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Big Box Ban - Thoughts?
Yes wjbillock, you are correct. Unions and regulations stifle the efforts of corperations to be competative in a world market where other countries are able to provide labor so much cheaper. We should be sensible and immediately lower our safety, health and living standards to that of the Indians or Chinese. We shou8ld also immediately remove all import tarrifs so our workers can more easily realize what their labor should be worth.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Are you suggesting less government regulation and interference in the lives of its citizens?


When I posted my "$50/hour salary and $20 tennis shoes" I was thinking the same but I didn't want to start a debate here. What are the unions worth?! The only non-union hotel on the island is the Four Seasons. Incidentally, they have the best service and the best restaurants too.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

I think Unions were a good thing early on. But you can't deny that the first jobs to go overseas were the union jobs.

I also think $50.00 hr would be the starting pay. I remember in the ninties hearing about Union welders making 120 hr and up.


"Sometimes your the bug and sometimes your the windshield"

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

I guess my sarcasm needs work.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
We should be sensible and immediately lower our safety, health and living standards to that of the Indians or Chinese.

Oh how I agree. Imagine how much lower prices would be if businesses could get out of all the restriction and regulations that ridiculously drive up prices.

A prime example is Hawaii anti-business/consumer law that mandates business provide health care for certain workers. I mean, let free enterprise prevail and if companies can get people to work for lower wages with no health care, that should be a business decision not governments.

I also believe that mandated workers compensation artificially drives up prices. Eliminate it. If workers can't take care of themselves on the job, I shouldn't have to pay higher prices to cover their injuries. Look at those miners in China, did you see them refusing to go back into the mines after a collapse that killed their friends and family?

And this notion that workers should be paid for vacations and when they are sick is appalling. You don't see workers in Indian having to deal with this. No, they drag their sorry sick butt into work. If you work you get paid; if you don't work you don't get paid.

I don't care what anyone says, repealing all these worker’s laws are what we need. If all these laws are supposed to be good for workers, than why do sweatshops have no problem recruiting workers? I personally think the US should eliminate the minimum wage and let economics dictate it from there. If your employer can find someone willing to replace you for only $4.00 an hour, work 60 hours without overtime, and isn't going to ask for health care, it should be the call of the company, not the government or unions. If you need to make more than the person willing to work for less, just work longer days, more days a week, and stop taking vacations or time off to be with the family. Or get a second or third job. But don’t make me have to pay higher prices for goods and service to support your need for health care, vacations, disability protection, sick days, and weekends off.

(Oink, you did just fine)

Edited by - Bob Orts on 09/22/2007 18:14:47
And don't forget those poor CEO's & senior VP's! How are those guys going to survive with out that third vacation home in the Hamptons! You know, a five course dinner just doesn't go as far as it used to! They've got families to feed! Those Unions really make me mad!

Yes wjbillock, you are correct. Unions and regulations stifle the efforts of corperations to be competative in a world market where other countries are able to provide labor so much cheaper. We should be sensible and immediately lower our safety, health and living standards to that of the Indians or Chinese. We shou8ld also immediately remove all import tarrifs so our workers can more easily realize what their labor should be worth.

Big Islander to be.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Yes wjbillock, you are correct. Unions and regulations stifle the efforts of corporations to be competitive in a world market where other countries are able to provide labor so much cheaper. We should be sensible and immediately lower our safety, health and living standards to that of the Indians or Chinese. We shou8ld also immediately remove all import tarrifs so our workers can more easily realize what their labor should be worth.

Big Islander to be.

I thought your sarcasm needed a little addition or two.

Yes we need more dirty water, more filthy air, more vitamins with contaminates in them, more poison food, more cheaper crap to fill our houses, on the back of those who we at one time tried to do right by!

I agree Unions were necessary way back when, to address so many abuses of the powers that were, child labor, detrimental working conditions, slave labor.

Unfortunately Unions got to full of themselves and became just as corrupt as politicians, all looking for riches and job security at the expense and ignorance of the populace.

Corporations were at one time demonstrated good citizenship toward workers and communities, sponsoring many good community works, providing a family living wage. That too had evaporated, and corruption has taken over even at the board room level! Now the only loyalty is to the bottom line, filling back dated stock options, and keeping investors happy, manipulating and jiggering the books.

What I do not understand and would love an explanation of is WHY do people like Larry Ellison, Oracle, need more billions of dollars. What could he possibly NEED or want beyond his current worth. I understand he is a bright person, look at what he has accomplished, but truly, when is enough enough, and where does it all end?

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
I agree Unions were necessary way back when, to address so many abuses of the powers that were, child labor, detrimental working conditions, slave labor.

Unfortunately Unions got to full of themselves and became just as corrupt as politicians, all looking for riches and job security at the expense and ignorance of the populace.

Corporations were at one time demonstrated good citizenship toward workers and communities, sponsoring many good community works, providing a family living wage. That too had evaporated, and corruption has taken over even at the board room level! Now the only loyalty is to the bottom line, filling back dated stock options, and keeping investors happy, manipulating and jiggering the books.

Mahalo mella,

Thank you for helping me clarify my point. I'm definitely not Pro Corporation, nor am I Pro Sierra Club.

Despite not having a Union Card, I have always had good jobs and earned a good salary and taken care of my family, even here in Hawaii and EVEN WITH vacation, sick days, healthcare benefits.

My point was/is this:
I grew up in the MidWest and witnessed too much Union corruption (Construction), and way too many "fireproof" Union workers (Auto Industry) making way too much money to Insert Tab A into Slot B....with a coffee break every 5 minutes (Steel Workers).

I believe in the Right To Work. And I believe that if you are not getting the benefits you require, don't accept it and move on.

I also don't believe in legislation trying to save the few at the cost of the many.

So, now to go back to my original thought on this thread, who is our legislation trying to control with this Big Box Ban?

"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman
"Vote with your money!"

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