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economic impact of TMT "controversy"
So fine, assholes. I'll crowdfund the thing and build it myself. You think I'm joking. Plenty junk available on the internet to build a starship. It has been mathematically proven that you can delineate a boundary of INFINITE extent within a finite area. Space is quantized. A magnetic field line is one dimensional. Supermagnets run LHC. An idiot could come up with the software for the warp drive with what I just gave you. Great ideas don't take up much space. Bury me on Kepler 5a. So long, Suckers. TMT would certainly make navigation easier by giving precise coordinates but pulsars, a 3-D map of the galaxy and software for a GPS system will get me in the ballpark. Attention ladies! Care to start a new planetary civilization?


You can't fix Samsara.
Don't forget to take along a copy of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe" . . . and a towel. Always take a towel.
imagtek - in the interest of cooperation, I think we might have an old single-detector infrared bolometer we could loan you. It was used with a Fabry-Perot interferomoter to give wavelength information although I'm not sure where we put it, but I could have a quick look. Not sure what you could use it for, perhaps part of the auto-pilot, but it's yours if you want it.
Attention ladies! Care to start a new planetary civilization?

That's bound to drum up some interest, but if you're still short a full crew someone once told me the best line in Puna was, "hey baby, I've got hot running water ..."
A few coils of copper pipe around the warp core should do the trick.
If you're willing to swing by that diamond planet I might be interested, as long as there's room to bring along a wormhole pod for a solo return trip.

"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by imagtek

So fine, assholes. I'll crowdfund the thing and build it myself. You think I'm joking. Plenty junk available on the internet to build a starship. It has been mathematically proven that you can delineate a boundary of INFINITE extent within a finite area. Space is quantized. A magnetic field line is one dimensional. Supermagnets run LHC. An idiot could come up with the software for the warp drive with what I just gave you. Great ideas don't take up much space. Bury me on Kepler 5a. So long, Suckers. TMT would certainly make navigation easier by giving precise coordinates but pulsars, a 3-D map of the galaxy and software for a GPS system will get me in the ballpark. Attention ladies! Care to start a new planetary civilization?


You can't fix Samsara.

Not so fast...Gimme a second here. Now, if I provide a landing area do we get stock in the starship company/non-profit/LLC, whatever you call it?

What about the diamonds? Ladies love them diamonds! [8D]

Now, on a real serious note, what about "astro-travel"? Any of y'all ever heard of it, or better yet, experienced it? (I'm going back to read in the "Politics" about some "high Kuhuna" that's working with some UFO stuff, or something...[?][:0])

Chunkster, LOL. Take a whole set (of towels; if you get wahine involved, just saying.)

Levity. Always a good thing. Mahalo y'all.


P.S. Do we have to register with the government to use this creation? Do we have to pay taxes in advance, or just on what "income" we bring in? Oh, and do we have to get freaking permits???? From who/whom/what entity, if so? That may be a challenge, but, can do. IMUA!

Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

Attention ladies! Care to start a new planetary civilization?

That's bound to drum up some interest, but if you're still short a full crew someone once told me the best line in Puna was, "hey baby, I've got hot running water ..."
A few coils of copper pipe around the warp core should do the trick.
If you're willing to swing by that diamond planet I might be interested, as long as there's room to bring along a wormhole pod for a solo return trip.

LMAO! (I think) Thanks, HOTPE. More "food for thought".

OMG. Ladies, your thoughts, please?

Goodness gracious, sakes alive!

"Chunkster, LOL. Take a whole set (of towels; if you get wahine involved, just saying.)"

I'm taking a short break in early November to see Pam, and I've already ordered extra towels for the hotel room. Best to get that issue sorted out in advance. Women and towel consumption, I've never understood it...
Reading fodder, that seat pocket in front of yours:
Oh Tom, above post was for da' long journey folks.

More presently, bring some new ones for Pam to take home. Pre-wash so they remind her of you wen U back.

Just sayin',
"A few coils of copper pipe around the warp core should do the trick."

No, bad idea. Copper is an electrical conductor and the induced EMF will interfere with the warp core magnetic containment field. You have to use a material that has a high melting point but is also a good electrical insulator. A di-hydride tritanium-3 alloy is a good option.

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