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This Has Gone On Long Enough - The Beginning Of The End Of Covid In Hawaii
Whats next ?

I really liked the year 2021.  Now I hear they’re changing it in a few days to 2022?  There was nothing wrong with 2021 as far as I’m concerned, my Apple stock (AAPL) is doing great and I want that to continue.  Now the powers that be are forcing 2022 on us - - ALL OF US!  What about my freedom to live in the year I like?
(12-30-2021, 01:30 AM)Obie Wrote: The virus is evolving, who knows what's next.

But not yet. Omicron will have its way with us and just when it seems like the end is in sight... again.... BOOM!! Pi in the face.
Certainty will be the death of us.
(12-30-2021, 01:37 AM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: Whats next ?

I really liked the year 2021.  Now I hear they’re changing it in a few days to 2022?  There was nothing wrong with 2021 as far as I’m concerned, my Apple stock (AAPL) is doing great and I want that to continue.  Now the powers that be are forcing 2022 on us - - ALL OF US!  What about my freedom to live in the year I like?

I'm pretty sure it's OK now to just identify as 2021 (even though it will be sooo last year) You just do you HOTPE.
Keep it local  Heart
Whats next ?

Part 2

So what can we do about this BIG CORPORATE CALENDAR trampling upon us, no doubt reaping unprecedented profits with all this year end number changing?  And lining the pockets of their pawns in Congress?  Let's not forget about those crooks the time scientists, who have been in on this from way back with A.D., B.C., Gregorian Calendars, Leap Year, even adjusting the atomic clock by a billionth of a second a few years back.  Somebody made big buck$ off that I'm sure, I can only hope it was Apple (AAPL).

Puna related content >>> finally here it comes. 
You would think people who complain about the inconsistency of the CDC, COVID restrictions and the like would really appreciate Rob's fully consistent stance that Punaweb is for Puna related material.  It's something we can count on, right?  Right?

So I ask you all to join me in protest of this 2021-2022 Time-ageddon and refuse to celebrate American corporate New Year.  Let's show them and instead observe Japanese New Year, sweep out the old, in with the new.

Now, does anyone know where I can buy soba noodles, mochi, and daikon in Pahoa?

Well at least you contributed something useful before going off the deep end.


and always....
Keep it local  Heart
"Obie Wrote:
The virus is evolving, who knows what's next.


Very funny but the next variant could kill us all or like we could just live with it.

I actually agree with the latest guidance.
Subscribers to The Economist might wonder if what's next, is Phi
Keep it local  Heart
It's my understanding the the Omicron strain is a normal progression for a pandemic. As the pandemic progresses the strains get more contagious but less deadly. Unfortunately I don't think there is any guarantee there can't be an outlier that comes along that's more deadly but the Omicron does fit the normal pattern of less deadly but more contagious.
Big Islander to be.
It is human nature to prefer anecdotal evidence over tedious statistical data. Even before "kinder, gentler" covid it was always the case that some people would sail through and others would suffer severely and/or die. Most of my life I have thought of the flu as only a form of bad head cold but it is a killer for a certain percentage of those who catch it. Covid or flu, you can't know ahead of time where on the spectrum of suffering you will fall. Another way of looking at it is, if you had a revolver with 100 chambers would you play russian roulette? 99% survival rate I hear.

WRT the heroic fight against Big Calendar, which banks will honor my preferred dates on checks?

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