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I am ready, willing, and able to sign up as soon as the website starts working.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
This might help...
2014/Obamacare/ACA local plan choices:

HMSA plan comparisons:
Kaiser plan comparisons: (click on 2014, put in zip code, click get a quote, put in birthdate, how many people in household, etc., all plans for your age and zip code will show up.

There are 5 Kaiser plans here and at least 10 HMSA plans for my zip code (HPP).

Neither site requires you to tell them who you are. It seems to be more user-friendly to research your options this way than researching the plans on the exchange. These are the direct prices. I found researching the plans on the hawaii connector site confusing.

When you do get to the exchange, these prices will come down if you're eligible for federal subsidy. If you're not eligible, the prices are the same. I haven't signed up yet. I just wanted to know what plans did what and if I didn't qualify, how much they'd cost.

IF YOU DON'T GET THE SUBSIDY, they cost the same amt. directly or through the exchange. YOU CANNOT GET THE SUBSIDY (govt help) UNLESS YOU BUY THROUGH THE EXCHANGE. Depending on your household income, you can get the prices down considerably, even to zero if you're eligible for Medicaid. It's all a sliding scale, based on household income and age.

Use the indiv. sites to research; use the exchange to buy.

What I'm wondering is how Kaiser is going to deal with an influx of new patients.
By some amazing coincidence, the pricing from both providers is remarkably similar.

Neither offers what I really need, and the cheapest insurance is still far more expensive than just paying the penalty. Also I would pay more to see my doctor than I do now... what a wonderful "system"...
It will take a while for the dust to clear...

It was reported they launched the website using "word press" and had lots of security holes

I looked at the website a while ago - seemed all they wanted was personal info and offered no details

a rate quote utility based on age and gender does not seem rocket science to me - a income vs subsidy utility not that hard either - cali was doing a good job in that regard - thats where I did get my particulars

where do they find these "managers and administrators" in the mean time I'd give that website a wide berth with my particulars .... bullwinkle j. moose maybe looking for a quote - but they wont get my data online.......
Yes: two years, and millions of dollars later, they've set up a wordpress site.

It sounds really bad until you find out it's far, far worse than that. Look carefully at some of the "free EHR" implementations -- not only do they fail to meet the "meaningful use" criteria, they're funded with Medicare grants.

If you want to check without signing in, the Kaiser Foundation has a subsidy calculator (though it's possible it might not be 100% accurate; for one thing, at least the HMSA silver plans are more expensive here):
I finally figured out the pricing, it was so simple I should have figured it before. Young males who are statistically very healthy and low on medical costs are subsidizing the price for sick, elderly, smokers(only x1.5 the cost, PLease.) and women. I happen to fall into that category so my pricing appears to me to be alarming, especially since I already could not afford insurance and had been negotiating my care on a per instance cash basis, you know- to pay student loans, taxes for war and the prices, oh the prices. So yeah, enjoy it folks, no doubt it wont be so nice when I am sick and elderly Sad Feel free to vote to forgive my generation's student loans for our useless degrees, we are already going to be paying for everything, so I feel like it would be the nice thing, whats a trillion to seventeen or more of them? They told me I was special dammit. :/ Go to school they said... >Sad Mind you I would be quite happy if I could just be left out of this losing game, is that an option? I miss being able to drive and buy food.

Aloha, Compassion, Tolerance, Peace.
Hawaii Health connector .......lots of smoke - but no fire
Yeah, there's smoke all right.

afwjam, my son is in the same situation. He works two different jobs during the year, both seasonal, but he works hard...long hours. No benefits, no insurance. So now he is forced to buy. Guess what! He doesn't make enough to buy insurance along with the rent, auto insurance, utilities. He's also healthy, pays cash when he sees any doctor.

I don't know what he is going to do Sad

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.

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