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Tenant Trouble
i wouldnt call it extortion.. if its cheaper to pay them to leave, than repair/remodel your house.

Okay Google... Who are these people and why ain't they working?
Again, expect that in some cases the tenant will ask you to lie and give them a good reference.

If they lived in your place for a year, how are they going to explain this to the new prospective landlord who asks them where they lived most recently?

I was staying with friends for a while?? Most landlords only accept that explanation for a month or two. Friends do not constitute a reference.

And beware of fictitious references. Got a prospective tenant who used to rent from Day Lum Property Management? Now that is a solid reference.
excuse me, i meant the tenants who get paid to leave your property are extorting the landowners, not the other way around. I have heard where the tenants have even brought it up and said they would leave for such and such an amount of money. to me, that is extortion..
You are correct. I am just pointing out that the reference business is an additional issue.

One could even say some tenants further extort their landlords by badgering them into giving them (the tenant) a good reference. That causes a problematic situation for 2 landlords.
Originally posted by lquade

excuse me, i meant the tenants who get paid to leave your property are extorting the landowners, not the other way around. I have heard where the tenants have even brought it up and said they would leave for such and such an amount of money. to me, that is extortion..

and your point is??? Sorry to be snarky, but that is the state of affairs today in Hawaii. You want to develop this land? how much are you willing to pay me not to claim ancestral ties to buried remains there? You want to build a telescope on my sacred sh**-pile, I'm sorry Bud, that's my sacred sh**-pile and it's going to cost you....

Why anyone wants to invest in Hawaii is an increasing mystery to me...
how much are you willing to pay me not to claim ancestral ties to buried remains

...after which you have the "privilege" of navigating the County process: pay for permits, pay for studies and reports, beg for extension of deadlines after the studies and reports take so long, then pay for new studies and reports because they expired while you were negotiating for permits.

If your project survives that overhead, you get to deal with protests from whoever you didn't hire to do the work.

I note more and more references to "requires several years to develop", most recently in the Mass Transit Master Plan, which suggests that we should building start the Kona baseyard immediately, so it will be ready by the time we buy enough buses to need another baseyard.

More immediate example: still waiting for that Petco in the PKP mall...

From the way they they are acting, they've done this before.

Like hell I'm going to give them a favorable reference. I will even warn you all should they slither your way; you want to know who they are, I will refrain from mentioning their names but I will describe them for you. Husband, Native American Kiowa I believe, Wife, Swiss with heavy accent, Mother, Native American and heavy set, Kid 1 Bi-Racial Male and very cute 6 years old, new 2 month old baby, 1 dog and now puppies.

If you see these folks checking out your house, run. I am beginning to learn they are practiced at the art of screwing landlords.


We're all here, because we're not all there!
We're all here, because we're not all there!
Originally posted by alaskyn66

i wouldnt call it extortion.. if its cheaper to pay them to leave, than repair/remodel your house.

on topic barely -

To add a little levity to a difficult situation...
AKpilot here,

Looks like the "cash for keys" option is going to work. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than flying over Maui county PoPo. It just sticks in my craw that there are so many Horrid People out there. These people know exactly what they are doing, they've done it before. It's folks like this who make it hard for honest folks to find good housing here in Hawaii. I accept pets, kids, heck I've successfully rented to 2 couples who had recently gone through a bankruptcy. I'm a great landlord, really I am. So these folks will leave peacefully if I give them a big wad of cash.

I wish I could make them fell bad, some kind of remorse. But they are your stereotypical Millennials, they want instant gratification and no responsibility or oversight. Again, if you get a late 30's couple with their mother in law a kid and a baby matching my description, holler at me through this page. They seem so sweet, but they are so lazy and entitled, you will want to tear out your hair when dealing with them. I think the Husband has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which makes him slightly off kilter when it comes to logic and reason.

It's just a sh!tty mess that's going to cost me money, but leave my dream home and land with good Mana on my side and ready to face a happy 2018. Stay positive folks......Lucky We Live Hawaii!


We're all here, because we're not all there!
We're all here, because we're not all there!
Can you share (ballpark) how much they want?

"One could even say some tenants further extort their landlords by badgering them into giving them (the tenant) a good reference."

This isn't confined to just rental situations. At one place I worked a lady applied for a job and aced the interview, and had a fabulous letter of recommendation from the former employer. We called her for a verbal reference "just in case" and found out she had been fired for stealing. When we asked about the letter she admitted that she wrote it because she was afraid the departing employee would hurt her if she didn't supply a glowing letter.

Recently I learned that when a bank fires an employee for stealing / embezzlement etc, they try to avoid any law enforcement involvement and they fire the employee quietly after signing a non-disclosure agreement, and give the employee a good reference. They care more about their image that client's funds are safe with them than they care about the person getting the justice they deserve. The employees usually find their next job in the same industry, some of them emboldened by their previous experience, and steal again.


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