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09-06-15 Hilo Kamehameha statue spear theft
As long as it's not a BB gun.
Kind of suspicious timing. Netflix just ran Narcos and one scene has a communist revolutionary stealing the sword of Simone Bolivar. The peasant legend was that anyone that owned the sword would become the rightful leader of Colombia. There is this Hawaiian Kingdom bunch that have used the statue location before for protests. They are pretty fixated on the statue as some significant symbol. There is the incident with a spear saving Kamehameha's life when he attacked the people of Puna. It is weird seeing all this twisted social media interpretation distorting events into fanatical belief systems.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Whoever took away that bit of spear is obviously either criminally sick or incredibly stupid, but if a temporary fix is needed, I suggest an umbrella. More rain is forecast later this week and think that might be appropriate.

Assuming the spear isn't found, then it's the drought conditions later this year that need handling. How about a watering can?

PS. Had a right go at a tourist yesterday who threw his cigarette butt on the ground near the summit. Told him I was impressed that he got his lighter to work, but that we had to clear up his mess afterwards. He was apologetic which was good to see.

There were no Mauna Kea protectors to be seen.
I've changed my mind....a telescope pointed to the heavens. Maybe his other statue on Oahu could be with surfboard, much better surf there.
Interesting history on these statues. The Hilo one was commissioned pretty recently for the island of Kauai but since the king never conquered Kauai they didn't want it. Of the first two, the one ordered for Oahu in about 1880 was cast in Europe. At the time they hadn't seen many Polynesians so it's thought the statue is modeled after a Roman warrior. It was lost at sea on the way here and using the insurance another was ordered. Then the Falkland islanders found the first one and sold it back so we now have two, one at the palace on Oahu and one at the Kings birthplace.

From Wiki and Lies Across America by James Loewen

the one ordered for Oahu in about 1880 was cast in Europe

Ah, so the lack of local manufacturing capability is nothing new for the islands...
was cast in Europe

lack of local manufacturing capability is nothing new for the islands...

Statue casting could be a growth industry for the Hawaiian Kingdom & Kingdom of Hawaii, if they decided to build a local foundry to create a likeness for every potential heir to the throne.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by PunaMauka2

The mysterious plot thickens. Top of spear shaft recovered after being found embedded in Mark Twain's Monkeypod tree down in Waiohinu.

Do you have a source for this information? I find no other mention of it on legitimate news sources, is this just the coconut wireless talking, or do you have an inside line the Oahu media doesn't?
"Do you have a source for this information? I find no other mention of it on legitimate news sources, is this just the coconut wireless talking, or do you have an inside line the Oahu media doesn't?"

I must confess my only source was the spirit of Mr. Twain ...still spinning yarns from the other side, apparently.
FYI: (*Careful with the comments please. This is my ohana. The rhetoric is getting offensive. Again.)

On Labor Day, families gathered around the Kamehameha Statue at Hilo’s Wailoa State Park following the upsetting news that someone had stolen the spear from the iconic cultural landmark.

Nawai Chartrand and his family, for example, brought gifts and joined hands in Hawaiian protocol. Chartrand said he and his ohana were trying to keep a positive outlook in the face of the mysterious act of vandalism.

I pity the soul(s) who did this. HEWA LOA! Make all the fun you want out of this stupidity, however, it contributes to the continued anger felt by Hawaiians.

Perhaps that is the purpose; to continue discounting the Hawaiian race and their culture, belief, and maintain self-appointed superiority over "these native people". Some of us tolerate a lot more than others, but as usual here on PW, our culture is being mocked. Enjoying one's wit at another's expense, seems quite shallow.

Of note, there is something going on at the statue right now, with cops doing "crowd control". Listen here:

Going on self imposed break, so enjoy yourselves, without further rebuttal on this subject from me. Some of you are really too much. SMH.



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