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Rob, what happen here ???
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

Keep in mind that during the Golden Age of Punaweb (and after), there were members such as The Lack, Damon, airportparking, pog, pahoated, etc. You can search under Members to read some of their contributions. They'll probably be first in line at any new Puna related site.
No kidding. If anything, the amount of major douchebaggery is way down from that time (and don't forget the Kona real estate guy, John Rabi?). But maybe that's exactly what pog doesn't like about it now?
Originally posted by ericlp

I'd gladly donate my 20 bucks every year than set up a site like this and have to babysit people like you guys. Sorry that rob has to deal with this bs...

That reminded me to do my end-of-the-year PunaWeb donation early...with an extra Jackson in the name of pog. Wink

Upper right donate link.

Punaweb is what it is, and pog is what he is . . . make your own conclusion.
I think all the different viewpoints are what makes a forum valuable. So what if a few seem WAY out there in left field! So what if a heated discussion ensues! Arguments and heated discussion can be useful tools to make things change, advance and make things better in the future. It would be boring if one person posted and then 20 more people followed and said "yes that's right on! I agree". I dunno maybe some people need positive affirmation to make themselves feel good.
EW - differences of opinion, arguments, and heated discussions are just fine, in fact very healthy. When it comes to involving your family and/or threatening to go to your employer because you disagree with someone, then it stops being OK. Pog/airportparking has threatened that in the recent past. One or two others want to get people banned because they don't like their opinion. That isn't OK either, and they are the ones that complain about PW.

Now, if you think that's just heated discussion or a difference of opinion, we need to have a little chat!
TomK, you and EW are both right. You are talking about the extreme, and EW is speaking in general. I remember when AP was sent packing, and it was completely warranted, imo. If AP and Pog are indeed the same person, then that is a problem, but it will probably take care of itself. Pog may have learned his lesson and will stay within the lines, or he will revert to his old ways and eventually cross the line again. Then he will take another vacation. His post on this thread is very unpleasant, but I don't think it crossed the line and apparently Rob doesn't either. I'm glad that Rob is thick-skinned enough to stay objective even when he is the target.
Yes 2cents! That's right on, I agree! [:p]
My 2 cents - completely agree, pog's original post in this thread is fine despite being whiny which he is complaining about. I was just pointing out that some of his previous posts have gone too far, as have one or two others, and yet these are the people who call for censorship. It's a very hypocritical position to take in my opinion.
39 is a good number, lots of 3's in it ...

Glinda, nice to meet you, you were my inspiration for this thread.

LOL, as you can see from the replies, this place is pretty much a _____ now.>>> Let them imagine and project what I am saying.

I'm sorry for the present, but go back a bit. Including looking John Rabi, his practical info was some of the best to be read + he ALWAYS put his heart into his responses. I invite you to read my posts and replies as well. No bullying, simply calling out B.S. early + some fun.

Don't bother here. Wrong audience. ... Hope you get something new and fresh going. Maybe enable photos to be posted. Pure local style but don't think for a second that all the grumbling, sourpuss, transplant, hypocrites here won't jump right on.

Now watch this jump another couple hundred hits as the most prolific boffins here will read it over and over in order to best concoct they smug, self righteous reply,,,, all while ignorantly refusing the genesis of the thread.

Rob, I'm sorry. Lemme know if I can do more legwork for your case. People on your side, but you gotta bring more firepower man.
peace, pog

"No bullying, simply calling out B.S. early + some fun."

This sums up the whole difference in perspectives we have here. One person's "calling out B.S. early + some fun" is another's "bullying." I have a brother in-law who says some really vicious things to others, and then uses the "just kidding" defense when the person on the receiving end gets upset. He then tells them they have no sense of humor for not appreciating being on the receiving end of the "joke." There are people here that feel free to jump out on a thread to show their superior intellect and disdain for others, but are themselves quick to get all butt hurt if someone does the same to them.

Maybe before posting people could just ask themselves the following about their own post: Is it true? Is it helpful? Does it make a positive contribution to the discussion? If I can't answer yes to all three I try to hit delete, or not type it to begin with.


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