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Richard Ha - Cannabis Conniseur?
"Does Mr. HA donate Money to these large corporations to represent them, or better yet could he be receiving payoffs, bonuses, or retirement incentives to lobby for them?"

Richard Ha: employs many locals, feeds a local population (occasionally for free), has made a success for himself and has fought for other Hawaii farmers.

Gypsy: a guy who posts nasty innuendo, a troll, dishonest to the degree he'll edit his posts after responses without saying why, makes threats of violence, supports criminal activity and doesn't seem to remember anything beyond a day or two.
Woody has a home on Maui. I don't know about Big Island, but he is a businessman + investor. He was arrested in Kentucky years ago, as the Washington Times published, for planting cannabis seeds. Hawaii rules require no former arrests, which is ironic, when it was to benefit the cannabis industry.
No transparency on the application selection process is what is bothersome here. Our Hawaii (+ everywhere) appointed judges are former Monsanto employees + the lobbyists are overwhelming.

Originally posted by leilanidude

Technically, did Woody even meet the residency requirement? I doubt anyone with that many assets and income level, would be so stupid as to make Hawaii their legal residence.

Delia Montgomery,
Thank you sir Tomk. That was pretty predictible and I have come to expect those kind of attacks from you of late. Yes We grew up in different parts of the world tomk, and because of that we view some things a bit differently at times. Would you like me to buy you something, Green bottled beer or fine wine? You Brits might take acts of human kindness as a sign of weakness, though that is only my opinion.
Pease don't have me arrested for expressing, saying, or writing my stupid opinions or views on different topics sir?

Tomk, Friendly reminder that Mothers day is tomorrow. Unlike us pompous men, Mothers are quite respectful, forgiving, honest, hard working, constructive, positive, and compationate people.

Thank you sir Tomk. That was pretty predictible ...
You Brits might take acts of human kindness as a sign of weakness, though that is only my opinion.

How do you think Mr. Ha would feel, or respond if he happened to read your comments about him, such as:

*Mr.Ha has always been a voice for the big corporations like mansanto GMO, Ormats...
*Does Mr. HA donate Money to these large corporations to represent them, or better yet could he be receiving payoffs, bonuses, or retirement incentives to lobby for them?
* sided articles in support of these large corporations, many times ignoring or minimizing the local rubber slipper folks
*Mr. Ha looks more like a large mole, nark...
*Thousands of MMJ patients are now stuck having to put their trust into the devil hands, jmo.

Do you think Mr. Ha would find all of those comments about him accurate?
Is calling someone the devil an act of human kindness?
If those statements are simply your opinion, wouldn't Tom also be entitled to his opinion?

Oscar Wilde's Last Words: "Either this wallpaper goes, or I do."
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Point taken HOTPE.
My bad I thought The topic or thread was about Richard HA and his new business direction mmj. I then simply gave my opinions based on the past few community issues Mr.Ha has stood up or voiced opinions for. No he should not like my post or the current state of the TMT project, GMO, or GEOTHERMAL development here on the big island. I just haven't seen Mr. Ha concerned about the dying Ohia trees, kapoho fish kills, natural aquifers, or even protecting island resources. Although Its truly inspirational and facinating how Mr. Ha has become a multi-millionaire on the big island, or that he has now helped many farmers make more money today than ever before. Its also some what sad or concerning to see so many more down and out homeless local people going hungry or not being able to afford local produce at the tourists priced farmers markets,jmo.

Also just about everything Mr Ha has grown commercially has come up with really bad diseases or viruses (papaya, bannana, tomato,ect) that at times has made growing things here as a common farmer increasingly more difficult. Some may not want to see new diseases, viruses, or gmo techniques wipe out or contaminate all the wonderful mmj options Hawaii has been worldly recognized for,jmo.
everything Mr Ha has grown commercially has come up with really bad diseases or viruses (papaya, bannana, tomato,ect)

I don't think Mr. Ha had anything to do with those crops getting viruses. The viruses were most likely brought here on imported food, and if anything it made him work even harder to contend with them.

One other thing worth mentioning, Mr. Ha created a local market for bananas and tomatoes, a market which is now partially vacant. A local farmer / entrepreneur could step in, and much of the work involved in marketing and selling those products has already been done. Anyone?

Oscar Wilde's Last Words: "Either this wallpaper goes, or I do."
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Another valid point hotpe, wonder if the list of folks wanting to grow banana is as long as mmj. Sorry but if a 600 acre cotton(banana)farm is seeing future problems with continued profits, those aren't good signs for the banana industry,jmo.
The fire ant is a serious threat to all outside future production of anything in puna, so is this ohia wilt (rod). Because the fungus is carried by the soil,water, wind and does affect other farmed crops and fruit trees. Now I don't want to discourage you hotpe from farming outside in puna or the big island but times, climates, and environments are a changing. Its no fun or picnic to be rained on by fire ants while harvesting banana,guava,mango or lychee, the day is pau,jmo.

Personally I think the tango, andro, or other ant baits and pesticides people are using regularly around many close to the ocean properties, are starting to reach our ocean coastlines. These products could endanger our ocean environment as well,jmo.

Editing to add fire ant link, these new pests are especially dangerous for our loved pets because they can and do cause blindness.

Added another local related fire ant article, they do like to nest in bananas after all.

A few links here for those interested in what side of some important community issues Mr. Ha has lobbied for recently.

These things Mr. Ha stands for or lobbies for may not deserve the opposition, but the oppressed opposition should also have a voice besides Mr Ha's reiterated one,jmo.

So far, unless I learn something different, I am fully in support of Richard Ha's positions.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Some may not want to see new diseases, viruses, or gmo techniques wipe out or contaminate all the wonderful mmj options Hawaii has been worldly recognized for,jmo.
gypsy - You might be really unhappy to know that almost all of the mmj that will be (and has been) produced, is already GMO and heavily sprayed with all sorts of non natural fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, etc. It just isn't the "natural product" that so many try to proclaim it to be.

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