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The dinosaurs didn't ether, had they not steered the planet into that comet things would have been so much better...
Transplanted Texan
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
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Oooh April, Love the quote from "Ballad of a Thin Man".
I played that tune for years in a rock band.
Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.
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Over 3000 thermal sensing bouys placed in all the oceans indicate that the oceanic temps are dropping. Last winter had record cold temps all over the world. The 11 year Sun spot cycle which ushers in global warming is late or on hiatus, hence, we may expect cooler temps.
there is only one thing that causes global warming and that is the Sun and that is proveable scientifically.
however, man made global warming can not be proven scientically. It is not replicatable, but only conceivable by computer modelling. you know the old saying: Garbage In Garbage Out.
CO2 is not a toxic gas it is a requred component of the life cycle. It only makes up about 1/3 of 1% of the entire atmosphere oxygen is about 20% and nitrogen is about 75 % and a few other gasses make up the rest of the 5% that`s left.
In conclusion 31000 U.S. scientists signed a petition declaring that this whole notion of manmade gobal warming is a hoax. Nd if it is true why don`t China Russia and India sign onto Kyoto. There`s a lot of holes in this theory and it is only a theory.
you would do yourself a huge service by researching this issue thoroughly, before jumping on this crickety band wagon.
By the way should follow the money trail. Most of your big time global warming proponents have large monetary stakes in popitiating this farce including Al Gore.
You end up being their lackey.
In the end it will be revealed how great a hoax this been and all affiliated with it will suffer a great humiliation.
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Okay. Thank you so much for providing the true facts. It's nice to know that six billion people burning millions of barrels of oil and millions of tons of coal every day are of no measurable effect. Now I can concentrate on tossing my plastic shopping bags in the ocean where they will add to the food chain.
Assume the best and ask questions.
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Lies, damn lies, and statistics.
It may be interesting for you to know, that in the Pacific ocean, one of my best friends and shipmate for years personally drives the U of W's RV Thompson that services the buoy fleet in the Pacific. That vessel is probably the most important research boat in the Pacific Ocean. I am in the loop, as some may say. I am not talking out of my arse. There is a di-decadal fluctuation of ocean temperatures in the Pacific, and at this moment in history, it's still intact. Thank 'fing god. The difficulty, of course, is the amalgam of ocean temperatures and how they influence all of the upwelling patterns in the oceans. The "whole" of the ocean is markedly warmer. Surface temperatures affect local weather strongly, and tropical systems primarily, but the deep ocean waters are what remain the indicator of the health of the ecosystem at large. And, these temperatures are warming rapidly.
Look, there's a lot that going to become clear in about 5 years. Anything you read in print or press is at least 2 years out of date. The worst case scenario predicted by the models(that at this point, again, have 10000 years of 1km2 resolution at 99.9 back cast reliability) -- the worst case scenario is a global recession that in the short term cuts smoke emission. Why? Because we're running 2 degrees C cooler than we should in the northern hemisphere because of all the crap in the skies, and if it clears up, it will create a large destabilizing effect. Fortunately, Hawaii, will miss a lot of it. Feel sorry for California.
There are Humboldt Squid and Great White Sharks now off the coast of Vancouver island. The bird migration schedule for the entire West Coast of the US is nearly a month ahead of schedule. . .
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I believe that global climate change is occurring, and I see no way that human activities could not be a part of it. If satelite pictures say so, it must be true that glaciers and polar ice caps are receding. All of that makes sense. Because of all this, sea level rise is predicted and some sea level rise should have occurred already. What baffles me is that mankind has been keeping very close tabs on tides for close to 200 years but no one is stepping forth to say "Look! See what the tide data is showing!" If we are looking forward to meters of sea level rise, how come we aren't looking back at milimeters of sea level rise documented by centuries of tide data? I haven't heard anything either way. I know that in some areas land masses are subsiding while other land masses are rising, which would skew the data but the state of our understanding of plate tectonics should allow those effects to be corrected for.
In the year 1800 Britain and other european powers were setting up colonies the world over. I assume that tides have been measured worldwide since then.
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Hi Mark,
Of course they have, and do, and the data is there. Sea levels have been rising, and there's no debate whatsoever about that fact. In areas with large ranges, the magnitudes of the tides have been increasing as well, as it magnify the effect. The number of breakwaters in the N. US and Alaska that are awash in the high tide storms of the winter are a fact of life for boat people.
The only debate that exists with sealevel rise is this one--and so far it is mostly unsettled. Is the observed sealevel rise a result of freshwater melt of the icecaps or of the thermal expansion of the mass of water in general? It's a big unknown, and is the source of uncertainty among climate change experts. If the source of observed sea level rise is run off, not thermal expansion, then the predictions of sea level rise over the next century will be at the low end of the predicted results--about 3 feet. If the source of observed sea level rise is thermal expansion, the predictions of sea level rise will be at the high end of predicted results or about 100 feet. The last time the earth was as warm as today, with the same cumulative load of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere today, with a sun 2 percent cooler, the sea level was 150 METERS higher than it is at the moment. We've a long way to catch up.
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Geologist: Global Cooling Has Begun
A prominent American geologist declares that global warming has ended and “even more harmful” global cooling has already begun.
Dr. Don Easterbrook, Emeritus Professor at Western Washington University, delivered that warning in a scientific paper he presented to the 4th International Conference on Climate Change in Chicago on May 16.
Dr. Easterbrook said the earth has consistently shifted between periods of warming and cooling over the course of thousands of years.
There were cooling periods between 1880 and 1915, and between 1945 and 1977, and warming periods from 1915 to 1945 and from 1977 to 1998, according to Dr. Easterbrook, and temperatures have been cooling since 1998.
Easterbrook is the author of eight books and 150 journal publications. He serves as associate editor of the Geological Society of America Bulletin, and was U.S. representative to the UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization] International Geological Correlation Project.
He writes in his paper:
“That global warming is over, at least for a few decades, might seem to be a relief. However, the bad news is that global cooling is even more harmful to humans than global warming and a cause for even greater concern.”
According to Easterbrook, a recent study showed that twice as many people are killed by extreme cold than by extreme heat.
Global cooling will have an adverse effect on food production because of shorter growing seasons, cooler growing seasons, and bad weather during harvest seasons, he said.
“This is already happening in the Midwestern U.S., China, India, and other places in the world. Hardest hit will be third world countries where millions are already near starvation levels.”
Cooling will also lead to an increase in per capita energy demands, especially for heating.
“World population is projected to reach more than 9 billion by 2050, an increase of 50 percent,” Easterbrook pointed out. “This means a substantial increase in demand for food and energy at a time when both are decreasing because of the cooling climate.”
Among Dr. Easterbrook’s conclusions:
“Numerous, abrupt, short-lived warming and cooling episodes, much more intense than recent warming/cooling, occurred during the last Ice Age, none of which could have been caused by changes in atmospheric CO2.
“Climate changes in the geologic record show a regular pattern of alternate warming and cooling with a 25-30-year period for the past 500 years . . .
“Expect global cooling for the next 2-3 decades that will be far more damaging than global warming would have been.”
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Just read an article on article discussing this.
It's entitled, "Br-r-r! Where did global warming go?"