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State warns HPP for dust violation
@ cricip: These are not private roads, they are public roads that are "privately owned" (as the documents from Kauai refer to them). The County wants to keep the myth of private roads going as an excuse to not work on them. Both Kauai and Maui Counties work on "privately owned" roads. If you want to look up the State Stature it is HRS 265 A-1.

As for taxes, the County takes in about 9 million a year from unimproved properties in the Substandard Subdivisions in Puna. They take in 2 million alone from HPP.
put big wales in the roads, like speed bumps
In coastal parts of Mexico they put big marine ropes across the roads as speed bumps, tied from the base of one palm tree to another, might work here. HPP could drop the speed limit on the unpaved roads and raise it on the paved roads, although the reality is that if the drivers on unpaved roads went the current speed limit there would be much less dust. We live on a dead end stretch, and the dust kicked up by the elderly couple who drive the speed limit is minimal, while the speed racer in that bright yellow sports car from the end of the street kicks up a huge plume of dust. HPP cannot enforce the speed limit, and unless it enforced the dust will continue. Maybe the dust abatement plan could just state that "The county police will enforce current speed limits which are adequate to prevent dust issues." and leave the ball in their court.

As an aside, the road crew has been doing a really great job the last year or so, I live near their base at the Hui and they are always out early in the morning, and I never see them back at the yard before quitting time just waiting around for the day to end. Whoever is running the crew knows what they are doing. Mahalos!


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
My husband would give me heck if I was in a pretty little sports car and kicking up dust and gravel, it will ruin the nice yellow paint job!

I think the idea of lowering the speed on gravel roads while raising it on paved roads is a good idea, but law enforcement seems to be greatly lacking on the island. I don't think you could depend on them for enforcement of a speed limit on all those long gravel roads. Too many roads and to few officers.

Big wales (or marine ropes would work) placed in frequency helps considerably in keeping the speed lower. Sure I have seen the kids punch it between wales but when they only have 50' before another wale they get tired of that game real quick! This as well as lowering the speed limit could drastically reduce the issues.
That's funny, grade the roads so they're smooth and then add bumps. Why doesn't HPP just save money and not grade the unpaved roads? speed bumps will appear on their own
True story dwedeking!
There is a big difference between a crater that can swallow my little Scion whole and speed bumps, the grading is to get rid of potholes, there are still plenty of bumps. There used to be roads in HPP that were damn near impassable in anything lower than a pickup truck.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Having lived on an unpaved road for many years, I determined that road conditions were valid criteria when shopping for a vehicle.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Originally posted by JohnLuchau

I don't think it would be good to do a "witch hunt" for the complainers. John

To make it more appealing, how about the streets the complainers are living on, that way their identities are concealed.

Funny, I was never advised to buy my lots makai of the street, I got lucky I guess.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
@Carol - If it was me I think I'd live on a paved road with a scion lol. I'd be concerned that you'd never see a motor grader again after the state bk's the hoa for EPA violations (dust).

@oink - yep that's my take. I actually enjoy living 'off the beaten path' so it's 4x4 with clearance (not necessarily a monster truck though) from here on out.

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