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Public Safety Meeting at Leilani Community Center
this is how it's done
Saw this...

Peace and long life
Peace and long life
Originally posted by jlgerk

this is how it's done

EXACTLY! And that's why we need a gov't run Humane Society. This non-profit we have here can kill an innocent animal with a syringe once they're brought in, but what happens in these situations? And that was a trained animal handler who wasn't able to handle the situation!

Here in Eden Roc you've got at least an hour an a half wait time for police presence, so you have to make sure you consider that BEFORE situations occur and plan accordingly. If: then.

A woman who lives just 2000' away, who has lived here for about 3 years and has never spoken to me except a wave when I'm working in the yard, stopped her car and asked me if I had seen her cat. Her voice was shaking and so was her hand a little. I think the grapevine (the chick on the bike from the Johhny story) told her that I have taken many animals to the humane society. I've had to capture/trap cats and dogs that are near death and ones that appear to be rabid.

If you don't have them tied up, the humane society won't even bother coming out!

I don't take people's pets to the pound.

Because our property is not completely fenced and we have a compost pile and free range chickens, abandoned animals tend to find our place. I've had to put a few down with my little 22 myself. That's ((((ed. It's like Mexico in that respect and I don't appreciate it.
I've had to capture/trap cats and dogs that are near death and ones that appear to be rabid.
Just FYI, there is no rabies in Hawai'i. Thus all the quarantine regulations to keep from importing it (and other things).

Not saying the animals weren't acting weird, but they weren't rabid.
Right, no rabies here. I've seen a dog that was 'actually' rabid and to illustrate how they weren't just vicious, but much more than that, I said appeared to be rabid.

But, to clarify, it was more like they were possessed by the canine devil himself! lol Growling, hind ends up, front down, lunging. Bam.
I can sympathize with what Mr. Foster has gone through, however the dogs are not the real problem here. It’s the police. Their lack of response and apathetic attitude, whether due to the status quo or family connections as has been alleged, is unacceptable and dangerous for law abiding citizens. Unfortunately this is not unusual.

At we have been documenting what one woman has been going through, for over two years now, due to her ex-husbands judicial connections. On November 1, 2009 Kevin Walters premeditatedly imprisoned, terrorized, threatened, and attempted to kill his ex-wife Carrie. Most of this incident was on video (posted on our site). On November 3, 2009 Detective Royce Serrao charged Carrie with assault! On December 2, 2009 Det. Serrao testified to the Grand Jury that he had not viewed the video. Typical HPD investigative work. Ignore the evidence and charge the person without connections.

At the Grand Jury, Prosecutor Rick Dammerville knowingly suborned perjury as he ran a few minutes of the video, WITHOUT THE AUDIO WHILE Kevin testified that Carrie was the aggressor yelling and screaming at him, then unprovokingly stabbing him. Rick Dammerville then went into family court for a TRO hearning, where Carrie was not represented by an attorney, to suppress the LEGALLY RECORDED evidence of Kevin admitting his guilt. On January 10, 2012, in open court, Rick Dammerville participated in violating Carrie's order of protection. In November of 2011, Rick Dammerville began stalking, harrasing, slandering, and intimidating Carrie on line at All this began prior to our even starting to expose all his misdeeds.

Even with our recent updates, what we have posted so far is just the tip of the iceberg. Police, Prosecutors, Public Defenders, Judges, Turning Points, Probation Officers... All backed up with LEGALLY RECORDED evidence, of course.

As Mr. Foster's situation has shown, the only way to effect change is with exposure and citizens voicing their outrage.
Bringing Justice to the Islands
I do think that the interconnectedness of the island affects how and whether matters are prosecuted, and if they are prosecuted, how they are prosecuted, and what the sentencing may be. It is almost as if there is a tribal court overlay on an English-based judicial system, with tribal law trumping English jurisprudence.

That being said, systems (and there is one) do respond to pressure and I think this case (the dog case in Leilani) is a very good one to flex muscle on.

Please keep in mind that the Government must prove its case against the person cited and that nothing we say here proves that case. I do think it might be a good idea for persons who are interested in knowing whether the laws will ever be enforced to attend the hearing in this matter. I plan to do so, and I may start a separate thread encouraging others to do so as well.

One other thing I have learned from working within is you rarely accomplish anything by spitting on those involved in the system: prosecutors, judges, and so forth. The best way to get their attention is through respectful, coherent and persistent engagement.

I will be attending the first hearing in this matter. I will presume, as we all must, that the cited party is innocent, knowing that guilt or innocence are determined only in one place: a court of law.
Doesn't say it here, but the story in Big Island Weekly says that the dog owner has relatives on the police force. The investigating officer then went "on vacation" while waiting for the 90 days to be up. How convenient that the dog owner didn't answer her door and the police just went away! Too bad the victim here has to make all this stink just to get the police to do their jobs and protect people.

I found that ABOVE comment (not my words) interesting. I went to BIW, tried to search for a write up on this but found nothing. If anyone can find the original source then by all means please provide a link.

I just am hoping for a good out come to all this.
There are two new comments to the story on Big Island Chronicle (not Big Island Weekly, that is some other article I guess), both defending the owner and criticizing Mr. Foster for supposedly refusing help and going for establishing grounds for a lawsuit.

Worth reading to hear the other side. I have no knowledge whatsoever of who is right or wrong or part right or wrong, but from what they are saying, the Native Hawaiian and "local" residents are on the side of the owner. Her credentials with the community are listed and they are considerable.

The second commenter makes the remark that who you know always matters here because it is an intertwined community ... and I know that is true.

If you are a transplant who comes here, it feels sucky that you don't matter as much as people who were born here, but from the "grown here" perspective, that is the way it is, and you should be on board with that or don't come live here. I've heard that many times and from good people.

I do think it would be lovely if the police treated everyone alike, but then of course I would think so ... if it were my uncles and cousins on the force, my ohana, I might feel differently. I have never had relatives in law enforcement, so I wouldn't know what it's like to get treated as family ... but it is the way things are done here.

Most likely there is right and wrong and miscommunication on both sides. Should be quite a meeting.

FWIW, nothing of what I just said changes my POV that I'm adamantly against dogs running free in the streets of our neighborhoods.


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