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Nuclear Attack Siren Test, CDC Presentation Jan 16
That's one scenario where Nuclear Attack isn't the scariest possibility. Survival, even being able to look anyone in the face again might be harder to experience.
It would be stupid for him as it would be the end for his little regime. And he (kim) knows it.

I don't think we have anything to worry about. It's all a dance to show his might to the world and more importantly to his people. He's constantly paranoid about being overthrown by his own generals. His threats obviously have been effective, hence our new nuclear attack siren system.

One would think what happened at Pearl Harbor and then to Japan would be a history lesson. All those thousands of innocent civilian people who perished because of their government's decisions to wake the sleeping giant.
Kenney @07:51:35-
ironyak @14:20:45, 12/01/2017-
Nice post. Needed the wry laugh.[Wink]
Kim tried to join Paranoid Anonymous, but they wouldn’t tell him where they meet.
HOTPE wrote:

"I agree. Was it the pitch, the timbre? Or the interval in the rising and falling of the warning signal? Of course the buildup by state officials in conjunction with the test was minimal, stay inside for two weeks, and be sure to have a 14 day supply of food and water on hand."

I think I posted something about this two or three months ago. It seems to me we'll all have to steal a shopping cart from Walmart/Target/Safeway etc., just so we can make sure we all have two-weeks of water with us in case of emergency. I guess you could hook it up to your car. Hopefully, there's enough room for two weeks of food and a place to park while moving all that stuff inside a concrete building and finding a place to shelter, all within a few minutes, without the above's security guards saying you can't remove that cart and I'm calling the police.
Just for a giggle, here's the latest reassuring news:

"Report: Most sirens worked during Hawaii warning test"

"A report on a Hawaii siren test that drew international attention amid a North Korea missile threat shows that 28 sirens statewide played the wrong sound or had other technical problems.

The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency report says nearly 93 percent of the state’s 386 sirens worked properly. Twelve mistakenly played an ambulance siren.

Just make sure you don't dive into the nearest concrete building with your two weeks of food and water next time you hear an ambulance.
93 percent of the state’s 386 sirens worked

That's certainly not reassuring.
But I'd bet our sirens are better than his missiles.

"You all just got a lot richer." Donald Trump, Dec 23, 2017, speaking to friends, donors, and sycophants who could afford the $200,000 yearly membership fee at Mar-a-Lago.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
On Jan 16th, the CDC will present What To Do In Case Of Nuclear Detonation.
When Hawaii announced the testing of attack warning sirens, their web page was accompanied by a pleasant ukulele soundtrack.

The CDC does not mess around. If you read the Hawaii news story (below), in it you'll find a link to the CDC page where you'll be greeted with a photo of an H-bomb in mid detonation:

"This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water.” - President Donald J. Trump
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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