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In regards to the child abuse question. Here's part of SheaG's post (#34) in the lower Puna thread on TA:

Sure crime happens island wide. However, anyone with a working internet connection can within minutes determine that lower Puna has a wide variety of social ills, from a relatively high crime rate (2-3 times that of west side districts), heavy drug use and production, higher rates or child abuse, poverty, and so on. That and the prevalent clothing optional alternative lifestyle (not to mention the lady obsessively flashing her privates in Pahoa) may deter some people from staying in the area. It might inspire others to seek it out. As long as they have the facts, then they can choose for themselves. We're not the tourism authority here. There are pros and cons of each district for visitors, either to stay in or to day trip to. We cover all of those here. And yes, some districts simply have more of what most visitors are looking for when they come to the island.

edit to add post #34

Lead by example
You should read Kathy's posts on TripAdvisor if you have time. Kathy writing about Puna is like Fox News reporting on Obama. Everything is bad, all the time. Oh, occasionally she'll throw out a bone so her posts appear somewhat reasonable, but they are few and far between.
She cherry picks the worst of Punaweb to bolster her negative claims. For instance, recently she went on a crusade against the Kapoho Tide Pools and provided a link back to Punaweb:

You recently posted to that thread, which is now there for everyone on TripAdvisor to read: "mansanto's agent-orange, Mersa boils, a hang nail could send you to the hospital."

She will never link to a positive thread. The last thread she started on Punaweb was about eating at restaurants in Pahoa, which quickly focused on unbreathable smoke filled air, traffic, no parking, etc.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
What constitutes irrelevant content?
Originally posted by Wao nahele wahine


In regards to the child abuse question. Here's part of SheaG's post (#34) in the lower Puna thread on TA:

Sure crime happens island wide. However, anyone with a working internet connection can within minutes determine that lower Puna has a wide variety of social ills, from a relatively high crime rate (2-3 times that of west side districts), heavy drug use and production, higher rates or child abuse,
edit to add post #34

Oh OK missed that - then back to what possibly have been the reason to delete?

36. Re: What is nice about Lower Puna and Pahoa area?
Nov 28, 2014, 12:12 PM
Kehena is the most likely place to find the clothing optional lifestyle, if that's what you are into. There certainly aren't hordes of folks wandering around Pahoa in the buff. On my twice weekly trips to Hilo, I see the same ratio of 'homeless' as I see in Pahoa. As for the crime rates....the east side in general has 2-3 times more crime as the west side, not just Puna. Crime stats can be misleading until you breakdown the specific crimes (burglary, assault, car theft, etc.) by each district. Bringing up child abuse...really? According to the stats I found with my working internet, South Hilo is much worse for child abuse.


KathyG post orinally mentioning crime and child abuse was only her assumption she did not have to provide links to the facts or anything like she wants others to provide.


Also SheaG the other DE - does she own rentals on the island?
as she stated this?

As I have homes in three districts, have lived full time here in three different districts, and staycaction all the time around the island,


She stated "HAVE homes" not had in three districts. Wonder if she is steering visitors for her own personal gain? I guess one can rent out "homes" long term or just let them sit empty.

Here's one the DE's violate regularly.
"Answers should directly answer the question asked. Please keep answers as objective and to-the-point as possible. Please keep in mind that Questions & Answers is not a discussion forum. All answers should be relevant to the original question asked, and follow-up questions should be asked as separate questions."

The DE's are not only using the questions answers forum as a discussion forum, they are also using it as a smear campaign forum. They constantly go out of the way to add things that are not pertinent to the initial question asked and turn the questions into a discussion steered into a smear campaign. That is a point blank violation of the terms.
Also SheaG the other DE - does she own rentals on the island?
as she stated this?
As I have homes in three districts, have lived full time here in three different districts, and staycaction all the time around the island,

It's hard to follow her stories. Shea has stated she is a single mother who struggles to find work in Hamakua, and cannot afford the high rents up there.

Then she says she has three homes on Big Island.

I guess when you have two heads (according to her TripAdvisor photo/avatar) you can live in multiple realities at the same time.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Ouch, I did not know the extent. Yes now I have added to the negativity of Harry Kim's Kapoho pools. Yet that is how I feel about that area and my opinions are just that.
I swam in those pools regularly with only ear aches to complain about. Now that Dlnr has taken over and it has became a sanctuary I won't allow my kids to swim there. I think we have become over protective as parents these days. Also feel like the thousands of tourists weekly using the bathroom in those tide pools or standing on the corals, or caking themselves with sun block can not be good for those pools. Sorry.
Understand some of your positions against Kathy a little better now, did not know my comments could be read elsewhere.
Tripadvisor forum guidelines:

Some key guidelines that I DO believe they are abusing:

Non-threatening - TripAdvisor encourages active discussions in our forums, even those about controversial topics, but the forums can only flourish if all members feel welcome and safe. We will not tolerate:

*** Multiple messages targeting any member(s) for insults, attacks, or personal comments.
*** Challenges to another member's right to participate on our site
*** Allegations of fraudulent reviews or forum posts directed toward, or regarding, a specific person or property on TripAdvisor.
**** Sarcastic asides and snide comments.

SheaG has stated recently on TA that a cousin of hers owns a home in Kapoho. She has also recently stated that she lives in Waipio, if I remember correctly. She does state in post #14 of the Lower Puna thread on TA that she lives on the Hamakua Coast.


Lead by example
Originally posted by Punatic007

She works for Mitch Roth? Are you sure? He's a stand up guy, hmmm I wonder if he knows about her prolific posting "hobby"? Perhaps we should all send links of this thread to him? Or perhaps a barage of phone calls?

You think we are bullying KathyH? Wow you seem to be as observant as the rioters in Ferguson who still think the officer was in the wrong after countless pages of fraudulent testimony revealed by those who started the inquest with their eyewitness blatant lies.

Mitch Roth should be bringing up charges against KathyH or firing her at the very least for damages to individuals and our economy via the tourist industry.

No, I don't think we are bullying at all, I just noted that some people might think that. I think it's crazy that someone would go out of their way to bash a place day after day, month after month, year after year. I've had some bad experiences places (hotels, restaurants, whatever), posted my negative review, but then I've moved on with my life. I don't come back and continue to go out of my way to bring up my negative views every time someone else states something positive.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present

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