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FYI, There was a officer with a radar gun by the transfer station on 130 about 3:30pm today. The construction area speed reduction postings are in effect even if no construction is going on.
Here's what I need:
I bet if every car were equipped with something like that traffic stops for speeding would drop like a rock.
Obviously we do not know each other and I comment from afar since I am not yet a resident of East Hawaii, so it is with that liberty that I even comment, but I must. I read your sometimes rude and cruel remarks on so many topics and I am somehow disappointed that you chose Puna as your new home.

How irresponsible and utterly dangerous to others. Seems you like breaking the law when it suits you, just don't want others to do so without your prior approval? Maybe someone should "report" you, your vehicles and driving habits to the local authorities just like you do building code violators?

Alternative perspective - I lost a 28year old son to an automobile accident, leaving three beautiful granddaughters without their father. It was caused by debris in the roadway, at night, from a previous fender bender. He swerved, left the edge of the pavement and was airborne, flipping over and over. Thankfully, only his vehicle although there were cars behind him and oncoming across a median, which he crossed over as he was flipping.

Anyone who thinks it is okay to speed and endanger others is an irresponsible jerk and should not be allowed to carry a license or drive. That does not count the occasional, oh my I'm speeding, and then slowing down. It is all of you that almost boast about it. Some of your comments make me feel like your mission in life is to ruin Puna at any cost. Sad, very sad.

Originally posted by dragon2k

I drive 90ish from Volcano to Pahala and then 70ish from Pahala to Ocean View (except for that pesky hill after Na'alehu). I never tailgate, I always slow down to pass and only do so when there is plenty of room so no one has to white knuckle it. But when there is no one ahead of me - I go as fast as I want to. I rarely get a ticket, and when I do it's just the price of admission.

a m here
a m here
I'm very sorry to hear about your son, LatteLady49. I don't think you should be deterred from moving here for fear that you will find a speeding mecca or anything like that. If anything, speeding is far less an issue here than on the mainland, if only because the police seem to favor that form of traffic enforcement. That doesn't mean I consider the BI a relatively safe place for drivers. As others have mentioned before and I have mentioned repeatedly on this forum, the roadways here are designed badly, are antiquated, and other safety issues are not enforced at all it seems, like my pet peeve, driving at dusk with either no lights or only parking lights on, which renders cars almost invisible, especially in the rain. To my knowledge, that is not enforced at all, which still has me perplexed as to why. If at all possible, I would recommend not driving 130 during rush hour at all. Not only will it be safer, but you won't spend an hour and a half in your car instead of enjoying the island.
Hunt, We have a TomTom that does just that, but no audible. I try not to "test" it too often, tho'.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Originally posted by PaulW

"As far as speed limits (traps) being set for financial gain, count on it, they are 100%."

Why do people keep saying this? Is there any actual evidence? An official memo?

Because I retired from there, thus have the knowledge that it does happen. To those saying the State gets all the money from tickets, you are wrong, but its not about the ticket money.. You see each year it is determined just how many officers are needed to do the job. More tickets shows more need, more need shows more money from the State and Feds for law enforcement that comes thru many, many funds, grants etc. So they constantly are watching how many moving violations are done each week, and push for more to "bring the numbers up". They can't just go by criminal cases as they really don't have much control over that, but officers being tied up to enforce traffic, that they can control and contort any way they wish, and do. That's why they have seatbelt enforcement traps, using all Federal money and on overtime pay.

So to put it simply, anyone who thinks the Police Department does not get any money from ticketing people, is either delusional or uninformed.
Originally posted by ourdoc
That's why they have seatbelt enforcement traps, using all Federal money and on overtime pay.

I always wonder how something is a "trap" when all they are doing is enforcing a law that you should be following because IT'S THE LAW.

It's not a trap if you are doing something illegal.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
I think the issue is not speeding - but rather situational awareness - if one didnt see the cop ---- what if it was a loose cow crossing the road instead - at 90 it could be loss of driving privilege ticket or another fatality

thats why cops give tickets - imho
If the axis deer take hold people will really need to slow down, especially at night. It is amazing how much damage to the vehicle happens when it has a high speed impact with a deer.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Yes, Carol, so true! On the way back from the west side Saturday night, there was an axis deer laying dead in the center of the road. It sure brought back memories of the drives home after work on the mainland, constantly watching for deer!

Imagine slamming into one at the speeds some have mentioned on Punatalk. Or even trying to avoid one laying in your lane.

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.

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