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Hawaiian acres roads/community association
justthefactsidiot ,,

( that market was no "market" it served a small group of people that used it for their own benefit.some of those folks are not even residents in the acres. there were problems with the market such as people doing drugs , fights and yes it did restrict the use of the roadway. the tents were placed right next to the road pots with were put on the pavement ,as well as other items for sale, cars attempting to reach road 8 had to drive thru a gauntlet of people , kids and animals darting in front of them .cars parked on the sides made the road one lane passage. )

these are outright lies and misinformation ,,, your trollish behavior knows no bounds and your eyesight is myopic at best ,,, have you noticed that there are so many different paths to choose from to get to and from the trollvcave ! road d road c road b road 11 has access also ,,) have you not been to any of the festivals in hilo before ?

( there are no starving people . this is USA and those that need food have an EBT card no staving people , they were in search of other things . )

yes the great unwashed masses were in search of other things ,,, food and clothing and of course shelter from the evil trolls that reside here ,,, they journey from the doorways and dumpsters of hilo all the way out here to eat ,,, crazy ,, you can not allow this to take place within eyesight of the trollcave.

kazoo ,,,,,

( I heard they post events as a distraction so that they can hold secret meetings at the pizza joint.… This is why we can't have nice things. )

your wit and sharp humor have long been praised within the great halls of the king and the houses of the freemen clans everywhere,, you sir are invited to dinner ,,,

obie ,,,,,

( "As the Acres burns " A story of spiteful people destroying their property values for no logical reason !! )

you sir obie ,,, like kazoo are great warriors and strong men of character and principle ,,, your brotherhood and strength are much needed and greatly appreciated in these ongoing troll wars ,,, and the property values have plummeted since the trollcave was discovered on the end of 10 road ,,, this infestation is a blight on the lands and byways of the 10 road shire ,,,, one day when the light of freedom and truth shines into the depth of the trollcave then and only then will the values of the shire return to their once glorious levels,,,,,

mimosadouchette ,,,,

( Berry - You have several screws loose,not just one.
You are not the brightest bulb .
To much LSD perhaps ?
Mrs.Mimosa ESQ )

thankyou for noticing my loose screw ,,, although you don't have to peek thru the hole in the portajohn wall in the future ,,,you can of course burst right in and inspect my loose screw anytime,,i look forward to you gnarly and desiccated touch and caress ,,,, please be gentle ,, my loose screw is easily scared by a douchette of your advanced years ,,,also exactly how many bulbs are we looking at ,, and what are the sizes of said bulbs ,, I am the first to agree that I am of the low wattage and energy efficient clans of the light ,, and of course no one can have their bulb shine brighter than your own,,, except maybe the great light of justthefactsidiot and his twin brother 2bad4urtaint ,,, and of course last but not least,,, I like your new title Esq. I guess you know what it means and since you have attached it to you name here I assume its an honoray title bestowed only upon those trolls and ogres that have excelled at their chosen path of evil and misrepresentation ,,,,, ( an unofficial title of respect, having no precise significance, sometimes placed, especially in its abbreviated form, after a man's surname in formal written address: in the U.S., usually applied to lawyers, women as well as men; in Britain, applied to a commoner considered to have gained the social position of a gentleman. ) congratulations on passing wind and the bar examination !

Hawaiian Acres is not a social service agency. If so, the first rule of order should be to provide mental health services. Not food. You wanna feed the homeless and down trodden take them home with you. You wanna to attend or sell at a farmers go to the coffee mill. There are plenty who are sick of the sespool that a bunch of drugged out crazys who have swept in and taken over in the past few years have created. Our property values have tanked as is. This conversation doesn't help. It reinforces why the sanity needs to be restored. I am sick of living surrounded by a refugee camp. If ya don't get ebt or crazy pay, go get it. The state passes these services out like Halloween candy.
Most of you qualify.
may I have your attention please ,,, may I have your attention please

todays road report just for the record ,,,,,,

picked up two bags of trash on road 2 between road b and where the access stops on 2 , towards c .

stopped on road 1 at the corner of c and 1 ,, picked up a discarded McDonalds drink cup ,, no sign of a sandwich was found or associated fries ,,,,,

traveled road 2 from the corner of 2 and c to the end of access ,,, no trash ,, no vagrants ,, no hitchhikers were picked up ,,, road appears to be easily passable ,,,,,

drove road 2 from c to the bitter end at the forest preserve ,, road is passable ,,, not pretty ,,but passable for even small car ,, no trash or vagrants were found ,,,

road 11 ,,,, passable as always ,,, no prettier now than ever before ,,, several short pieces to slow down for ,,, but passable ,,,,, trash was discovered ,,, once again it was fast food wrappers and such from jack in the box ,, this trash was recovered and turned over to the local police department for finger print analysis ,,,,did not however see the mysterious one ton of gravel on the road as has been rumored ,,,

road 10 from b to d ,,, was easily passable and trash was recovered in the form of some news paper and junk mail with a po box ,,, also turned over to police to pursue a littering bust ,,, no homeless vagrants or hungry bums were found ,,, the worst spot still remains the huge puddle in front of the trollcave ,,, caution ,,, may need to go slow ,,,,,

to everyone at the ( SECRET ) party yesterday at the comm ctr ,, a wonderful time was had by all ,,, mrs g. we will miss your smiling face in the future ,,,, the parking was within strict county and police guidelines ,,, the food that was shared with all was indeed produced in a cert. kitchen ,,,, under the direction of a seasoned world famous chef and the representive of the county health dept. ,,, have no fear even sanitation was provided for by the availability of a toilet and a hand sink ,,, there were no fights or drugs brandished about or consumed in public view ,,, garlic and salt were liberally sprinkled around the perimeter of the property in accordance with the EPA representative on hand ,, to provide a barrier against ,, slugs ,, snails ,, ogres and the thirty five varieties of toxic trolls as well as other slimy critters ,,

the valet parking was very professional and the parking lot was well policed for trash and drug debris ,,, although none was found ,, the county did provide a haz mat team to asses and deal with those possibilities ,,,

im going to go get a sandwich ,,,,, a sandwich that I wont have to share with a hungry child or vagrant adult thanks to our neighborhood Nazis ,,,, big thanks to 2bad4urtaint ,, mimosadouchette and justthefactsidiot for their lack of participation ,, and ceasless efforts to rid our fair shire of the less fortunate ,,,, GOOD JOB !!!!!
this is USA and those that need food have an EBT card

Can't buy gas or taxi rides to the store with an EBT card.

lots of people living in tents or shacks

Perfectly okay, so long as they don't invite anyone, sell food, block the road? Selective enforcement of the codes is what got us into this mess...

You wanna to attend or sell at a farmers go to the coffee mill.

Market at the Mill is a craft boutique, not a real market. They do serve a lovely NINE DOLLAR waffle, though.

I am sick of living surrounded by a refugee camp.

It would be easier for everyone if you simply moved to a subdivision that offers the correct level of gentrification. Beating your head against this "cesspool" will only irritate you and everyone else.
Ha ha ha, won't happen hon. This attitude is here to stay.
kalakoa ,, you are wise beyond your years ,, your insight and willingness to share your extensive knowledge base with your brothers and sisters of the clans of freemen ,, is noteworthy and greatly appreciated by the king and the great moose council ,,,, your classic victory over the troll army at the battle of the forest of badroadius is still being sung by minstrels through out the lands of freedom and truth !
This attitude is here to stay.

Good luck with that.
Mimosa, I now know who you are.
Then get a job and take care of yourself if you don't appreciate what the tax payers already do for you

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