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New Orchidland newsletter and web site from one of
This suit was started in July of 2015. I think any Lawyer handling a case such as this on an ongoing basis, or being retained, over a year could rack up this kind of bill.
Still its a good point and I'd like to see proof of expenditures paid out.

l believe that the proof is in the pudding.
The current board has done more for the roads than any of the last ones in years.
And that's what its all about. So what if they spent money on a lame chip-seal job.
At least they are trying. Sometimes you need a big bandage before you get to surgery.
You do what you can with what you have at the time.
And the maintenance on the side roads is better than it has been in the last 10 years.
The hill on Pohaku Got Paved!
The last board would have never gotten that done.

I have to ask. Why would anyone want to get in the way of progress like this? They must have an ulterior motive.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Originally posted by terracore

I'm with you. And I find the $40k+ figure of attorney fees allegedly paid by OLE so far to be an outrageous claim considering that the court action has been minuscule. If they are paying the road workers at the same ridiculous rate they appear to be paying attorneys one is left to question their judgement. Assuming an attorney fee of $300/hour (which seems high) we are really to believe that it's taken around 150 hours of attorney time for a court case that's only met the judge once?

* This post is not an endorsement of either board.

According to the court website, there have been 8 hearings and 100 filings.

I'll also add that in Hawaii attorney's fees are not recoverable except for special circumstances where there is a statute, agreement or case law to support it.
Thanks for the update.
l believe that the proof is in the pudding.

Moldy pudding which spoiled during a HELCO outage...

Why would anyone want to get in the way of progress like this? They must have an ulterior motive.

Follow the money?

Short-term: seize assets, redirect dues payments.

Long-term: soften real-estate valuation for eventual property flipping.
This is a weird situation at best.
I know some history on the people wanting to take over and I don't trust them.
I know that some of them were ousted from the BOD.

They didn't stick to the master plan for paving either but now they call foul for the new board members for doing the same thing. Hypocrites
The newly formed board is doing what people want.
Maintenance and paving.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Originally posted by kimo wires

So what if they spent money on a lame chip-seal job.
At least they are trying.
Erm...because they spent a ton of money to their unlicensed buddy for a crappy job that will produce even more potholes in the near future, requiring even more money?
The hill on Pohaku Got Paved!
The last board would have never gotten that done.
And 40th got paved just to Don Stoner's house. Funny that.

IMO there's NO legitimate board now. The only good thing I've seen materially from the Arthurs side was taking on Virick/Stoner side for their crazy stuff. Since then they haven't shown any sign they have good faith either, and some of their backers at least have shown they have no idea what they're doing. This whole thing is just a giant clusterfck.
In 2003 philosopher Nick Bostrom put forward the idea that we may live in a computer simulation run by our descendants. I suggest all Orchidland residents who cannot deal with what is going on time travel back in time and have their descendants come up with a better program.
Slow Walker
The previous board did the same thing. Used substandard crew for the drainage area cement work.
Maybe the new board did a bad deal with the chip seal but.
It seems evident that a top notch paving crew did the asphalt work at the top of Pohaku.
Never saw the last board complete a paving project like that.
I agree that is is a Cluster though, MidnightRambler
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
So what if they spent money on a lame chip-seal job.
At least they are trying.

Erm...because they spent a ton of money to their unlicensed buddy for a crappy job that will produce even more potholes in the near future, requiring even more money?

I think we should try to remember that the original chip-seal was put down about 15 years ago, and according to the specs it was supposed to be recoated at least twice at 3-5 year intervals. The amount collected for the current recoating (10 years late) wasn't even supposed to be enough to do the complete job, but they did it. I give them credit for that. I have driven 4 of the 5 roads that were recoated within the last 2 months. 3 of them are still perfect, Laniuma has about 3 or 4 potholes showing up at the bottom in a known problem area. It has been over a year. I was concerned about how long it would last, and so far I have been impressed. Certainly the money saved by using the unlicensed guy will easily cover the cost of filling a few potholes. I also don't have any confidence that a licensed contractor would have done any better, especially considering how the last one performed. And let's not forget that it is still supposed to be recoated again in another 3-5 years (1 has already passed) and that will still be 10 years overdue. And it probably won't happen. And people will complain about the potholes and blame the contractor.

The road that I haven't seen is Orchidland Drive. This one wasn't even supposed to be acceptable for recoating. Anyone have a report on how it is holding up?
The previous board did the same thing. Used substandard crew for the drainage area cement work.

No Kimo, they used a licensed contractor for that, and got screwed. The licensed contractor left the rebar out. And that is only one of the screwings by that "licensed contractor."

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