Yes Rob that is a beautiful proposal very well done and thank you for all your volunteer work.
But as a resident of HPP that proposal scares the pants off me. The road is larger and faster than what I had in mind.
My main concern about a road through HPP is the "wrong side of the tracks" scenario I think it would divide the subdivision creating a good side and a bad side over the years. Of course the makai side would be the desirable one so everyone mauka could possibly see a decline in property values etc..., for this reason many more folks in HPP could be affected.(the fact that you actually mentioned a rail!!!!!!! so scary and it seems to much like a commuter route than an emergency route)
I am against any road through HPP at this "time", but if I had to choose (and even though I live right in the way of the proposed 15th street bypass and I've been entertaining fantasies of the coh jacking up my house and moving it to a lovely lot in the tsunami zone.The house my family and I built with our own hands, the house my last baby was born in,The house that as long as I'm alive is not going to see a road in its backyard.(sorry for the rant but I have familial issues with eminent domain)).
I would choose Gov't Beach road basically pave or grade the red road all the way from kalapana to hilo why?
a.It would open up an area of otherworldly beauty (and beaches) for all to enjoy.
b.It provides alternate access for "all" of lower puna
c.It could be in the historical corridor so no threat of making it a commuter route it would be protected.
d.The folks on the Makai side of beach already think they are in their own subdivision so no change there.
e.Being that most of the red road is already paved and enjoyed by many its probably the most logical and economical.
The idea was tossed out because its in a tsunami zone but so are many other roads in Hawaii and supposedly we are to be warned in advance making the road still usable for evacuation.
The focus seems to be on HPP and Hawaiian Beaches but in the next 50 years I can see kalapana,seaview,Lelani and all parts of kapoho areas growing and developing, it doesn't seem like the plan addressed these areas if they could not use the existing highways.
I'm thinking if they put in a center turning lane and shoulders on the main roads of HPP, kaloli,paradise and makuu that should handle the traffic woes in the park.As well as increasing hwy 130 to allow better access in and out of the park.How folks think a bigger highway is more dangerous I don't know, its the cars that don't have lanes to pull into now that are the problem.
I had also heard that the village center idea was shot down because a certain amount of people have to live within a 1/2 mile of the center and that is not possible in HPP unless we subdivide the surrounding lots and build multi units like condos and apartments.
Has anyone else heard about that?
Anyway, I guess I have to get started on the "NO RAILS IN MY PARK COMMITTEE" now.