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Punaweb and Poe's Law
Originally posted by silverpenny10

Question: Which of your site is co-moderated by John Rabi?


Don't listen to this guy. He does not know what he is talking about.

I have the Kona Forum ( which is a family oriented site with a forum that has to do with Kona. It has been in existance since 2005. We have a lot of locals and mainlanders post there. I don't allow cuss words and adult oriented posting in the public section of the forum which is 95% of the forum.

In order to keep children from reading cuss words and adult oriented content I created a section that can only be accessed by permission. In that section we can speak freely and use cuss words. We can talk about any subject. The only thing I don't allow is personal attacks. Because I sometimes go on vacation I asked John to be a moderator for the adult section. Otherwise I would have to close it down when I'm away from the Internet.

Considering that 95% of the site is family oriented and the 5% that is not is hidden from children this "guy" only talks about and focuses on this one section of the forum. For some reason this "guy" seems obsessed that there is an adult section which he can't access. He keeps bringing it up and I ask him why he cares but he won't answer. So all I can figure is he is jealous or obsessed or something. Who knows?

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Konadave: "Don't listen to this guy. He does not know what he is talking about."

You deny being buddies with John Rabi, but you do co-moderate with John Rabi. Here is the link to john and your adult blog you co-moderate together.
here is the link to the "adult" blog moderated by konadave and John Rabi:

Konadave:"For some reason this "guy" seems obsessed that there is an adult section which he can't access. He keeps bringing it up and I ask him why he cares but he won't answer."

I am not obsessed with anything you do. BAITING on your part again. I just find it interesting how much you deny you and John run this site.
I DO have permission and CAN access this site. Guess you don't know who you have given permission to do you?
Question: How long has JR been co-moderating for you? Other than co-moderation, do you do any business together? If so, since when? At the moment, I'm trying to assume the best and asking questions.
Dave, after this investigation is complete, if it's determined that you have more than just a distant relationship with john we will have to drum you from this site.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Originally posted by silverpenny10

Question: How long has JR been co-moderating for you? Other than co-moderation, do you do any business together? If so, since when? At the moment, I'm trying to assume the best and asking questions.

Not quite sure when I created the adult section. Maybe 4 or 5 years ago. Not quite sure when I asked John to be a moderator but it has probably been at 3 or 4 years.

John and I have no business together. I don't know John well enough to do business with him. As I have told all of you before, I have had lunch with John once 4 or 5 years ago. That is the only time I have ever seen/met John.

Assuming the best means you will believe the truth. Asking John to moderate a forum for me means nothing. People have been trying to link us for years. Everyone thinks we know each other well when we are less than acquaintances. If you know anything about forum software means that the moderator can edit the posts of anyone in that particular forum. This includes deleting posts. He does not have access to the administrator section of the forum nor does he have the ability to create or delete users or create or delete forums. In the past I have given moderator permissions to others who are no longer with us. And I knew them even less than I know John. In the Kau Web Forum I have given moderator permissions to someone I have only e-mailed with less than a dozen times. Like John they only have moderator permission in certain forums and cannot moderate any other forums that I don't give them permission to. They can do little damage so I don't really care if they try and sabotage the forum. Besides, I keep daily backups. If they get the chance to delete some posts I can bring them right back. No harm no foul.

I have to say that in the years that John has been a moderator for me he has had to do very little as a moderator and he has done nothing without either letting me know or asking me if something was ok. I appreciate the job he has done for me.

This goes out to everyone here. If you have a good idea for a forum and you have some experience in that subject and would like to moderate your own forum on the Kona Forum or the Kau Web you are welcome to contact me and we can discuss it.

As you know Silverpenny I keep a close eye on my forums and I enforce my rules strictly. That is why I kicked you off the Kau Web. I don't put up with people who try and have multiple accounts.

And Orchidlandguy, I don't care who you are. You are the one who is hiding, not me. If you want to let me know what your username is you can. I don't care. I have let everyone here know what is in the adult section and if anyone wants to know more detail I will be happy to discuss it. All of this is public knowledge. Which is why I make it available to all Kona Forum members. And which is why it is visible to all if they want to join. Unlike your hiding your username I am hiding nothing.

