"So, of what interest is HPPOA business or HPP owners and their "relationship" with that business to you?"
Absolutely nothing. Although it might be fun to start a rumor that I am a paid "rabblerouser" by a secret cabal of HPPOA Board members, but that might send you down a rabbit hole so far you might hit lava!
I am a stickler for people who spread nonsensical lies and twist the truth. And we sure have enough of that being rammed down our throats on a daily basis now that's for sure.
At any event, I am sorry that my rebuttals of facts, logic and common sense have upset your applecart of hyperbole, misinformation and spreading unnecessary fear.
"There are other topics, on this thread, that can be discussed, which would more aptly pertain to you- such as roads in Hawaiian Acres. Or do you have a more "nefarious" reason for ignoring the issues in your own substandard subdivision?"
Sure, there are lots of topics - and I do contribute to them when I can. As for the roads in the Acres, they are just what they were when we bought our place here, knowing full well what the roads were and have zero motivation to change anything with respect to the road situation, other than paying the road fees as assessed even though not one rock has ever been laid on the road we live on in over 30 years.
(01-31-2025, 08:39 PM)Patricia Wrote: I'm just going to sit back...
Thank you, HiloJulie. Much appreciated.
Thank you for editing my comment into what I did not say, but then also thank you for admitting that you're a hypocrite, with a total lack of self-awareness as well as a narcissist.
Carry on with the hyperbole, misinformation and spreading unnecessary fear. You have demonstrated that you're quite good at that!
"You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts." -Daniel Patrick Moynihan (Except for some on PunaWeb, where YOUR opinion is FACT!)
01-31-2025, 11:15 PM (This post was last modified: 01-31-2025, 11:18 PM by Patricia.)
thank you for admitting that you're a hypocrite, with a total lack of self-awareness as well as a narcissist.
Carry on with the hyperbole, misinformation and spreading unnecessary fear. You have demonstrated that you're quite good at that!
In what way am I "spreading fear?" And if you feel the information I have been sharing is false, then I suggest you prove it- as in, come up with some actual history and documents.
Typing your long, angry, vocabulary stretching, comments in which you attack my character and state (without any proof) that what I am saying is not truth, is bizarre behavior.
I have provided history- look WAY back in this thread. I have provided dates, referenced law. I have provided links to more info and/or named the info so that others, who might want to research for themselves, can find it.
I don't "do" conspiracy theories. And could care less if you are a "paid rabblerouser" or just someone who doesn't understand (because she isn't researching) what she is talking about. But I do care that you seem to be wasting a lot of time WRITING when you obviously DO NOT know what you are talking about.
So how about this? How about you do a little READING/RESEARCHING (not just lame casetext) and then come back here and let me know what you found out. Because, lady, at one time I had piles and piles of docs. I actually know what I am talking about. I am informed, I am educated about it. And if my KNOWING translates to "narcissist" for you, then all I can say is I hope you're enjoying your Orwellian world. Because that kind of thinking will definitely FEED that dystopia.
Back to roads... With all this rain and wind, how are the substandard subdivision roads holding up?
(01-31-2025, 11:15 PM)Patricia Wrote: So how about this? How about you do a little READING/RESEARCHING (not just lame casetext) and then come back here and let me know what you found out. Because, lady, at one time I had piles and piles of docs. I actually know what I am talking about. I am informed, I am educated about it. And if my KNOWING translates to "narcissist" for you, then all I can say is I hope you're enjoying your Orwellian world. Because that kind of thinking will definitely FEED that dystopia.
(01-31-2025, 07:11 PM)Patricia Wrote: Try to stay calm, HiloJulie. Patricia. PW is just a chat forum. It isn't life or death.
(01-31-2025, 11:15 PM)Patricia Wrote: Back to roads... With all this rain and wind, how are the substandard subdivision roads holding up?
Just as expected and as normal here in the Acres!
"You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts." -Daniel Patrick Moynihan (Except for some on PunaWeb, where YOUR opinion is FACT!)
However, it does make a difference to HPP Owners, who get their bills in January, see the road fees need to be paid, and might not realize that it's really okay for them to wait until the end of March to pay them. Especially as paying the road fees (currently $435) is tough for some, after the holidays.
Still... Now that I think about it.
From April to July, there is probably a bit of interest that HPPOA will make. Especially using a $3,600,000, figure, which is probably, in reality, less than what HPPOA actually receives in road fees every year.
So... If a lot of HPPOA owners wait until the end of March to pay, HPPOA will lose out in additional interest for those 2 months- money makes money. And perhaps that does matter to HPPOA.
So what does this post you made numerous times on FaceBook have to do with “informing” owners? Looks like it’s pretty vindictive to me. I even suggested you leave off the “make HPPOA wait” comment so it would be more credible. You refused.
It’s interesting watching you manipulate everyone here who doesn’t know you and your motives, but most of them have your number. They are right on. All those things you accuse others of are a direct reflection of your own personal actions.
So, since you answer all questions, why would you say “make HPPOA wait”? The interest from the few people who might listen to you is peanuts. It does however make more work for the office staff. Do you hate them as much as you hate the president and vice president? An now you want another board member to resign?
“When your hate is louder than your love, your words have no meaning!”
