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Thanks for keeping it local Rob
This is local news, Our Puna district and some of it's community members have seen how the civil forfeiture program works when everything they own is taken.
Can or should this Civil forfeiture money go back into the communities? A way of Redistribution " the Civil forfeiture program" from dealers and criminals to community benefits, When in need if you will. jmo

Why can't the general public, You and me, learn, see, or hear what the many millions saved or taken are planned or used for?

Why has the forfeiture programs account of millions stopped or leveled off in the past 7 years? This Just after a sharp increase during the years prior to 2010.

Is the program still being done in Puna?
Was this the program used on a Local MMJ activist known as Mike Ruggles during his controversial bust?

Is the civil forfeiture program in need of better management and new ideas? Not everyone can count or save millions.

Could Pahoa school classrooms full of students and teachers use this programs saved money for things like air conditioners?
Could Pahoa Homeless and businesses owners have better options from the money saved in this forfeiture program? Maybe beat cops in town?

Could our elderly or community centers be able to tap into this program, If needed?
Could our local Politicians tap into this fund or account like the County Geothermal Relocation fund they have used?

Could our Police officers earn better pension plans, bonuses, cars, guns, homes and investment opportunities or incentives from this forfeiture program?
gypsy says:
Is the civil forfeiture program in need of better management and new ideas?
Maybe beat cops in town?

gypsy, really,
You can't blame the local Pahoa police for problems with the civil forfeiture program.
And how would beating them improve anything?
I think it would make matters worse.

Later you add:
Could our Police officers earn better pension plans... guns...

Well I guess so. They'll need better guns if you incite people to beat them.
And a better pension plan with an early retirement option too. Because if you're always coming after them whenever they drive down Pahoa Village Road or into Malama Market, they'll want to quit, right? Was that your plan all along? No more police, no more arrests, no more civil forfeiture?

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

Isn't it time to start a new topic instead of hijacking this one?

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
"the young man who died recently picking opihi down at the bottom of Maku'u"

Seriously, do you have more information about this? When, where, who?
Anyone else hear anything?
Paul W, We haven't heard such a tale. We usually do. The Coconut Wireless must be down for repairs.
Well knock me over with a feather, I'm still standing. Thanks Gypsy and to your wife. God bless you both for being true protectors of children. We should all be so lucky to have parents like you. Yes my fan base...LOL!
Being new to the blogosphere, I am grateful to hear about topics that this community has discussed previously, no matter how brief. So much more effective and efficient than a personal jab which activates a whole other vortex, No?
Lodestone, I will read articles you posted today. Grateful to be educated which is all I'm looking for.

PaulW if you want to know local Hawaiian HPP news, you should try to talk to Hawaiians in HPP in person. I'm not comfortable publishing personal information about others when I heard it through acquaintances. Have done that in the past and been lambasted.
PaulW, I have not heard anything about a man who had recently died picking Opihi.

On a side note, did you PaulW catch the part of my first link where the DLNR officer had tried to falsify paperwork to prove he was not in the area of his rape of a underage girl? He may have had help from within the department to try and cover-up his act of rape? Our D.A and his team had to go the extra mile to make sure our community saw justice in this case. The officer was probably on paid leave after he was released. The officers bail amount and time spent in custody was nothing compared to our average arrested local MMJ activists, why?

If the GPS system is indeed used in all police vehicles, Then could the GPS systems also be used in all police used HELICOPTERS? Please answer PaulW.

HOTPE you are very funny at times. Of course I did not mean to encourage the beat down of police in Pahoa. I meant that a beat cop or two may be needed in certain areas at times to help rural communities. Could the civil forfeiture program help pay for an extra officer or two for this type of purpose?

P.S. No disrespect intended here Rob. Why should I have to start a new thread and how did i hijack this one of PaulW's? PaulW, Chimed in early on Ohiagirl's new thread "only" to put her down and dis her views and or opinion's. I simply posted some local news on Pauls new keeping it local thread rather than dissing him or his kiss-ass sly keeping it local remarks.
Gypsy, go make your own thread for posting unrelated stuff, thanks. So it can get the attention it deserves.

Ohiagal, okay I get it, just another thing you've made up or misunderstood. I know plenty of people in HPP and nobody I've asked has heard about this.
"Who cares if it's true", as you say.

Anybody can post what they want in a thread (keeping it local of course) but if you don't stick to the subject then it's hijacking.
Ohiagrill made some outlandish claims in a thread so I responded, nothing wrong with that, that I know of.

By the way, this is not a blog, it's a forum. Welcome to the internet.
Check in on PW. What the heck, why not...

Same ol'? Same old. The virtual gathering place for cranky old babyboomers habituated to complain and bicker as pastime.

Check out
Kids these days... so very busy, but still make time to drop by and hurl and insult or two!

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