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Mauna Loa
I have a science background, I want to understand the world. I don't understand people like you who defend people that say things but won't back them up. Why is that such a problem for you? What is so wrong with me asking which volcanologist said what hokuili said they did? Why do you have such a problem with it?
If you wanted to understand the topic you'd read and discuss the theory and related publications already provided. All the data to back up the idea is right there. Obviously you haven't bothered with any of it.

Instead you want to continue your petty vindictive feud and accuse people of claiming fraudulent credentials (which they didn't), say people are comitting logical fallacies (while doing so yourself) and sling disingenuous b.s. the whole while. The level of intellectual dishonesty and the inability to admit any mistakes is rather sad.

I don't care if the idea came from hokuili, a HVO scentist, or a barista at Tin Shack because IT DOESN'T MATTER. Whether the idea has merit can be judged from the data at hand if you cared to look at it.

But you don't care which should be clear to everyone. All you are interested in is showing off how much of a pompous blow-hard you can be to someone who has crossed you in the past. So mission accomplished? Can you piss-off and start a "Why TomK is cooler than Hokuili" thread so people who are interested can actually talk about Mauna Loa?
It is perfectly logical and reasonable to ask which volcanologist is being referenced.
And if you had a name, how would this change anything?
I might find myself agreeing with Ironyak on this one boys.

Here me out...

It just so happens I was also in a jacuzzi recently with a group of scientists. I won’t get into any specifics like their names or credentials but let me tell you - all of these men and women (who will remain unnamed) were world class scientists, top of their field.

Long story short they discredited and disputed everything hokuili is saying and they based it all on the latest literature. If you just read the literature you’ll see they are correct.
TomK - why do you keep responding, at all, to "hokuili"? You are being baited and you keep taking the bait.
rainyjim - If you just read the literature you’ll see they are correct.

You have links? You know so people can read for themselves and not rely on the purported reputation of your sources. No? Thanks for proving my point about making an appeal to authority fallacy.

If you're going to troll, could you at least attempt to fake some relevant information? Or better, you could read any of the publications provided and learn something. Or not, more likely. Horses and water, pigs and songs, etc...

And if you had a name ...

It was pahoated

[Big Grin]
Wow, all this over a casual statement about a minor little thing. As simple as mentioning a few vents, and a possible trend. An observation anyone could make. Or, as has been pointed out, could be found in a fortune cookie.

It's silly really. But hey, I agree with Tom, and think his reasoning should be applied to everything. Nobody should be free to comment on the color of the sky unless they site a reference to prove that the source of their statement is a qualified, bona fide professional. How dare anyone say otherwise, eh?

I mean, let's be real, if people are allowed to offhandedly have ideas, and share them, without consulting professionals, without qualification or credentials what would become of us?

Now, if only such standards were imposed upon politicians..
What about the OP's original question ?

"When it erupts, does it ever flow to Puna?"

The answer is it could affect a tiny bit of Puna and that most of Puna is shielded by Kilauea.

In the meantime Mauna Loa doesn't have an east rift zone.It has a Northeast and Southwest rift zone and there have only been 2 large Northeast rift zone eruptions in the last hundred years.I don't see that as a trend of impending doom for Puna.



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