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mysterious light spotted on planet uranus
Speaking of astrology, why did they put a washing machine on a comet? Is it because it's a dirty snowball?
A little levity does seem appropiate under the stress that many living here are experiencing, and this is understandable under the circumstances.
It's good to see that others are finding relief in this thread.

What I wanted to show in this post are that the changes occuring on Uranus is just one instance of heliospheric changes, and that their are many examples of these changes that have been reported., and that they are occuring because of larger cosmic cycles .
It takes our Sun approximately 225 million years to make the trip around our Galaxy with all our planets in tow. This is sometimes called our "galactic year". Since the Sun and the Earth first formed, about 20 galactic years have passed; earth has been around the Galaxy 20 times.
Obviously, humanity now, and in the future will encounter many variations and pertubations of cosmic energy from this long,long, trip we are on.

Here are some examples of these energy events that are occuring now:

1.1.1 A growth of dark spots on Pluto [7].

1.1.2 Reporting of auroras on Saturn [8].

1.1.3 Reporting of Uranus and Neptune polar shifts (They are magnetically conjugate planets), and the abrupt large-scale growth of Uranus' magnetosphere intensity.

1.1.4 A change in light intensity and light spot dynamics on Neptune [9,10].

1.1.5 The doubling of the magnetic field intensity on Jupiter (based upon 1992 data), and a series of new states and processes observed on this planet as an aftermath of a series of explosions in July 1994 [caused by "Comet" SL-9] [12]. That is, a relaxation of a plasmoid train [13,14] which excited the Jovian magnetosphere, thus inducing excessive plasma generation [12] and it's release in the same manner as Solar coronal holes [15] inducing an appearance of radiation belt brightening in decimeter band (13.2 and 36 cm), and the appearance of large auroral anomalies and a change of the Jupiter - Io system of currents [12, 14].

Update Note From A.N.D Nov. 1997:
A stream of ionized hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. is being directed to Jupiter from the volcanic areas of Io through a one million amperes flux tube. It is affecting the character of Jupiter's magnetic process and intensifying it's plasma genesis. {Z.I.Vselennaya "Earth and Universe" N3, 1997 plo-9 by NASA data}

1.1.6 A series of Martian atmosphere transformations increasing its biosphere quality. In particularly, a cloudy growth in the equator area and an unusual growth of ozone concentration[16].

Update Note: In September 1997 the Mars Surveyor Satellite encountered an atmospheric density double that projected by NASA upon entering a Mars orbit. This greater density bent one of the solar array arms beyond the full and open stop. This combination of events has delayed the beginning of the scheduled photo mission for one year.

1.1.7 A first stage atmosphere generation on the Moon, where a growing natrium atmosphere is detected that reaches 9,000 km in height. [17].

1.1.8 Significant physical, chemical and optical changes observed on Venus; an inversion of dark and light spots detected for the first time, and a sharp decrease of sulfur-containing gases in its atmosphere [16].

Hi this is Pam, Tom K's gf Smile I am happy to be able to post again. Many of you have been very kind to me, and it has meant a lot and helped me keep my spirits up...thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Since astrology rather than astronomy was asked for, and this was something I learned some of at age 12 because my stepfather believed in it, I will do my best to oblige. There has been an ongoing stressful aspect between Uranus and Pluto. Uranus, in fiery Aries, would naturally be lit up. In fact it will probably explode any minute now. Be sure and wear your tinfoil hat. As for Pluto, now in ambitious Capricorn, it is working extremely hard in the face of many obstacles and plans to be a planet again when the stressful aspect (square) is over. You heard it here first.

Pam in CA
Welcome back Pluto! Is Goofy next?
I always liked Minnie Mouse, not to be off topic or anything like that.

Pam in CA

"Speaking of astrology, why did they put a washing machine on a comet? Is it because it's a dirty snowball?"

I suspect this is the result of having committees design the experiment. You may have seen in several media articles that the comet might contain the components of the primordial soup from which life arose on this planet. You'd have thought that sending a stove top cooker might have been a better option. Then again, they did seem to design this washing machine with ovens - typical committee-like design.

Pam - so good to have you posting here again! Thought I'd cured you of the astrology stuff but I'll take it just to see you here!
It took some doing to come here. I eventually had to get a new name and password to get access. Guess the inner mechanism of the web forum does try to keep the riffraff out.

Tom I'm glad to be here with you Smile

Perhaps I will post some astrology again, but not until I find my tinfoil hat.

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
Pam - if you need a new one (I know you like hats) I can particularly recommend the "ULTIMATE Tinfoil Hat" found on this page - - it's seven feet tall and has a retractable antenna and with some small modifications could be used to disguise yourself as a small conifer in times of emergency.
Ah, a shrubbery.

Welcome back Pam!

Mmmm, primordial soup.
This is a bright light, not mysterious at all! Welcome back, Pam!

Much aloha to you! (Singing "It's a Small World") [Smile]


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