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The lightining / rain / storm here the last 2 days
Originally posted by kalakoa

Example 1: assume GMO is a 100% safe technology. Does that make it okay for profit-driven multinationals to own the patents on all our staple food crops?
You mean like the papaya? Oh wait, that's not owned by a profit-driven multinational.

BTW, you do know that most non-GMO seeds (by volume planted) are also patented and owned by profit-driven multinationals, right?

Example 3: many USians don't believe in "global warming" because their winters are getting colder than then have in decades. If the scientists had better marketing, they would have branded it climate change... because nobody really listens to scientists if they can avoid it.
They're also getting warmer - right now on the other side of that cold front that has record cold temperatures behind it, it's above 60 in many places. 30 years ago, you almost never would have had that kind of temperature in January; now it's a regular occurence. And scientists do call it climate change, because some places are going to get colder as others heat up more than the average.
Originally posted by Midnight Rambler

Vonce ze rockets are up, who cares where zey come down?
Zat's not my department.
-Werner von Braun

Just for the record, that comes from a song of(Werner von Braun by TomLehrer).

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