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Restricted Access to the Lava Flow
Could a truck be rigged to move a few hundreds of gallons of pahoehoe to a building site to pour as a foundation(steel forms)? Or series of molds etc?
Gordon J Tilley
Originally posted by gtill

Could a truck be rigged to move a few hundreds of gallons of pahoehoe to a building site to pour as a foundation(steel forms)? Or series of molds etc?

Wow - SB was wondering what it would take too!! ha ha
Originally posted by hooligal

As someone who got "stuck" in the traffic crush last night, I'd love to see signs 'GIVE OUTGOING TRAFFIC THE RIGHT OF WAY". I was *this close* to getting out & directing traffic last night, but it miraculously cleared up. It could have been really sticky if the lava had jumped forward & folks *really* needed to get out in a hurry.

I also saw a lot of A*hole parking last night. Folks in compact cars parking on the 'side' of the gravel roads with no room to get by...I guess they assumed all the cars that needed to get by were the size of their compacts! We almost fell off the road trying to get around one in our fat pickup truck.

I really feel sorry for the residents who still need to get to their properties near the parking lot Sad

It's nice to see someone other then Harry Kim and myself think that road needs to upgraded before they let the public back on it.

"Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I look for my dreams and a pocket full of gold" Led Zeppelin
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Originally posted by Kapohocat

2008 nominees are now being posted.

Love the Darwin Awards, The Tree of Life is Self Pruning!

So a canidate for the 2008 Awards,
"Human turns self into Marshmallow as Lava Flows"?

Post a large sign over roadway "Enter at own risk. Hazardous!! Potential Sulfuric poisoning at any moment with shift of wind, delta breakaway with any odd wave, and hot lava burns and can run faster than you".

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
I think their are only two residents left there, and they use motorcycles to get to their respective houses. So use a scooter or bike to see the lava and you will not have a problem either.
Always do what evers next.
Add to Glens list of watching rules:

Do not park the car where the flow will go

Myna Bird just reported that it seems someone parked near the flow yesterday & the flow cut off access to the car & may have taken it.... IF this is true, makes you wonder

ED: It is true! So, this rule must be added Glen!
There were 5 residents evacuated yesterday from lower Royal Gardens (I think the houses that had the new drives that were graded last year) The two upper residents seem to still be hanging in there, one is riding up through to exit through HVO.... Those guys are tough!
Originally posted by Carey
Do not park the car where the flow will go

Myna Bird just reported that it seems someone parked near the flow yesterday & the flow cut off access to the car & may have taken it.... IF this is true, makes you wonder

ED: It is true! So, this rule must be added Glen!.....

I just wonder how they report this to there insurance company [^]

"I parked my car and went for a walk... when I came back Pele had decided to eat it."

Today in History
The Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sandford that slaves were not citizens, 1857
Hmmm, there is not specific language in a personal auto policy for lava. But if it just covered it, technically, there is no coverage. So you hope for it to catch fire so you can make a comprehensive claim. Gosh, the adjuster might even knock the salvage value off the top of your value because you have done something that prevents them from collecting the salvage Smile

I'm sure that car must have been stolen. I parked it there and when I returned it was gone?

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Grand opening for the new viewing will be at 2pm Saturday (tomorrow). The viewing site will be open from 8-10pm daily, with last car in by 8pm.

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