06-26-2013, 02:47 AM
Originally posted by pahoated
It's better to face reality rather than raise false hopes. It's possible to live here on just social security, EBT and medicare. A lot of retired locals do that. But that isn't to say their life is paradise. A lot of the elderly are struggling and there are some horror stories about what happens to them in some of the homes around here, just like there are the sporadic mysterious murder events. If there is ohana, then there is at least that additional support. Yeah, it can be said, the worst day in paradise still beats a good day on the mainland. But misleading strangers over the internet with false hopes, just for self aggrandizement, is the more reprehensible.
"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
I see both sides of the argument, Puna is described as an insane asylum without fences even in the travel books. You would have to be crazy to want to live there [:p], so I guess that is what draws me back there year after year and makes me plan to move there.
Mike you will do just fine in Puna, perhaps you could get established as a house sitter at first for a few months? I don't know about everything, but just putting it out there.
I played chess in Pahoa, swam in the pool and drank homade sweet tea every day. I saved a lot of money by showering at the pool every day, and time. I cut all my hair off and wore a hat everywhere. Clean underwear was all that was required every day (by me) and clean shorts every couple of days and a pair of reef shoes and a snorkel and a float or boogie board, the more beat up the better because if it is too nice it will soon be somebodys new one and not yours anymore. A good selection of t shirts is mandatory, maybe 12 to 20 is the correct amount for a week. I washed them in the ocean and hung them out to dry. I only used the washer for the "dress" t shirts, shorts and underwear. Everday exploring/swimming atire was washed in the ocean with low phosphate detergent once a week and rinsed in the bathroom sink when I got back to my room.
Just some thoughts, everybody is different. I learned to fish in the tide pools to catch bigger fish, you probably need to ask somebody fishing how to do that, they will usually share if you are patient.
Just random thoughts.....[

I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.
I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.