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We The People
For what its worth, I just sent that to all the council members.

Good luck all, you too, Darl


when it comes to our county council we'll need a lot a luck. or sumthin

If the County Council won't help, or the industry won't make adjustments, then perhaps Bob is right, that an initiative passed by the voters might be next. A letter to the council would be the easiest, if they will respond with some positive action.


I have property in HPP which I understand is affected, although I didn't really notice a problem when I stayed in HPP several years ago. I also have a lot in Ohia Estates that I like very much. I was thinking of building a cottage there fairly soon. I was dismayed after looking at the flight paths someone posted recently, as they seem to go right over my Ohia Estates lot. That may change my plans. I firmly believe there does need to be some solution to the excessive overflights problem. As for the initiative, I fear the majority of citizens may not see it as an issue if not directly affected. I would suggest caution on using the initiative option and use it as a last resort, because if it were to be tried and then fail, afterwards no one would be interested in listening to those affected by the issue. It may be that the threat of an initiative would have more weight than the initiative itself.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
A county wide initiative would be the most difficult, expensive and risky way to go. Tying to get a majority of voters to be concerned about a probelms for less than 1%
will be tough.

Work on the council.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Natural Quiet is some language used in the National Parks Overflights Act of 1987 where overflight noise and safety issues became out of hand at many national parks, Haleakala for one. Sen Dan Akaka and Sen John McCain had a hand in it's writings.

Sen Daniel Akaka writes;

"At Haleakala National Park on Maui, helicopter operators have entered into an informal agreement that has reduced some but not all adverse impacts on the park. The agreement has eliminated flights into the crater, a major accomplishment for which the Maui air tour operators should be praised. A significant drawback of the agreement, however, is that it is voluntary and lacks an enforcement mechanism to remedy violations. Another shortcoming is that the agreement stops at the park's boundary, even though noise from aircraft flying just outside the boundary impacts park resources.

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island does not enjoy a similar arrangement, and overflights of park territory as well as surrounding communities continue at a great pace, essentially unregulated. An agreement has been difficult to achieve because of the area's unique climate and topography, which often limits the number of prime sightseeing routes available to operators. An accord has also been forestalled by the absence of a federal policy framework to guide negotiations. Absent formal agreements, the only effective regulation of commercial air tour aircraft in Hawaii has been SFAR-71, an emergency FAA rule issued in 1994 following a series of commercial air tour aircraft accidents in the islands. The rule established a minimum standoff distance of 1500 feet and other operating restrictions on air tour aircraft throughout the state, which have resulted in significant safety and environmental benefits for Hawaii."

Perhaps urging the county council through petition to public hearings to once again urge Sen Akaka and Sen Inouye to bring before the Senate Commerce Committee the need for amendments to the Overflights Act and the inclusion of Volcano's National Park Hawaii.

Between these two Documents NPO Act 87 and SFAR-71 all the language is in print, all that is needed is the vehicle to Washington.

Aloha HADave

Aloha HADave & Mz P

Hawaiian Acres

The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.

As was intended, this post was designed to remind everyone that instead of complaining, you have the ultimate control by your vote. People can sit around complaining or they can act.

I hope everyone continues discussing ways to effectively bring a real solution from complaint to resolution and together come up with a plan.

The power is in your hands.

O.K. Here is a shot; Some editing or fine tuning might be helpful, but, say a few folks were to send a document such as this requesting that the county council respond and see what happens?

Cut and Paste and send to the folks at the link below.

As much as I have now, but something


The county commissioners of the great County of Hawaii

I/we the undersigned residents, property owners, and voters request that the county council of the County of Hawaii, address the issues of helicopter overflights within the county by holding public hearings and appointing a special board to study and make recommendations to the council with regard to possible legal regulations needed due to the increasing impacts by the helicopter tour industry upon us.

Well, I emailed this to all of the council members a week ago plus a seperate email to Emily requesting her sponsorship and guess what? No response. Whadayado?



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