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Mitigating circumstances question
Alex, they won't give you a ticket for no DL. Hawaii statutes states that any citation for not having a Dl in your possession is dismissed when on or before the court date, you indeed had and show the court your valid DL. Even if the cop writes it right there in front of the Judge, all you do is hand that new ticket and your DL to the and it's dismissed. That's the law, so don't worry about it.
Thank you,Bob!
It was a very interesting outcome.
I contested in writing.(Not guilty)
The judge made it guilty with mitigating circumstances.
So I got 50 bucks off!
I am happy.Thank you,Bob!

For those who might get a ticket -ask the police officer for that "pre-printed envelope".You are going to need that tear-off part where you are going to check "guilty" or other options.
They are not going to send it in mail.
I got a ticket for a vehicle infraction; "no hood". Otherwise the vehicle was legal and I was driving it in search of a hood. I was technically guilty as sin, but got a form from the courthouse to fill out. "Plead guilty with mitigating circumstances". I filled it out hoping for maybe a 50% reduction in the fine, but the judge ruled in my favor. No fine at all! Saved me eighty bucks.[8D]
I say write it! I was caught speeding a few years ago, clearly in the wrong; I wrote a letter and the whole case was dropped, dismissed like it never happen.

You can't lose anything by trying!

Good luck!
It may be possible. I got a speeding ticket and I wrote a letter explaining my financial situation. I received a letter back and because it was my first speeding ticket it was reduced from $137 to $57. It never hurts to try.

or you speak like these guys do, of course if you believe you are part of the "system" then plead your guilt:
guys, Alex already posted the results! Thanks Alex for letting us know. I appreciate hearing the ending.

Friend of mine just got stopped for no headlight while had an appointment to get headlight replaced. Explained on the spot, I guess cop was frustrated so then said well your brake light is out. Ticketed her for that. She had the brake light examined and there was no sign it was out and no notation in the computer log of any malfunction -- so she sent in a letter and a letter from a mechanic saying his findings, that the problem never existed.

We shall see what happens with that.
Kathy,that reminded me of the case when I was stopped by a cop who said that I went through the red light.I started when the light was just turning yellow.If it was a red light camera there it might have even shown that my front wheels movement were in green light.
It was one of the very long lights ,I knew it.It was my regular route at the same time of the day.I actually went almost to the end of cross-section,3/4 for sure.The cop's car was on my left.
I was terrified .The fine was huge (about $400) and it was my word against the cop's.I had nothing to lose by defending myself.
I said:"I have a perfect driving record.I don't do red lights.Period.
I live here and know that the police station is a block away and you guys are cruising around at all times!I am not that stupid!"
The cop let me go.It was hard to believe.
Alex, glad it was reduced. You can only fight what your comfortable fighting and hope for the best. Unfortunately, I’m probably the worst offender since I regularly don't obey Hawaii traffic regulations. I think in my last 6 trips to the Big Island, I average two tickets each trip. Since I don't have to pay them, I drive safe but really don't care about the tickets.

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