So again, since you keep avoiding my question, what does this have to do with anything?

Ka'u Web
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Dream Kona
Da Kine Hosting
Da Kine Web Design
Originally posted by oink

Dave, after this investigation is complete, if it's determined that you have more than just a distant relationship with john we will have to drum you from this site.

Big Islander to be.

You can ride me out on a rail! [Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin]

Ka'u Web
Ka'u Blog
Ka'u Homes
Pohue Bay
Kona Forum
Dream Kona
Da Kine Hosting
Da Kine Web Design
Am I understanding you correctly, Konadave, that you would allow someone you don't know very well to moderate the 'adult' section of your forum?
I have talked to both Dave and John about Konaforum. You guys are getting worked up about nothing. John is a self-confessed forum junkie, and it was natural that when he got booted from Konaweb that he adopted Konaforum. John also has an interest in Discovery Harbor, so he is interested in the Ka'u web Dave runs as well.

I was briefly a member of the John's Lanai forumat Konaforum; there was nothing I found bizarre or offensive. I got deactivated because I failed to make any posts. (I was too busy to start interacting in another forum, and I'm not too in touch with Kona issues.)

Why is is difficult to see that Konadave is being responsible and making adult language and themes inaccessible to underage browsers?

I don't believe that John and Dave do business together, but John is a businessman with a variety of business interests and of course he has a real estate brokerage on the island. Quite a few people here may have had some business with John, but how that matters I cannot imagine.

Back to the topic, I totally see what freestate meant about Poe's Law. There are Laws that tell people how to act and not act, but there are also Laws that describe observations. You know, like Murphy's Law, Newton's Laws of Physics. Poe's Law is of that variety. It's not a mandate.

If you read the link, it says that if a person makes a statement that embodies a certain creed, and it reads straight, dead serious, even though it's meant to be ironic or in jest -- that some people will read it as dead serious if there is no emoticon signifier. They won't necessarily "assume the emoticon" if it's not there.

I say:
I think we should march on the County Council and shoot them.
How do you know if I'm serious or not? A person will look at it and it might be serious.

Now I post:
I think we should march on the County Council and shoot them. [:p]
Sure, I might be a revolutionary anarchist with an agenda, hiding dead seriousness behind an emoticon, but the [:p] tells you one thing -- my INTENT on how I want you to read it.

[:p] may not tell the truth about my feelings, but it does tell you how I would like you to react to my post, for example, please don't call the DA and report a case of terroristic threatening. [Wink]

What I said in my first post on this topic wasn't about anyone here. I was saying that sometimes a writer wants to be ambiguous and make the reader wonder if the words are serious. I said that if you tag on an emoticon that you lose the ambiguity, so sometimes there is a reason to say something with a straight face even though it's not serious.

I know I do that when I'm talking to people face to face, and I'm not alone there. Unfortunately, sometimes on the internet the readers don't let you go, OK, kidding, and they just view you with suspicion afterwards. They don't see you crack up after they take your deadpan seriously, after which they laugh, and we all laugh.

I am trying to figure out how a thread about Poe's Law turned into people demanding that a Punaweb member answer questions about his activities on an entirely unrelated forum. How is it the business of anybody here who co moderates another site out of the millions of forums and blogs in existence?

This is Punaweb, which is moderated by Rob Tucker, we are all guests here, and other than his chosen advising committee, none of us really have any business making any demands on other members, or calling people out, or telling them what signatures they can use, or otherwise telling people who is welcome here, or what they can and can't say here. That is Rob's job and he does it the way he wants to, or has time for; it would behoove the rest of us to not waste his time playing kindergarten cop.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Oh come on...

Why does it matter how/what Dave does on a forum he hosts. I mean if he's part of the Westboro Baptist Church or NAMBLA I might want to know about it but the fact that he has a restricted area isn't exactly something that deserves an expose.

Good Lord...(shakes head)

Originally posted by oink

Dave, after this investigation is complete, if it's determined that you have more than just a distant relationship with john we will have to drum you from this site.

Big Islander to be.


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