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Micro hydro electric power generation
If you talk to the folks on the ground - the power line right of way leases proceeding full steam ahead (as of three days ago)..... Its typical to announce the end of a program - Then when the appeal comes through - the other side has no time to regroup before approval.

That is how the big boys play (and us folks on the federal approval / lease teat have learned from them. Think one or two local organizations can stop a billion dollars in motion in this country? Think again.....

How is exporting geothermal for cheap power for the hnl railway coming along? ............ same dril. The best defense is comprehensive understanding and the ability to argue the CFR's imho - the other side having lots of good federal legal eagles - that most likely wrote the section one needs to argue.......... been there done that....
Not sure if the power line will be built !
Bottom line - pumping water to store electricity produced during daylight hours, negates a lot of geothermal arguments about storing solar or wind energy as demonstrated by this BILLION dollar proposal backed by some real money.

May we gain at least that much from the discussion so far - now back to micro hydro projects ..... and how solar trumps geothermal.....

May I suggest the Punaweb solar benchmark is at 1.50 a watt to purchase and 1000 watts output per hour is worth 50 cents.....

Conversion factor comes up a lot in discussions about energy - hydro may be at the top of the list if I remember right.

180 foot dam to block one end of a canyon - in a endangered arroyo toad riparian habitat...... at that - vs 'billion bucks....... is the other option...... or Geothermal when they get this far west - if they havent all ready arrived.......... McDucks and Kaiser all ready here....

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