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Actually, it's much worse than that.
Here's the real deal.
"New American Drug Lords Preview VI"
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I couldn't deal with the rasman posting either, and this is a subject that I'm keen on.
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I agree. I don't think anyone was being snarky to rasman, just suggesting ways optimise his ideas. I couldn't read it myself, though from the first couple of sentences, realized I probably agree with him.
Sorry, I suffer from OSTD (Other stuffs to do)

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I have consulted with the dead ancestors and they have advised me that we need to settle this with a pow-wow around a flickering campfire (or a gentle lava breakout). I'll bring the peace pipe if someone else will brink the paka.
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Those who get angry or scratch their heads and can't figure out why alcohol comes up every time pot legalization (NOT "decriminalization") is mentioned should read a letter to the editor in today's Hawaii Tribune-Herald. It always comes up because one issue among many is that both are recreational drugs, that's why, and the legal one is the bad one.
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Would the legalization advocates be willing to concede to a mandatory blood test and a state legal limit of intoxication of THC with a arbitrary limit(whatever that number is, I don't know--the pot equivalent of the .08) in the same manner that one might be subjected to a breath test with alcohol on event of a vehicle related accident? Just curious. It might offer a middle way to the cause.
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Originally posted by JWFITZ
Would the legalization advocates be willing to concede to a mandatory blood test and a state legal limit of intoxication of THC with a arbitrary limit(whatever that number is, I don't know--the pot equivalent of the .08) in the same manner that one might be subjected to a breath test with alcohol on event of a vehicle related accident? Just curious. It might offer a middle way to the cause.
No they wouldn't - because, as you recall, it is "harmless". They don't want the rest of the public to know the results of that question.
Ever been down to
"name your local park here" and watched people smoke weed and then leave - driving? Many of them also drink alcohol along with it. IF they get pulled over, they get a breathalyser for alcohol. They pass, they get to go. The officer has no idea if they have had "too much weed". They simply passed under the .08 for alcohol. It is much easier for the police to do a breathalyser on the scene as opposed to a hospital blood test for other drug use.
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That's pretty much how I see it, but I thought I'd ask and see if there was a reasonable response. Driving baked kills people every bit as much as driving drunk. With freedom comes responsibility. While I'd support legalization we do need to come up with some sensible standards of whats responsible context especially behind the wheel.
I feel the same way about driving with a dog in your lap too. . .again this isn't a weed bashing take it's a "responsibility" take.
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"Driving baked kills people every bit as much as driving drunk."
. Jay, I agree totally with your post regarding "responsibility" and as for driving he/she should be treated in accordance to the law. I don't advocate anyone driving anything while under the influence of Weed, drugs, boos and even to much caffeine.
But your statement about diving baked kills as much a driving drunk is the most, are only, ridiculous thing if ever seen you post. It’s great, apparent, that you and Mdd have never smoked weed in any measurable amount. Guys I applaud you and I'm not being facetious a bit. As a Christian(hick) Dad I wish I could be in your category unfortunately I'm over on the group W bench (arlow guthrie).
I was gonna pass this right by until I saw that..
"Driving baked kills people every bit as much as driving drunk."
.. but I couldn't let that nonsense go.. Ask any EMS worker ask any Emergency Room nurse. Plus, there is, and I don't have a link, been many studies that show that alcohol taps into an entirely different area of the brain. Alcohol = I can do anything, whip anyone and beat that train whereas weed = opposite effects: paranoid, relaxed/lazy and non-aggressive. Maybe Lee or Rasman can provide some links my hearts not into it, I don't do either, it's more of the principle. with me.
To all:Rasman has cleaned up his original post. I know it looks long and boaring but the guy put a lot of thought into it and it warrants reading, at least before you post to his thread. People like Anslinger, McCarthy need to be understood so that we don't repeat history on other issues of importance.
"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young
"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young
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Sorry, not my point. If you drive baked and forget you're driving while changing out the Bob Marley CD and end up dead or kill someone else--you're just as dead as if you were speed racing ramped up on meth. The results are the same. That's my point. No question that alcohol is a bigger problem in our society. I wouldn't debate that.
Thanks for the opportunity to clarify that, I can see how it might be misconstrued. Believe me, my pop was an undertaker and I've probably been to 2000 funerals in my life, and have seen people killed by all sorts of crazy things. Pretty familiar with dead and how it happens.
As well, having a chronic arthritic problem I've at times attempted use of the the magic stuff for pain treatment. I assure you've I've given it a good try. It's fun. It makes me very stupid, and for a couple of days. If I try it for a week I find it's easy to forget what it's like to be sober, and am prone to quit caring about that(and a lot of other stuff too). In my case it's nearly 100 ineffective at blocking any kind of pain, but makes one care a lot less about it. It's completely irresponsible to be behind the wheel of a car in that state.
Really, I'm hardly any kind of prude. A bit of a libertine if anything, which would be a subtle way to say it. . .