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2018 HPP District Elections
Amazing how accurate the rumblings (jungle drums) can be....

The board overturned the Nominating Committee's qualified slate of candidates at last night's board guise of using the "original slate of candidates" which was just a list the pres's spouse typed up before the Nominating Committee chair even left the office at the drop dead date and time w/the small stack of submission forms of nominees. That was not the Nominating Committee's slate of candidates presented at the board meeting, but the board pres's spouse's typed list of "nominees". So they took the Nominating Committee completely out of the equation breaking the bylaws.

District 2: Mary Couch and Ruth Mizuba (serving currently as Dist 2 rep 3 yr term)

District 3: Unopposed Kathleen Shaw

District 4: Tanya Seaver and Malia Ahuna-Alofaituli (currently board appt'd to Dist5 seat)

District 5: Unopposed Mayelin Stillwell

District 6: Thomas Fuchtman, William Shattuck AND CRAIG CRELLY (new)

All the original 8 candidates had completed their forms so the Nominating Committee could qualify them through the preliminary screening.

One District6 nominee was disqualified. The nominee didn't complete their form by the drop dead date and time and had a conflict of interest issue w/his spouse working as an employee. The Nominating Committee follows the rules and bylaws and doesn't give preferential treatment...BUT THE BOARD DOES, and willingly in conflict of interest voted to add CRAIG CRELLY (PAST THE DEADLINE by over a month) to run in Dist6 at last night's board meeting.

The bylaws give the task to the Nominating Committee to find "qualified" candidates, because it's a conflict of interest for the board to be involved. The board is supposed to AVOID MEDDLING period, during the memberships' elections and they are now treading in muddy waters.

PLEASE PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE DISTRICT ELECTIONS. Please show up as witnesses to the ballot counting process. The NC advised the board that the GM isn't paid to be an observer of the ballot counting as he has in the past 2 elections. It's the members job to observe, not an employee on our dime.

The board had voted at Mar 2018 board meeting to budget $1000 for a ballot counting organization but Dist2 Ruth Mizuba haggled over one contender who was in the $500 range. They could've taken money out of Ruth Mizuba's $100,000 mailbox money since money was an issue for her last night. They chose Nanawale Estates to count our ballots. It became evident last night that the board was on a mission from the start to use Nanawale again and weren't going to consider any others....take it as you please.
What was the NC's slate?

Did Crelly's wife quit the HPPOA job so he could run?
What was the NC's slate?

Did Crelly's wife quit the HPPOA job so he could run?

Please see my post on this thread 3/22/2018 for the slate of candidates the NC verified and reported at the 21 March board meeting.

Crelly's wife resigned a few days after the 21 March board meeting, which is after the deadline. The bylaws state the deadline and a board in 2015 turned down someone who turned in his submission form one day late. They told the member they were sorry but they need to follow the bylaws and offered him to sign up the following year if his district was in the election, and to turn in his submission form before the deadline.

The NC chair in 2015 had extended the deadline date, breaking the bylaws to suit her delays in taking care of Nominating Committee business, and that's when he signed up. As I said, the board apologized and said they had to follow the bylaws.

Crelly's conflict of interest wasn't the only issue at the time of the deadline.
"Hawaiian Paradise Park is holding a "Meet the Candidates" event on Sunday, 29 April 2018, from 6-7:30 PM at the Hawaiian Paradise Park Activity Center. This year, district elections involve Districts 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. (District information is posted on the HPPOA website)

There will be refreshments provided and an opportunity given for members to engage their district candidates. We encourage you to attend. Hope to see you there!

HPP Nominating Committee"
"Hawaiian Paradise Park is holding a "Meet the Candidates" event on Sunday, 29 April 2018, from 6-7:30 PM at the Hawaiian Paradise Park Activity Center. This year, district elections involve Districts 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. (District information is posted on the HPPOA website)

I don't think they have ever done this before, should be interesting.
This will be a good event as it's being hosted by the Nominating Committee, a membership committee, who are geared up to make it a successful evening FOR the members and candidates.

This year, the Nominating Committee was mainly comprised of watchdogs with one rep, Dist 9 Dave Roe, which started out as an adhoc committee until they were voted in at the 2018 February membership meeting. The Nominating Committee is supposed to be formed at Oct membership meetings and only 2 people volunteered last year even though there were over 50 members in attendance. So watchdogs came forward because an election has to happen every year....two people aren't a viable committee.

The NC prodded every step of the way to get the Meet the Candidates event approved. If not for that, the event wouldn't have happened as the majority board doesn't support membership business and events. After approving it, they didn't post it on the HPP calendar, but it is happening, no doubt about it. There were rumors on FB over the past weekend that the GM had cancelled it, but you can't cancel something that was never scheduled.

The NC is hosting the event and keep in mind, they didn't know until this past Wed, same day the event got posted here on PT, that the board would approve it. They and the GM were aware of it when the NC requested it at the March 2018 board meeting that they schedule the room and the event. They had also at that time requested their approval to run an ad in the Tribune. The funding was approved but the GM didn't follow through. Hence my saying the majority board and the GM don't support membership business and events. Very little cooperation makes things that are supposed to happen, very difficult.

Please come and support this event and meet your candidates...
This should be good. For once, this is a Member generated gathering, so it will be informal, and welcoming. Come if you can.
I couldn't attend. How'd it go?

It was a welcoming, informative and mellow gathering of neighbors. People were friendly and relaxed. Candidates had a chance to inform the Members of their goals for HPP, and interact with the people they will be potentially REPRESENTING. None of the BOD Members who are being challenged were there. I hope that will be permanent. If so, we might just see some actual Road Maintenance and transparency with Finances.

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