that needed to be rescinded 1st before the board was about to vote for her draft. Why would she inform the board to rescind it right before she asked them to vote when they hadn't seen the current policy? It doesn't make sense because she didn't, I did. Then Francis was the rep who made the motion to not vote on it that night until the board had the chance to look at the current one before voting. The minutes say a diff board member made the motion. He made another motion that night that is credited to one of the ladies. And shortly after this mtg, the current road hump policy mysteriously was yanked off our website directed by a board member. Sabotage of a board process is what that's called.

Where's the accountability? Nothings been done in a timely manner or according to the bylaws' schedule yet. Annual fiscal statements, board mtg minutes, meeting leaves us in the dark ages as was designed.

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