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Decline in Real Estate
What is up with that? Rob Tucker is amazing. You talk about aloha...where's YOURS? Enough already with throwing darts at others please.


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Carrie, I think our boy is just running a "trolling" motor on his canoe.


It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it.

"I've been on food stamps and welfare, did anybody help me out? No." - Craig T. Nelson
Easy now! Please tell me who I'm pitching darts.
I have nothing but respect for Rob. I've posted that he's got the best BI forum out there. I used his quote to indicate that perhaps the thread has run it's course.

Where's that aloha I was starting to feel?


Stupid should hurt.
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

I love the smell of controversy in the morning. And all these quotes at the end of posts. Great!
Watching Hawaii for a number of years, I notice that it seems to follow California in financial trends.
We live in a world where there are all kinds of people and some are avaricious to a fault and some are humanitarians and most fall in the middle somewhere. Am I a pessimist if I say I don't see that changing? I used to be an idealist, now I know that I can only control my own values and behavior.

I think that we have to address and recognize racism as well as other factors which contribute to an unfair playing field in life. The family and environment we are born into can contribute a tremendous influence to success and failure, not just financially, but psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. I think compassion is always the correct choice--life is not always so easy for any of us.
I meant to add a quote.

"Environment is stronger than will." Indira Ivey, my meditation teacher.

I stand corrected.

On a different thread, I suggested that perhaps Kona Bob (AKA Kona Putz) use Depends for his control issues. I am sorry. I meant no malice, but can see how the comment could be construed as being mean spirited.

Mahalo for your diligence in monitering my behavior, and again, I apologize to Kona Putz and anyone else I may have offended.

"If ths is just friendly banter, well, that's wonderful. Is this the case?"
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

I admit that the first post by Rich white boy tweaked my meter. In fact I commented to an off line friend, "it was like sex without foreplay"! Not quite rape, but pretty edgy in my opinion.

Is this a sign off of aloha? I think not but that is my not so humble opinion.

"Where's that aloha I was starting to feel?


Stupid should hurt."

We don't need this type of aloha do we?

Edited by - huligirl on 08/18/2006 08:18:39
Oh I liked the depends comment I thought that was funny!

O.K., I took a time out to cool my jets, and now have some numbers to offer that are at least a little more on the thread topic. (Sorry to detract from the interpersonal drama, as much as it entertains me. LOL)

According to the U.S. Census, the median household income in Puna for 2003 (last year I could find) was $34,715. (Unless one is fortunate enough to be in the building trades, chances are income has not gone up all that much.) According to FannieMae's mortgage qualification worksheet, a couple making that much money with only $300 of non-mortgage monthly debt payments would qualify for a mortgage of $174,200. That $300 figure is probably way low, given the fact that the payment on a modest car is usually more, but I wanted to stretch the affordability to the max. It should also be noted that the worksheet did NOT have a cost of living differential component to account for BI consumer prices.

Also, remember, the median is the number above which half the households fall and below which half the households fall. Given that fact, nearly half the families in Puna could not afford that $174,200 house, if they could find or build it. I don't know what the median home price in Puna is, but I am sure it is way, way more than that.


Why is it that real estate threads bring out such strong emotions in people? I love hearing different opinions and points of view, even a good-natured sarcastic barb now and then. But once the name calling starts the thread loses its quality. Can't we express different opinions without getting emotional and indignant? We're starting to sound a little like the forum many of us banished from...

Any new takers on that group hug?

Aloha Smile

"The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there." Robert Pirsig

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius

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