I even suggested you leave off the “make HPPOA wait” comment so it would be more credible. You refused.
Do you hate them as much as you hate the president and vice president?
First line doesn't sound like a "suggestion." More like an order to which I "refused."
Second line is as wrong as Obie's statement. I do not "hate" anyone. Hate is a strong emotion. So, while I may have strong emotions about people lying by ommission, breaking deed restrictions, and putting together illegal bylaw committees (among other "misguided" acts) I do not hate the people who are carrying out those acts.
Though I know you will attempt to twist my continued objections to what some on this board are doing as some kind of weird, personal vendetta.
Did you think it was personal with LK? Helgren? Crelly? The old GM? It was not for me. But maybe that is how you roll.
As for the HPPOA staff? I have every confidence they will be able to handle road fee payments, even IF they come in on the last day of March. Not everyone pays with cash or check. Hence, HPPOA charging a $13.05 convenience fee.
First, a little "primer" on just exactly what "accrual basis accounting" represents.
The invoices everyone in HPP got for their 2024-2025 road fees - guess what?
To the "corporation" that is HPPOA, the total sum of all those invoices is REVENUE baby! Recorded on "the books" of HPPOA as a "credit" to "Revenue" and a "debit" to "Accounts Receivable." All in January 2025.
And when you pay your invoice, regardless of when you pay, be it today, tomorrow or on March 31, then and only then, is the entry booked that "credits" "Accounts Receivable" and "debits" "Cash."
Expenses work the same way. Let's say the GM gets a delivery of rock today. On "the books" of HPPOA, an expense is "debited" to "Gravel," and a "credit" is made to "Accounts Payable" on January 31.
Let's now assume that HPPOA has agreed to 60-day payment terms. So, on or about March 31, a check is cut that "debits" "Accounts Payable" and "credits" "Cash."
So, to be clear, paying your road fee bill whenever you pay it has zero bearing on anything HPPOA is or does.
A fee paid by HPPOA to the Bank that is providing the service terminal in order for the HPPOA Office Staff to process the charge on their credit card.
This type of charge from the Bank is deducted from the amount the Bank has processed in credit card payments before the money is transferred into the cash account(s) of HPPOA.
It has nothing to do with HPPOA making a profit or the office staff.
I hope this clears up any confusion or worry.
But, even if my little primer and link above doesn't convince you, and your hell bent on thinking that paying your HPPOA bill on the last day of the month is somehow hurting or in any way doing anything to HPPOA, then the really best bang for your buck would be not to pay your bill until April 29th.
I can't put my finger on where I read it and it's not worth my time to look up, but I remember reading that late fees are not assessed until 30 days late. In as much as I have explained and provided the link above that explains all of the accounting procedures, if you think you're in anyway doing something to upset HPPOA by paying your dues on the last day, why not really "stick it to them" and pay it 29 days late with no late fee charge?
That will show them who's boss!
"You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts." -Daniel Patrick Moynihan (Except for some on PunaWeb, where YOUR opinion is FACT!)
Patricia I know it's just "the principal" and trust me, I get that. I really do. In fact one of the hardest things to overcome for me has been recognizing the point of diminishing returns in various activities and constantly adapting that to changes in life.
You are incredibly bright and demonstrate boundless energy. Have you ever felt like your talents are being deeply shortchanged by your hyper-focus on the comparatively paltry sums involved in your protests? Just the time you have spent here on Punaweb could have paid for years of road (or whatever) fees. Imagine if you had earned just $20/hr for all of the years of research you've done. You would be way ahead financially and have far fewer negative vibes in the bargain. Again, I realize how invested you are in all of this and I understand the principal of the principal. I get it.
This is certainly a case where I recognize this because I've seen it in myself so please resist the pattern of seeing this as an attack.
02-01-2025, 04:33 AM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2025, 04:43 AM by Patricia.)
Thanks for all of that, HJ. But the money still has to go into an account somewhere. It doesn't just float around in the ether being "accounts receivable.
HPPOA has bank accounts with B of H. (HPPOA also has CDs, but accounts receivable isn't thrown into a CD.) Even if the interest percentage is small on the B of H accounts, it is still interest. So any money sitting in those accounts and 3 plus million is a good sum, and it will accrue interest the longer it sits there.
Thanks, Punatang. I truly appreciate you taking the time to comment and actually be NICE, regardless of whether you agree with me or not.
02-01-2025, 04:52 AM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2025, 04:57 AM by KPHawaii.)
(02-01-2025, 03:38 AM)Patricia Wrote: I even suggested you leave off the “make HPPOA wait” comment so it would be more credible. You refused.
First line doesn't sound like a "suggestion." More like an order to which I "refused."
Here’s the conversation. Maybe you “forgot” how it really went. There you go again, twisting the truth to your benefit. I really was trying to help you.
(02-01-2025, 03:38 AM)Patricia Wrote: I even suggested you leave off the “make HPPOA wait” comment so it would be more credible. You refused.
Do you hate them as much as you hate the president and vice president?
First line doesn't sound like a "suggestion." More like an order to which I "refused."
So, still no answer? Why did you add that at the end? Why not just “suggest” people wait? Why add “make HPPOA wait”?
“When your hate is louder than your love, your words have no meaning!”