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Must opinions be substantiated? (TMT examples)
Gypsy, that sounds like the governor's plan, only reusing existing sites after TMT. I guess we have reached a reasonable compromise.
Gypsy is as usual grasping at straws in trying to think of reasons why a telescope (a telescope!) should not be built.
Now it's electricity, which everyone is free to buy and use as much of as they want. There is no shortage.

The real reason, as he has revealed in the past, is because he can't see how he would profit from the telescope, even though he would,
just as we all would.

He is not Hawaiian and does not even live in Hawaii. Must be boring cutting that same grass every day at the golf course.
Pele and her energy gifts should not be used on the once Kapu summit of Mauna Kea because it could be disrespectful to some. jmo

If Pele gave us an energy gift, wouldn't it be wise to accept and use the gift?

I certainly wouldn't want to refuse Pele's gift and make her angry.
cutting that same grass every day at the golf course.

Toxic grass. Shredded, particlized, airborne, inhaled, molecules of pesticides, fungicides, chemical fertilizers...

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Didn't you once suggest building a ski resort on that "once kapu summit"? Pele's fine with that?
We're still doing this?
This PGV power plant has had many releases and blowouts including one during Tropical storm Iselle in 2014... Many say that Headaches, breathing problems and Cancer rates are higher in the PGV area.

Have you ever read any of the warnings on the bottles of poison constantly applied to a golf course? Many will state side affects such as headaches, breathing problems, and cancer. What do you think is more detrimental to the human body, a rare, occasional release by PGV in an area that has constant steam vents and natural releases of the same type, or working on a golf course every day, subjected repeatedly to dangerous toxins, and then bringing them home to your wife and children on your pants and shoes? Do your pesticide soaked pants get washed in the same washing machine as your children's clothes? Do you think that is safe considering many golf course chemicals include spreader-stickers in their formula intentionally making it difficult for water to wash them off? I believe the golf course residues are a far greater danger when you look at the daily, repeated, long term cumulative exposure.

Have you thought about the keiki and their future?

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Since I arrived on Punatalk in March I have observed these inane exchanges between gypsy and a sizeable group of TMT supporters. (Never had much interest in the TMT debate; no strong opinions on it)

The gypsy-inspired dialog made me even less interested; most of gypsy's views are nonsense.

As everyone on Punatalk knows, the style of derision directed at gypsy by the TMT supporters has regularly been directed to other posters by some of these folks. A subset of the larger group of TMT supporters. A small subset.

Apparently they can't help themselves. That's their modus operandi: I disagree with you. Therefore you must be stupid.

This is what compelled me to write the sardonic Humor Section about 6 months ago. Quite a few Punatalk posters responded positively to that. As in: We know what you mean.

* * *

And the TMT critics at large won't break off dialog with gypsy. Talk about me being TL-DR. Some of the same inane circular debates have continued for months. 0 progress in the dialog.

Evidently some TMT proponents enjoy having a platform to toss out insults. If gypsy ever stops posting......
gypsy's views are nonsense.
Good for him, he's been upgraded from nonconformist.

Evidently some TMT proponents enjoy having a platform to toss out insults. If gypsy ever stops posting......
Some people enjoy hitting a tiny white ball around a toxic grassland for hours on end. And pay big bucks to do so.
To each his own, I guess.

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Protestors want to use violence and religion to stop the construction a $1.4B legal development that will be beneficial to mankind but you have no opinion on it?

Yet you write a weekly column of 3000 words on the status of debate on Punaweb. I hope someone actually reads it.


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